PostgreSQL primary-standby failback tools : pg_rewind

20 minute read


将要加入PostgreSQL 9.5了

在数据库变得比较大时, 例如上TB, 如果部署了PostgreSQL primary-standby 流复制或者log shipping HA.

当发生了failover, old primary节点可能因为某些原因需要重新同步数据.

在广域网上, 由于网络异常也可能造成standby节点落后主节点, 导致需要重新同步数据.

小数据库重新同步数据很方便, 全量或者使用rsync增量同步都可以.

但是数据库很大的情况下, rsync也会变得非常慢, 而且大量消耗主机IO资源.

PostgreSQL 社区有提议在核心中加入通过wal文件解析, 达到增量同步到目的. 目前还在开发阶段.

目前已经有一个工具名为pg_rewind, 也是一个增量同步工具, 具体的做法是通过解析wal, 同步变更过的数据块. 仅仅支持9.3及以上版本. 因为需要data page checksum的支持.

原理如下 :

Theory of operation  
The basic idea is to copy everything from the new cluster to old, except   
for the blocks that we know to be the same.  
1. Scan the WAL log of the old cluster, starting from the point where  
the new cluster's timeline history forked off from the old cluster. For   
each WAL record, make a note of the data blocks that are touched. This   
yields a list of all the data blocks that were changed in the old   
cluster, after the new cluster forked off.  
2. Copy all those changed blocks from the new master to the old master.  
3. Copy all other files like clog, conf files etc. from the new cluster  
to old. Everything except the relation files.  
4. Apply the WAL from the new master, starting from the checkpoint  
created at failover. (pg_rewind doesn't actually apply the WAL, it just   
creates a backup label file indicating that when PostgreSQL is started,   
it will start replay from that checkpoint and apply all the required WAL)  

详细介绍参考此文 :

下面测试一下pg_rewind的强大功能. 测试中包含了standby节点promote后, 主节点和备节点都发生了变更的情况, 当然发生变更产生的wal必须存在. 如果old primary发生的变更已经在归档目录, 需要先手工将这些变更拷贝到pg_xlog目录. 备节点发生的变更无所谓, 因为可以通过recovery.conf来解决.

下载postgresql 9.3 :;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/REL9_3_STABLE


安装PostgreSQL 9.3

tar -zxvf postgresql-b5a20ab.tar.gz  
cd postgresql-b5a20ab  
./configure --prefix=/opt/pgsql9.3beta2 --with-pgport=1999 --with-perl --with-tcl --with-python --with-openssl --with-pam --without-ldap --with-libxml --with-libxslt --enable-thread-safety --with-wal-blocksize=16 && gmake && gmake install  
cd contrib/  
gmake && gmake install  

下载pg_rewind :


mv pg_rewind-master postgresql-b5a20ab/contrib/  
cd postgresql-b5a20ab/contrib/pg_rewind-master  
[root@db-172-16-3-33 pg_rewind-master]# export PATH=/opt/pgsql9.3beta2/bin:$PATH  
[root@db-172-16-3-33 pg_rewind-master]# which pg_config  
[root@db-172-16-3-33 pg_rewind-master]# gmake clean  
[root@db-172-16-3-33 pg_rewind-master]# gmake  
[root@db-172-16-3-33 pg_rewind-master]# gmake install  
[root@db-172-16-3-33 pg_rewind-master]# which pg_rewind  
[root@db-172-16-3-33 pg_rewind-master]# pg_rewind --help  
pg_rewind resynchronizes a cluster with another copy of the cluster.  
  pg_rewind [OPTION]...  
  -D, --target-pgdata=DIRECTORY  
                 existing data directory to modify  
                 source data directory to sync with  
                 source server to sync with  
  -v             write a lot of progress messages  
  -n, --dry-run  stop before modifying anything  
  -V, --version  output version information, then exit  
  -?, --help     show this help, then exit  
Report bugs to <xxx>.  

初始化数据库, 使用data page checksums

pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> initdb -D $PGDATA -E UTF8 --locale=C -W -U postgres -k  


vi pg_hba.conf  
host replication postgres md5  
host all all md5  
vi postgresql.conf  
listen_addresses = ''            # what IP address(es) to listen on;  
port = 1999                             # (change requires restart)  
max_connections = 100                   # (change requires restart)  
superuser_reserved_connections = 3      # (change requires restart)  
unix_socket_directories = '.'   # comma-separated list of directories  
unix_socket_permissions = 0700          # begin with 0 to use octal notation  
shared_buffers = 1024MB                 # min 128kB  
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB            # min 1MB  
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'         # (change requires restart)  
vacuum_cost_delay = 10                  # 0-100 milliseconds  
vacuum_cost_limit = 10000               # 1-10000 credits  
bgwriter_delay = 10ms                   # 10-10000ms between rounds  
wal_level = hot_standby                 # minimal, archive, or hot_standby  
synchronous_commit = off                # synchronization level;  
wal_sync_method = fdatasync             # the default is the first option  
wal_buffers = 16384kB                   # min 32kB, -1 sets based on shared_buffers  
wal_writer_delay = 10ms         # 1-10000 milliseconds  
checkpoint_segments = 32                # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each  
archive_mode = on               # allows archiving to be done  
archive_command = 'test ! -f /pgdata/digoal/1921/data03/pg93/pg_arch/%f && cp %p /pgdata/digoal/1921/data03/pg93/pg_arch/%f'# command to use to archive a logfile segment  
max_wal_senders = 32            # max number of walsender processes  
wal_keep_segments = 128         # in logfile segments, 16MB each; 0 disables  
hot_standby = on                        # "on" allows queries during recovery  
max_standby_archive_delay = 300s        # max delay before canceling queries  
max_standby_streaming_delay = 300s      # max delay before canceling queries  
wal_receiver_status_interval = 1s       # send replies at least this often  
hot_standby_feedback = on               # send info from standby to prevent  
random_page_cost = 1.5                  # same scale as above  
effective_cache_size = 128000MB  
log_destination = 'csvlog'              # Valid values are combinations of  
logging_collector = on          # Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog  
log_directory = 'pg_log'                # directory where log files are written,  
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' # log file name pattern,  
log_file_mode = 0600                    # creation mode for log files,  
log_truncate_on_rotation = on           # If on, an existing log file with the  
log_rotation_age = 1d                   # Automatic rotation of logfiles will  
log_rotation_size = 10MB                # Automatic rotation of logfiles will  
log_checkpoints = on  
log_connections = on  
log_disconnections = on  
log_error_verbosity = verbose           # terse, default, or verbose messages  
log_lock_waits = on                     # log lock waits >= deadlock_timeout  
log_statement = 'ddl'                   # none, ddl, mod, all  
log_timezone = 'PRC'  
autovacuum = on                 # Enable autovacuum subprocess?  'on'  
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0 # -1 disables, 0 logs all actions and  
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'  
timezone = 'PRC'  
lc_messages = 'C'                       # locale for system error message  
lc_monetary = 'C'                       # locale for monetary formatting  
lc_numeric = 'C'                        # locale for number formatting  
lc_time = 'C'                           # locale for time formatting  
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'  
pg_stat_statements.max = 1000  
pg_stat_statements.track = all  
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> cp $PGHOME/share/recovery.conf.sample $PGDATA/  
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> mv $PGDATA/recovery.conf.sample $PGDATA/recovery.done  
vi recovery.done  
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'  
standby_mode = on  
primary_conninfo = 'host= port=1999 user=postgres keepalives_idle=60'  


pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pg_ctl start  
server starting  
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"  
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1296  



略, 同主节点


略, 同主节点


mkdir -p $PGDATA  
chown pg93:pg93 $PGDATA  
chmod 700 $PGDATA  
su - pg93  


root@db-172-16-3-39-> su - pg93  
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> vi ~/.pgpass*:postgres:postgres  
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> chmod 400 ~/.pgpass   
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> pg_basebackup -D $PGDATA -F p -x -P -v -h -p 1999 -U postgres  
WARNING:  skipping special file "./.s.PGSQL.1999"  
transaction log start point: 0/2000028 on timeline 1  
WARNING:  skipping special file "./.s.PGSQL.1999"g_root/pg_subtrans/0000)  
36575/36575 kB (100%), 1/1 tablespace                                           
transaction log end point: 0/20000F0  
pg_basebackup: base backup completed  
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> cd $PGDATA  
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> mv recovery.done recovery.conf  
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> vi recovery.conf  
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'  
standby_mode = on  
primary_conninfo = 'host= port=1999 user=postgres keepalives_idle=60'                # e.g. 'host=localhost port=5432'  


pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> pg_ctl start  
server starting  
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"  
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1296  

主节点控制文件信息 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pg_controldata   
pg_control version number:            937  
Catalog version number:               201306121  
Database system identifier:           5908450106616519131  
Database cluster state:               in production  
pg_control last modified:             Mon 05 Aug 2013 10:31:56 AM CST  
Latest checkpoint location:           0/30007E8  
Prior checkpoint location:            0/3000710  
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    0/30007A8  
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file:    000000010000000000000003  
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       1  
Latest checkpoint's PrevTimeLineID:   1  
Latest checkpoint's full_page_writes: on  
Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0/1685  
Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          24576  
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  1  
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  0  
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID:        1674  
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID's DB:   1  
Latest checkpoint's oldestActiveXID:  1684  
Latest checkpoint's oldestMultiXid:   1  
Latest checkpoint's oldestMulti's DB: 1  
Time of latest checkpoint:            Mon 05 Aug 2013 10:31:56 AM CST  
Fake LSN counter for unlogged rels:   0/1  
Minimum recovery ending location:     0/0  
Min recovery ending loc's timeline:   0  
Backup start location:                0/0  
Backup end location:                  0/0  
End-of-backup record required:        no  
Current wal_level setting:            hot_standby  
Current max_connections setting:      100  
Current max_prepared_xacts setting:   0  
Current max_locks_per_xact setting:   64  
Maximum data alignment:               8  
Database block size:                  8192  
Blocks per segment of large relation: 131072  
WAL block size:                       16384  
Bytes per WAL segment:                16777216  
Maximum length of identifiers:        64  
Maximum columns in an index:          32  
Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:        1996  
Date/time type storage:               64-bit integers  
Float4 argument passing:              by value  
Float8 argument passing:              by value  
Data page checksum version:           1  

备节点控制文件信息 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> pg_controldata   
pg_control version number:            937  
Catalog version number:               201306121  
Database system identifier:           5908450106616519131  
Database cluster state:               in archive recovery  
pg_control last modified:             Mon 05 Aug 2013 10:31:39 AM CST  
Latest checkpoint location:           0/2000060  
Prior checkpoint location:            0/2000060  
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    0/2000028  
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file:    000000010000000000000002  
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       1  
Latest checkpoint's PrevTimeLineID:   1  
Latest checkpoint's full_page_writes: on  
Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0/1684  
Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          12815  
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  1  
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  0  
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID:        1674  
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID's DB:   1  
Latest checkpoint's oldestActiveXID:  1684  
Latest checkpoint's oldestMultiXid:   1  
Latest checkpoint's oldestMulti's DB: 1  
Time of latest checkpoint:            Mon 05 Aug 2013 10:28:59 AM CST  
Fake LSN counter for unlogged rels:   0/1  
Minimum recovery ending location:     0/20000F0  
Min recovery ending loc's timeline:   1  
Backup start location:                0/0  
Backup end location:                  0/0  
End-of-backup record required:        no  
Current wal_level setting:            hot_standby  
Current max_connections setting:      100  
Current max_prepared_xacts setting:   0  
Current max_locks_per_xact setting:   64  
Maximum data alignment:               8  
Database block size:                  8192  
Blocks per segment of large relation: 131072  
WAL block size:                       16384  
Bytes per WAL segment:                16777216  
Maximum length of identifiers:        64  
Maximum columns in an index:          32  
Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:        1996  
Date/time type storage:               64-bit integers  
Float4 argument passing:              by value  
Float8 argument passing:              by value  
Data page checksum version:           1  


1. 主节点

pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> psql  
psql (9.3beta2)  
Type "help" for help.  
digoal=# create table test (id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);  
digoal=# create or replace function func() returns void as $$  
digoal$# declare   
digoal$#   v_id int;  
digoal$# begin  
digoal$#   v_id := round(5000000*random());  
digoal$#   update test set info=md5(random()::text),crt_time=clock_timestamp() where id=v_id;  
digoal$#   if found then  
digoal$#     return;  
digoal$#   else  
digoal$#     insert into test values (v_id,md5(random()::text),clock_timestamp());  
digoal$#   end if;  
digoal$#   return;  
digoal$# end;  
digoal$# $$ language plpgsql strict;  
digoal=# select func();  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select * from test ;  
   id    |               info               |          crt_time            
 3554644 | c5aabfa68774a7bd9a623819537475c6 | 2013-08-05 10:39:49.304063  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select func();  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select * from test ;  
   id    |               info               |          crt_time            
 3554644 | c5aabfa68774a7bd9a623819537475c6 | 2013-08-05 10:39:49.304063  
 2856072 | ec17bc98163a1ac0cbcdeadd0b151607 | 2013-08-05 10:39:54.324455  
(2 rows)  


vi test.sql  
select func();  
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pgbench -M prepared -f ./test.sql -r -n -h $PGDATA -p 1999 -U postgres -c 16 -j 4 -T 10 digoal  
Client 13 aborted in state 0: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_pkey"  
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(3717357) already exists.  
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into test values (v_id,md5(random()::text),clock_timestamp())"  
PL/pgSQL function func() line 10 at SQL statement  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 16  
number of threads: 4  
duration: 10 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 419517  
tps = 41926.489602 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 42031.118850 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        0.376348        select func();  



pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> psql  
psql (9.3beta2)  
Type "help" for help.  
digoal=# select sum(hashtext(test.*::text)) from test;  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select count(*) from test ;  
(1 row)  


pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> psql  
psql (9.3beta2)  
Type "help" for help.  
digoal=# select sum(hashtext(test.*::text)) from test;  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select count(*) from test ;  
(1 row)  

2. 备节点


pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> pg_ctl promote  
server promoting  


vi test.sql  
select func();  
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> pgbench -M prepared -f ./test.sql -r -n -h $PGDATA -p 1999 -U postgres -c 16 -j 4 -T 10 digoal  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 16  
number of threads: 4  
duration: 10 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 378395  
tps = 37814.175846 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 37866.507340 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        0.419977        select func();  

备节点数据 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> psql  
psql (9.3beta2)  
Type "help" for help.  
digoal=# select sum(hashtext(test.*::text)) from test;  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select count(*) from test ;  
(1 row)  

3. 主节点


pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pgbench -M prepared -f ./test.sql -r -n -h $PGDATA -p 1999 -U postgres -c 16 -j 4 -T 10 digoal  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 16  
number of threads: 4  
duration: 10 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 399093  
tps = 39862.553184 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 39960.089273 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        0.398488        select func();  

主节点数据 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> psql  
psql (9.3beta2)  
Type "help" for help.  
digoal=# select sum(hashtext(test.*::text)) from test;  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select count(*) from test ;  
(1 row)  

4. 主节点变更为备节点, 一般可以通过rsync从新的主节点(来同步$PGDATA, 或者全新的pg_basebackup一次.



pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pg_ctl stop -m fast  
waiting for server to shut down..... done  
server stopped  


su - pg93  
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> vi .pgpass*:postgres:postgres  
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> chmod 400 .pgpass  


pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pg_rewind -D $PGDATA --source-server='host= port=1999 dbname=digoal' -v  
connected to remote server  
unexpected control file size 0, expected 8192  

多次切换时间线后, 出现如下错误

pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pg_rewind -D $PGDATA --source-server='host= port=1999 dbname=digoal' -v  
connected to remote server  
fetched file "global/pg_control", length 8192  
fetched file "pg_xlog/00000006.history", length 213  
could not find common ancestor of the source and target cluster's timelines  


         * Trace the history backwards, until we hit the target timeline.  
         * TODO: This assumes that there are no timeline switches on the target  
         * cluster after the fork.  
        for (i = nentries - 1; i >= 0; i--)  
                TimeLineHistoryEntry *entry = &sourceHistory[i];  
                fprintf(stdout, "nen:%d,srctli:%d,targettli:%d\n", i, entry->tli, targettli);  

重新编译pg_rewind, timeline.c代码有问题, 历史文件解析不正确. 如下 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> pg_rewind -D $PGDATA --source-server='host= port=1999 dbname=digoal' -v  
connected to remote server  
fetched file "global/pg_control", length 8192  
fetched file "pg_xlog/0000000B.history", length 419  
could not find common ancestor of the source and target cluster's timelines  


修改新的主库history文件, 把最后一行放上来即可. 但是紧接着又是前面的错误.unexpected control file size 0, expected 8192, 如下

pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> cd $PGDATA/pg_xlog  
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> vi 0000000B.history  
10      1/6000000       no recovery target specified  
1       0/92DCDD8       no recovery target specified  
2       0/1CB86338      no recovery target specified  
3       0/36E68A20      no recovery target specified  
4       0/569ADB88      no recovery target specified  
5       0/762CF5D8      no recovery target specified  
6       0/9F67C920      no recovery target specified  
7       0/A0000090      no recovery target specified  
8       1/3F535A0       no recovery target specified  
9       1/4000090       no recovery target specified  


pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> pg_rewind -D $PGDATA --source-server='host= port=1999 dbname=digoal' -v  
connected to remote server  
fetched file "global/pg_control", length 8192  
fetched file "pg_xlog/0000000B.history", length 419  
Last common WAL position: 1/6000000 on timeline 10  
Last common checkpoint at 1/6000000 on timeline 10  
error reading xlog record: record with zero length at 1/6000090  
.s.PGSQL.1999 (COPY)  
backup_label.old (COPY)  
recovery.done (COPY)  
pg_ident.conf (COPY)  
postmaster.opts (COPY)  
postgresql.conf (COPY)  
pg_hba.conf (COPY)  
.s.PGSQL.1999.lock (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112157.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_123414.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_101818.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134452.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112001.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134452.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_111642.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_110518.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134655.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_131517.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_103139.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_110518.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112902.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112001.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134523.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134523.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_104358.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112902.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_131517.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_130021.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_104358.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_103139.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_101818.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_113036.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_123414.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_123855.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112157.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134655.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_130021.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_113036.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_131316.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_111642.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_131316.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_123855.log (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134444.csv (COPY)  
pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134444.log (COPY)  
pg_subtrans/0047 (COPY)  
pg_notify/0000 (COPY)  
global/12696_vm (COPY)  
global/12700_vm (COPY)  
global/12707_fsm (COPY)  
global/12557_fsm (COPY)  
global/pg_internal.init (COPY)  
global/12700_fsm (COPY)  
global/pg_control (COPY)  
global/12711_fsm (COPY)  
global/12696_fsm (COPY)  
global/12557_vm (COPY)  
global/ (COPY)  
global/12707_vm (COPY)  
global/12711_vm (COPY)  
pg_xlog/00000008.history (COPY)  
pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006 (COPY)  
pg_xlog/00000009.history (COPY)  
pg_xlog/0000000A.history (COPY)  
pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005 (COPY)  
pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005 (COPY)  
pg_xlog/0000000B.history (COPY)  
pg_clog/0001 (COPY)  
pg_clog/0000 (COPY)  
pg_clog/0002 (COPY)  
pg_clog/0003 (COPY)  
pg_clog/0004 (COPY)  
pg_stat_tmp/db_16384.stat (COPY)  
pg_stat_tmp/global.stat (COPY)  
pg_stat_tmp/db_0.stat (COPY)  
pg_multixact/members/0000 (COPY)  
pg_multixact/offsets/0000 (COPY)  
base/12814/12641_vm (COPY)  
base/12814/12639_fsm (COPY)  
base/12814/12547_fsm (COPY)  
base/12814/12620_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12625_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12569_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12639_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12779_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12717_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12799_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12600_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12612_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12616_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12553_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12608_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12784_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12784_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12768_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12549_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12673_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12732_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12794_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12547_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12682_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12673_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12774_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12721_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12587_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12608_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12717_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12636_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12553_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12604_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12728_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12629_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12587_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12569_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12724_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12768_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12612_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12616_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12799_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12629_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12732_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12641_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12764_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12736_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12664_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12658_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12625_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12620_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12794_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/ (COPY)  
base/12809/12604_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12600_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12774_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12779_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12789_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12576_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12789_vm (COPY)  
base/12809/12736_fsm (COPY)  
base/12809/12664_vm (COPY)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000A0000000100000005.done (COPY)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000B.history.done (COPY)  
pg_stat/db_16384.stat (REMOVE)  
pg_stat/global.stat (REMOVE)  
pg_stat/db_0.stat (REMOVE)  
global/pg_stat_statements.stat (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F6 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/000000080000000100000003 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F7 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F8 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000006 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F4 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000FA (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F2 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/000000080000000100000002 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/000000090000000100000003 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000EF (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005.00000028.backup (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F9 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000FD (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000004 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000FC (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000EE (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/000000080000000100000000 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000FB (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F0 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/000000090000000100000004 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/000000080000000100000001 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F3 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000EE.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000FF.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F4.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000FA.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000FD.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F1.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/00000009.history.ready (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/000000090000000100000004.ready (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F2.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000EF.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000A0000000100000005.ready (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000A0000000100000004.ready (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000FB.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F3.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000A.history.ready (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000FE.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/000000080000000100000002.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/000000090000000100000003.ready (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000A0000000100000005.00000028.backup.ready (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F6.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F9.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F5.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/000000080000000100000000.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000FC.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/000000080000000100000003.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F8.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F7.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/000000080000000100000001.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/archive_status/0000000800000000000000F0.done (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F1 (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000FE (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000FF (REMOVE)  
pg_xlog/0000000800000000000000F5 (REMOVE)  
getting chunks: -- fetch all the blocks listed in the temp table.  
select path, begin,   
  pg_read_binary_file(path, begin, len) as chunk  
from fetchchunks  
sent query  
received chunk for file "backup_label.old", off 0, len 206  
received chunk for file "recovery.done", off 0, len 4759  
received chunk for file "pg_ident.conf", off 0, len 1636  
received chunk for file "postmaster.opts", off 0, len 32  
received chunk for file "postgresql.conf", off 0, len 20431  
received chunk for file "pg_hba.conf", off 0, len 4547  
received chunk for file ".s.PGSQL.1999.lock", off 0, len 64  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112157.csv", off 0, len 48110  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_123414.csv", off 0, len 10613  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112001.csv", off 0, len 8450  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134452.csv", off 0, len 968  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_111642.csv", off 0, len 22888  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_110518.csv", off 0, len 34844  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134655.csv", off 0, len 4932  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_131517.csv", off 0, len 70200  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_103139.csv", off 0, len 52611  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_112902.csv", off 0, len 2009  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134523.csv", off 0, len 12060  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_104358.csv", off 0, len 61220  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_130021.csv", off 0, len 13541  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_104358.log", off 0, len 7125  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_101818.csv", off 0, len 2719  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_113036.csv", off 0, len 15990  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_123855.csv", off 0, len 36541  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_131316.csv", off 0, len 3686  
received chunk for file "pg_log/postgresql-2013-08-05_134444.csv", off 0, len 968  
received chunk for file "pg_subtrans/0047", off 0, len 114688  
received chunk for file "pg_notify/0000", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "global/12696_vm", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "global/12700_vm", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "global/12707_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "global/12557_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "global/pg_internal.init", off 0, len 12784  
received chunk for file "global/12700_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "global/pg_control", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "global/12711_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "global/12696_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "global/12557_vm", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "global/", off 0, len 512  
received chunk for file "global/12707_vm", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "global/12711_vm", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/00000008.history", off 0, len 299  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 0, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 1000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 2000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 3000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 4000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 5000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 6000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 7000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 8000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 9000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 10000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 11000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 12000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 13000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 14000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 15000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000006", off 16000000, len 777216  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/00000009.history", off 0, len 334  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A.history", off 0, len 376  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 0, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 1000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 2000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 3000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 4000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 5000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 6000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 7000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 8000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 9000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 10000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 11000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 12000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 13000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 14000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 15000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B0000000100000005", off 16000000, len 777216  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 0, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 1000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 2000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 3000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 4000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 5000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 6000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 7000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 8000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 9000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 10000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 11000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 12000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 13000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 14000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 15000000, len 1000000  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000A0000000100000005", off 16000000, len 777216  
received chunk for file "pg_xlog/0000000B.history", off 0, len 419  
received chunk for file "pg_clog/0001", off 0, len 262144  
received chunk for file "pg_clog/0000", off 0, len 262144  
received chunk for file "pg_clog/0002", off 0, len 262144  
received chunk for file "pg_clog/0003", off 0, len 262144  
received chunk for file "pg_clog/0004", off 0, len 122880  
received chunk for file "pg_stat_tmp/db_16384.stat", off 0, len 3216  
received chunk for file "pg_stat_tmp/global.stat", off 0, len 471  
received chunk for file "pg_stat_tmp/db_0.stat", off 0, len 1188  
received chunk for file "pg_multixact/members/0000", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "pg_multixact/offsets/0000", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "base/12814/12641_vm", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "base/12814/12639_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "base/12814/12547_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "base/12814/12620_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "base/12814/12549_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "base/12809/12576_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "base/12809/12789_vm", off 0, len 8192  
received chunk for file "base/12809/12736_fsm", off 0, len 24576  
received chunk for file "base/12809/12664_vm", off 0, len 8192  

启动数据库, 无法启动 :

2013-08-05 13:52:04.424 CST,,,29312,,51ff3d84.7280,1,,2013-08-05 13:52:04 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"database system was interrupted; last known up at 2013-08-05 13:47:00 CST",,,,,,,,"StartupXLOG, xlog.c:4915",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:04.424 CST,,,29312,,51ff3d84.7280,2,,2013-08-05 13:52:04 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"entering standby mode",,,,,,,,"StartupXLOG, xlog.c:4968",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:04.424 CST,,,29312,,51ff3d84.7280,3,,2013-08-05 13:52:04 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"invalid checkpoint link in backup_label file",,,,,,,,"ReadCheckpointRecord, xlog.c:6364",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:04.424 CST,,,29312,,51ff3d84.7280,4,,2013-08-05 13:52:04 CST,,0,FATAL,XX000,"could not locate required checkpoint record",,"If you are not restoring from a backup, try removing the file ""/pgdata/digoal/1921/data03/pg93/pg_root/backup_label"".",,,,,,"StartupXLOG, xlog.c:5047",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:04.425 CST,,,29310,,51ff3d84.727e,1,,2013-08-05 13:52:04 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"startup process (PID 29312) exited with exit code 1",,,,,,,,"LogChildExit, postmaster.c:3211",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:04.425 CST,,,29310,,51ff3d84.727e,2,,2013-08-05 13:52:04 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"aborting startup due to startup process failure",,,,,,,,"reaper, postmaster.c:2536",""  

这个错误, 需要删除新的standby(老的primary)的backup_label文件.

rm -f $PGDATA/backup_label*  

启动数据库, 无法启动 :

pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> cat postgresql-2013-08-05_135236.csv  
2013-08-05 13:52:36.846 CST,,,29333,,51ff3da4.7295,1,,2013-08-05 13:52:36 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"database system was interrupted; last known up at 2013-08-05 13:47:00 CST",,,,,,,,"StartupXLOG, xlog.c:4915",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:36.846 CST,,,29333,,51ff3da4.7295,2,,2013-08-05 13:52:36 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"entering standby mode",,,,,,,,"StartupXLOG, xlog.c:4968",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:36.846 CST,,,29333,,51ff3da4.7295,3,,2013-08-05 13:52:36 CST,,0,FATAL,XX000,"invalid data in history file: 1   0/92DCDD8   no recovery target specified  
",,"Timeline IDs must be in increasing sequence.",,,,,,"readTimeLineHistory, timeline.c:158",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:36.846 CST,,,29331,,51ff3da4.7293,1,,2013-08-05 13:52:36 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"startup process (PID 29333) exited with exit code 1",,,,,,,,"LogChildExit, postmaster.c:3211",""  
2013-08-05 13:52:36.846 CST,,,29331,,51ff3da4.7293,2,,2013-08-05 13:52:36 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"aborting startup due to startup process failure",,,,,,,,"reaper, postmaster.c:2536",""  

因为前面修改了history文件, 改回来即可. (两台主机都需要修改, 以免后面再出问题)

pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> vi 0000000B.history   
pg93@db-172-16-3-39-> vi 0000000B.history   
1       0/92DCDD8       no recovery target specified  
2       0/1CB86338      no recovery target specified  
3       0/36E68A20      no recovery target specified  
4       0/569ADB88      no recovery target specified  
5       0/762CF5D8      no recovery target specified  
6       0/9F67C920      no recovery target specified  
7       0/A0000090      no recovery target specified  
8       1/3F535A0       no recovery target specified  
9       1/4000090       no recovery target specified  
10      1/6000000       no recovery target specified  

启动数据库, 复制正常.


1. 还有可能遇到值溢出的问题.

pg_xlog/0000000B000000010000001E (REMOVE)  
unexpected result while sending file list: ERROR:  value "2148254528" is out of range for type integer  
CONTEXT:  COPY fetchchunks, line 28557, column begin: "2148254528"  

来自以下函数 :

 * Fetch all changed blocks from remote source data directory.  
libpq_executeFileMap(filemap_t *map)  
        file_entry_t *entry;  
        const char *sql;  
        PGresult   *res;  
         * First create a temporary table, and load it with the blocks that  
         * we need to fetch.  
        sql = "create temporary table fetchchunks(path text, begin int4, len int4);";  
        res = PQexec(conn, sql);  
        if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)  
                fprintf(stderr, "error creating temporary table: %s\n",  
        sql = "copy fetchchunks from stdin";  
        res = PQexec(conn, sql);  
        if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COPY_IN)  
                fprintf(stderr, "unexpected result while sending file list: %s\n",  




Flag Counter

digoal’s 大量PostgreSQL文章入口