PostgreSQL pgbench tpcb 数据生成与SQL部分源码解读

4 minute read




本文为pgbench 内置tpcb的解读。




 * Create pgbench's standard tables  
static void  
initCreateTables(PGconn *con)  
         * The scale factor at/beyond which 32-bit integers are insufficient for  
         * storing TPC-B account IDs.  
         * Although the actual threshold is 21474, we use 20000 because it is  
         * easier to document and remember, and isn't that far away from the real  
         * threshold.  
#define SCALE_32BIT_THRESHOLD 20000  
         * Note: TPC-B requires at least 100 bytes per row, and the "filler"  
         * fields in these table declarations were intended to comply with that.  
         * The pgbench_accounts table complies with that because the "filler"  
         * column is set to blank-padded empty string. But for all other tables  
         * the columns default to NULL and so don't actually take any space.  We  
         * could fix that by giving them non-null default values.  However, that  
         * would completely break comparability of pgbench results with prior  
         * versions. Since pgbench has never pretended to be fully TPC-B compliant  
         * anyway, we stick with the historical behavior.  
        struct ddlinfo  
                const char *table;              /* table name */  
                const char *smcols;             /* column decls if accountIDs are 32 bits */  
                const char *bigcols;    /* column decls if accountIDs are 64 bits */  
                int                     declare_fillfactor;  
        static const struct ddlinfo DDLs[] = {  
                        "tid int,bid int,aid    int,delta int,mtime timestamp,filler char(22)",  
                        "tid int,bid int,aid bigint,delta int,mtime timestamp,filler char(22)",  
                        "tid int not null,bid int,tbalance int,filler char(84)",  
                        "tid int not null,bid int,tbalance int,filler char(84)",  
                        "aid    int not null,bid int,abalance int,filler char(84)",  
                        "aid bigint not null,bid int,abalance int,filler char(84)",  
                        "bid int not null,bbalance int,filler char(88)",  
                        "bid int not null,bbalance int,filler char(88)",  
        int                     i;  
        fprintf(stderr, "creating tables...\n");  
        for (i = 0; i < lengthof(DDLs); i++)  
                char            opts[256];  
                char            buffer[256];  
                const struct ddlinfo *ddl = &DDLs[i];  
                const char *cols;  
                /* Construct new create table statement. */  
                opts[0] = '\0';  
                if (ddl->declare_fillfactor)  
                        snprintf(opts + strlen(opts), sizeof(opts) - strlen(opts),  
                                         " with (fillfactor=%d)", fillfactor);  
                if (tablespace != NULL)  
                        char       *escape_tablespace;  
                        escape_tablespace = PQescapeIdentifier(con, tablespace,  
                        snprintf(opts + strlen(opts), sizeof(opts) - strlen(opts),  
                                         " tablespace %s", escape_tablespace);  
                cols = (scale >= SCALE_32BIT_THRESHOLD) ? ddl->bigcols : ddl->smcols;  
                snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "create%s table %s(%s)%s",  
                                 unlogged_tables ? " unlogged" : "",  
                                 ddl->table, cols, opts);  
                executeStatement(con, buffer);  

tpcb 记录数算法


#define nbranches       1                       /* Makes little sense to change this.  Change  
                                                                 * -s instead */  
#define ntellers        10  
#define naccounts       100000  


nbranches * scale  
ntellers * scale  
naccounts * scale  

3、如果要写入1万亿数据,那么设置 scale = 10000000


tellers = 1亿条  
branches = 1000万条  
accounts = 1万亿条  



         * fill branches, tellers, accounts in that order in case foreign keys  
         * already exist  
        for (i = 0; i < nbranches * scale; i++)  
                /* "filler" column defaults to NULL */  
                snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql),  
                                 "insert into pgbench_branches(bid,bbalance) values(%d,0)",  
                                 i + 1);  
                executeStatement(con, sql);  
        for (i = 0; i < ntellers * scale; i++)  
                /* "filler" column defaults to NULL */  
                snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql),  
                                 "insert into pgbench_tellers(tid,bid,tbalance) values (%d,%d,0)",  
                                 i + 1, i / ntellers + 1);  
                executeStatement(con, sql);  
         * accounts is big enough to be worth using COPY and tracking runtime  
        res = PQexec(con, "copy pgbench_accounts from stdin");  
        if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COPY_IN)  
                fprintf(stderr, "%s", PQerrorMessage(con));  
        for (k = 0; k < (int64) naccounts * scale; k++)  
                int64           j = k + 1;  
                /* "filler" column defaults to blank padded empty string */  
                snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql),  
                                 INT64_FORMAT "\t" INT64_FORMAT "\t%d\t\n",  
                                 j, k / naccounts + 1, 0);  
                if (PQputline(con, sql))  
                        fprintf(stderr, "PQputline failed\n");  
                 * If we want to stick with the original logging, print a message each  
                 * 100k inserted rows.  
                if ((!use_quiet) && (j % 100000 == 0))  
                        INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(diff, start);  
                        elapsed_sec = INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(diff);  
                        remaining_sec = ((double) scale * naccounts - j) * elapsed_sec / j;  
                        fprintf(stderr, INT64_FORMAT " of " INT64_FORMAT " tuples (%d%%) done (elapsed %.2f s, remaining %.2f s)\n",  
                                        j, (int64) naccounts * scale,  
                                        (int) (((int64) j * 100) / (naccounts * (int64) scale)),  
                                        elapsed_sec, remaining_sec);  
                /* let's not call the timing for each row, but only each 100 rows */  
                else if (use_quiet && (j % 100 == 0))  
                        INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(diff, start);  
                        elapsed_sec = INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(diff);  
                        remaining_sec = ((double) scale * naccounts - j) * elapsed_sec / j;  
                        /* have we reached the next interval (or end)? */  
                        if ((j == scale * naccounts) || (elapsed_sec >= log_interval * LOG_STEP_SECONDS))  
                                fprintf(stderr, INT64_FORMAT " of " INT64_FORMAT " tuples (%d%%) done (elapsed %.2f s, remaining %.2f s)\n",  
                                                j, (int64) naccounts * scale,  
                                                (int) (((int64) j * 100) / (naccounts * (int64) scale)), elapsed_sec, remaining_sec);  
                                /* skip to the next interval */  
                                log_interval = (int) ceil(elapsed_sec / LOG_STEP_SECONDS);  
        if (PQputline(con, "\\.\n"))  
                fprintf(stderr, "very last PQputline failed\n");  
        if (PQendcopy(con))  
                fprintf(stderr, "PQendcopy failed\n");  
        executeStatement(con, "commit");  

如果你要测试tpcb, 并且生成的数据量特别庞大(比如我最近在生成1万亿的CASE,实际上tellers, branches两张表也分别有1万千和1亿。),可以修改一下pgbench的源码,全部改成COPY协议。


tpcb 读写测试

\set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)  
\set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)  
\set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)  
\set delta random(-5000, 5000)  
UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;  
SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;  
UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;  
UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;  
INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);  

tpcb 只读测试

\set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)  
SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;  

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