Deepgreen(Greenplum) 多机部署测试 , TPC-H VS citus

16 minute read




1 环境

与之前测试citus的环境一致,9台ECS虚拟机。 digoal-citus-gpdb-test001 digoal-citus-gpdb-test002 digoal-citus-gpdb-test003 digoal-citus-gpdb-test004 digoal-citus-gpdb-test005 digoal-citus-gpdb-test006 digoal-citus-gpdb-test007 digoal-citus-gpdb-test008 digoal-citus-gpdb-test009  


# hostname -s  


CentOS 7 x64  
32 core  

2 配置OS (所有ECS)


# useradd postgres  
# passwd postgres  
pwd .......  


# mkdir /data01/dp  
# chown postgres:postgres /data01/dp  


# echo "PubkeyAuthentication yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config   
# systemctl restart sshd.service  


# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test001" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test002" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test003" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test004" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test005" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test006" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test007" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test008" >>/etc/hosts  
# echo " digoal-citus-gpdb-test009" >>/etc/hosts  

3 安装deepgreen软件 (master ECS)


# su - postgres  
$ wget  


$ chmod 700 deepgreendb.18.08.rh7.x86_64.180825.bin  


$ ./deepgreendb.18.08.rh7.x86_64.180825.bin  


$ vi ./deepgreendb/  
# 使用实际目录  
export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data01/dp/dg-1  
export PGHOST=  
export PGPORT=15432  
# 使用os用户名  
export PGUSER=postgres  
export PGPASSWORD=123  
export PGDATABASE=postgres  


$ . ./deepgreendb/  

6、编写HOST文件 (9台ECS的HOSTNAME写入) (用于配置、初始化deepgreen集群)

$ vi hostfile  

7、交换SSH KEY,配置KEY互信

$ gpssh-exkeys -f ./hostfile  
输入一次 pwd.......  

4 拷贝软件到其他ECS (master ECS)


$ tar -zcvf deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz deepgreendb.18.08.180825  


$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test002:~/  
$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test003:~/  
$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test004:~/  
$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test005:~/  
$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test006:~/  
$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test007:~/  
$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test008:~/  
$ scp deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz digoal-citus-gpdb-test009:~/  


$ gpssh -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test002 -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test003 -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test004 -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test005 -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test006 -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test007 -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test008 -h digoal-citus-gpdb-test009  
=> tar -zxvf deepgreendb.18.08.180825.tar.gz >/dev/null  
=> ln -s `pwd`/deepgreendb.18.08.180825 `pwd`/deepgreendb  

5 初始化deepgreen 数据库集群 (master ECS)


hostfile里面包含9台ECS hostname,如果master不想跑segment,则把它从hostfile删掉即可。

digoal-citus-gpdb-test001 作为 master节点


$ vi cluster.conf   
ARRAY_NAME="mpp1 cluster"  
CLUSTER_NAME="mpp1 cluster"  
declare -a DATA_DIRECTORY=(/data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp /data01/dp)  


gpinitsystem -c cluster.conf -h hostfile  

生成集群,一共144 segments


postgres=# select source,category,name,setting,unit from pg_settings where source<>'default' or name ~ '^gp_' or name ~ '^vitesse' order by source,category,name;
        source        |                       category                       |                    name                     |                                     setting                                      | unit 
 client               | Reporting and Logging / What to Log                  | application_name                            | psql                                                                             | 
 command line         | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | TimeZone                                    | PRC                                                                              | 
 command line         | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | timezone_abbreviations                      | Default                                                                          | 
 command line         | Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | listen_addresses                            | *                                                                                | 
 command line         | Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | port                                        | 15432                                                                            | 
 command line         | Preset Options                                       | gp_contentid                                | -1                                                                               | 
 command line         | Preset Options                                       | gp_dbid                                     | 1                                                                                | 
 command line         | Preset Options                                       | gp_num_contents_in_cluster                  | 144                                                                              | 
 command line         | Preset Options                                       | gp_standby_dbid                             | 0                                                                                | 
 command line         | Reporting and Logging / What to Log                  | log_timezone                                | PRC                                                                              | 
 configuration file   | Append-Only Tables                                   | max_appendonly_tables                       | 10000                                                                            | 
 configuration file   | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | DateStyle                                   | ISO, MDY                                                                         | 
 configuration file   | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | default_text_search_config                  | pg_catalog.english                                                               | 
 configuration file   | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | lc_messages                                 | en_US.utf8                                                                       | 
 configuration file   | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | lc_monetary                                 | en_US.utf8                                                                       | 
 configuration file   | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | lc_numeric                                  | en_US.utf8                                                                       | 
 configuration file   | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | lc_time                                     | en_US.utf8                                                                       | 
 configuration file   | Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | max_connections                             | 25                                                                               | 
 configuration file   | Developer Options                                    | gp_autostats_mode                           | ON_NO_STATS                                                                      | 
 configuration file   | Developer Options                                    | gp_autostats_on_change_threshold            | 2147483647                                                                       | 
 configuration file   | Developer Options                                    | gp_backup_directIO                          | off                                                                              | 
 configuration file   | Developer Options                                    | gp_backup_directIO_read_chunk_mb            | 20                                                                               | 
 configuration file   | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_connections_per_thread                   | 0                                                                                | 
 configuration file   | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_type                        | UDPIFC                                                                           | 
 configuration file   | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_segment_connect_timeout                  | 600                                                                              | s
 configuration file   | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_xliw_agent_enable                        | off                                                                              | 
 configuration file   | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_xliw_log_level                           | 8                                                                                | 
 configuration file   | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_xliw_unix_path                           | /tmp/xliwagent.socket                                                            | 
 configuration file   | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_xliw_worker_num                          | 2                                                                                | 
 configuration file   | Reporting and Logging / What to Log                  | log_autostats                               | off                                                                              | 
 configuration file   | Reporting and Logging / What to Log                  | log_statement                               | all                                                                              | 
 configuration file   | Resource Usage                                       | max_prepared_transactions                   | 250                                                                              | 
 configuration file   | Resource Usage / Free Space Map                      | max_fsm_pages                               | 200000                                                                           | 
 configuration file   | Resource Usage / Memory                              | gp_vmem_protect_limit                       | 8192                                                                             | 
 configuration file   | Resource Usage / Memory                              | shared_buffers                              | 4000                                                                             | 32kB
 configuration file   | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | gp_resqueue_memory_policy                   | eager_free                                                                       | 
 configuration file   | Statistics / ANALYZE Database Contents               | optimizer_analyze_root_partition            | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Append-Only Tables                                   | gp_appendonly_compaction_threshold          | 10                                                                               | 
 default              | Append-Only Tables                                   | gp_default_storage_options                  | appendonly=false,blocksize=32768,compresstype=none,checksum=true,orientation=row | 
 default              | Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults          | gp_command_count                            | 26                                                                               | 
 default              | Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults          | gp_connection_send_timeout                  | 3600                                                                             | 
 default              | Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults          | gp_role                                     | dispatch                                                                         | 
 default              | Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults          | gp_session_id                               | 505                                                                              | 
 default              | Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults          | gp_vmem_idle_resource_timeout               | 18000                                                                            | ms
 default              | Customized Options                                   | gp_hadoop_home                              |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | gp_hadoop_target_version                    | hadoop                                                                           | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.copy_dump                           |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_cpuname                             |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.dbgbreak_mask                       | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.enable                              | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_explain_verbosity                   | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.explain_verbosity                   | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.exttab_jit                          | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_jit_time                            | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.jit_time                            | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_log_level                           | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.log_level                           | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.motion_opt                          | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.partsel_opt                         | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_phi_home                            |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_plan_cost                           | 72                                                                               | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.plan_cost                           | 72                                                                               | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.print_tree                          | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_rev                                 | 7615c3b                                                                          | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.rev                                 | 7615c3b                                                                          | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.seqscan_using_pg_pool               | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.spill_max                           | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.stack_trace                         | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.support_dump                        |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.threshold                           | 100                                                                              | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.use_modified_utf8                   | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_version                             | Deepgreen DB 18.08 [rev 7615c3b on 2018-08-25]                                   | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.version                             | Deepgreen DB 18.08 [rev 7615c3b on 2018-08-25]                                   | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse_xdrive_port                         | 6868                                                                             | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.xdrive_port                         | 6868                                                                             | 
 default              | Customized Options                                   | vitesse.xliw                                | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Developer Options                                    | gp_autostats_mode_in_functions              | NONE                                                                             | 
 default              | Developer Options                                    | gp_debug_linger                             | 0                                                                                | s
 default              | Developer Options                                    | gp_reraise_signal                           | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Developer Options                                    | gp_workfile_compress_algorithm              | none                                                                             | 
 default              | Developer Options                                    | vitesse_dbgbreak_mask                       | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Developer Options                                    | vitesse_stack_trace                         | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Developer Options                                    | vitesse_use_modified_utf8                   | off                                                                              | 
 default              | External Tables                                      | gp_external_enable_exec                     | on                                                                               | 
 default              | External Tables                                      | gp_external_enable_filter_pushdown          | off                                                                              | 
 default              | External Tables                                      | gp_external_max_segs                        | 64                                                                               | 
 default              | External Tables                                      | gp_initial_bad_row_limit                    | 1000                                                                             | 
 default              | External Tables                                      | gp_max_csv_line_length                      | 1048576                                                                          | 
 default              | GPDB Error Handling                                  | gp_reject_percent_threshold                 | 300                                                                              | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_cached_segworkers_threshold              | 5                                                                                | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_filerep_ct_batch_size                    | 65536                                                                            | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_count             | 2                                                                                | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_idle              | 60                                                                               | s
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_interval          | 30                                                                               | s
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_fts_probe_interval                       | 60                                                                               | s
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_fts_probe_threadcount                    | 16                                                                               | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_fts_probe_timeout                        | 20                                                                               | s
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_hashjoin_tuples_per_bucket               | 5                                                                                | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_cache_future_packets        | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_debug_retry_interval        | 10                                                                               | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_deepmesh_path               | /tmp/dmagent.socket                                                              | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_default_rtt                 | 20                                                                               | ms
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_fc_method                   | LOSS                                                                             | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_hash_multiplier             | 2                                                                                | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_min_retries_before_timeout  | 100                                                                              | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_min_rto                     | 20                                                                               | ms
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_queue_depth                 | 4                                                                                | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_setup_timeout               | 7200                                                                             | s
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_snd_queue_depth             | 2                                                                                | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_tcp_listener_backlog        | 128                                                                              | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_timer_checking_period       | 20                                                                               | ms
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_timer_period                | 5                                                                                | ms
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_interconnect_transmit_timeout            | 3600                                                                             | s
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_max_packet_size                          | 8192                                                                             | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Array Tuning                    | gp_udp_bufsize_k                            | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Greenplum Database / Worker Process Identity         | gp_master_addr                              |                                                                        | 
 default              | Preset Options                                       | gp_max_partition_level                      | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Preset Options                                       | gp_max_slices                               | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Preset Options                                       | gp_server_version                           | 5.10.2+7615c3b build ga                                                          | 
 default              | Preset Options                                       | gp_server_version_num                       | 51002                                                                            | 
 default              | Query Tuning                                         | vitesse_threshold                           | 100                                                                              | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Other Planner Options                 | gp_enable_fast_sri                          | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Other Planner Options                 | gp_enable_predicate_propagation             | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Other Planner Options                 | gp_workfile_checksumming                    | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Other Planner Options                 | vitesse_enable                              | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants                | gp_motion_cost_per_row                      | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants                | gp_segments_for_planner                     | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_adjust_selectivity_for_outerjoins        | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_dynamic_partition_pruning                | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_agg_distinct                      | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_agg_distinct_pruning              | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_direct_dispatch                   | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_fallback_plan                     | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_groupext_distinct_gather          | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_groupext_distinct_pruning         | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_multiphase_agg                    | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_preunique                         | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_relsize_collection                | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_sequential_window_plans           | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_sort_distinct                     | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_enable_sort_limit                        | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_idf_deduplicate                          | auto                                                                             | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_statistics_pullup_from_child_partition   | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration          | gp_statistics_use_fkeys                     | on                                                                               | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_connect_avoid_duration             | 7200                                                                             | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_connect_failures                   | 5                                                                                | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_connect_timeout                    | 15                                                                               | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_from                               |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_smtp_password                      |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_smtp_server                        | localhost:25                                                                     | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_smtp_userid                        |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_email_to                                 |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_snmp_community                           | public                                                                           | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_snmp_monitor_address                     |                                                                                  | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging                                | gp_snmp_use_inform_or_trap                  | trap                                                                             | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging / What to Log                  | gp_gpperfmon_send_interval                  | 1                                                                                | 
 default              | Reporting and Logging / Where to Log                 | gp_log_format                               | csv                                                                              | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_resource_group_bypass                    | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_resource_group_cpu_limit                 | 0.9                                                                              | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_resource_group_cpu_priority              | 10                                                                               | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_resource_group_memory_limit              | 0.7                                                                              | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_resource_manager                         | queue                                                                            | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_safefswritesize                          | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_subtrans_warn_limit                      | 16777216                                                                         | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_workfile_limit_files_per_query           | 100000                                                                           | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_workfile_limit_per_query                 | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Resource Usage                                       | gp_workfile_limit_per_segment               | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Kernel Resources                    | gp_set_proc_affinity                        | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Memory                              | gp_max_databases                            | 16                                                                               | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Memory                              | gp_max_filespaces                           | 8                                                                                | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Memory                              | gp_max_local_distributed_cache              | 1024                                                                             | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Memory                              | gp_max_plan_size                            | 0                                                                                | kB
 default              | Resource Usage / Memory                              | gp_max_tablespaces                          | 16                                                                               | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Memory                              | gp_vmem_protect_segworker_cache_limit       | 500                                                                              | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | gp_resgroup_memory_policy                   | eager_free                                                                       | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | gp_resqueue_priority                        | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | gp_resqueue_priority_cpucores_per_segment   | 4                                                                                | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | gp_resqueue_priority_sweeper_interval       | 1000                                                                             | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | vitesse_index_mem                           | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | vitesse_spill_max                           | 0                                                                                | 
 default              | Resource Usage / Resources Management                | vitesse_spillz                              | 1                                                                                | 
 default              | Statistics / ANALYZE Database Contents               | gp_analyze_relative_error                   | 0.25                                                                             | 
 default              | Ungrouped                                            | gp_enable_gpperfmon                         | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Ungrouped                                            | gp_enable_query_metrics                     | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Ungrouped                                            | gp_instrument_shmem_size                    | 5120                                                                             | kB
 default              | Version and Platform Compatibility                   | gp_create_table_random_default_distribution | off                                                                              | 
 default              | Version and Platform Compatibility                   | gp_enable_exchange_default_partition        | off                                                                              | 
 environment variable | Resource Usage / Memory                              | max_stack_depth                             | 2048                                                                             | kB
 override             | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | lc_collate                                  | en_US.utf8                                                                       | 
 override             | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | lc_ctype                                    | en_US.utf8                                                                       | 
 override             | Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting   | server_encoding                             | UTF8                                                                             | 
 override             | Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior      | transaction_isolation                       | read committed                                                                   | 
 override             | Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior      | transaction_read_only                       | off                                                                              | 
 override             | Preset Options                                       | data_checksums                              | on                                                                               | 
(194 rows)

6 sf=200 tpc-h 测试


# su - postgres  
$ git clone  
$ cd gp_tpch  
$ make  
$ ln -s `pwd` /tmp/dss-data  
$ ./dbgen -s 200  
$ for i in `ls *.tbl`; do sed 's/|$//' $i > ${i/tbl/csv}; echo $i; done;  
$ SF=200  
$ mkdir dss/queries  
$ for q in `seq 1 22`  
    DSS_QUERY=dss/templates ./qgen -s $SF $q > dss/queries/$q.sql  
    sed 's/^select/explain select/' dss/queries/$q.sql > dss/queries/$q.explain.sql  
$ ./ ./results_gpdb ip port tpch-db tpch-user password {row|column|redshift|pg|pg10|citus}  
$ ./ ./results_gpdb 15432 postgres postgres pwd column  


2018-09-03 17:14:24 [1535966064] :     query 1 finished OK (3 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:14:28 [1535966068] :     query 2 finished OK (4 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:14:36 [1535966076] :     query 3 finished OK (7 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:14:38 [1535966078] :     query 4 finished OK (2 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:14:56 [1535966096] :     query 5 finished OK (17 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:14:57 [1535966097] :     query 6 finished OK (0 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:20 [1535966120] :     query 7 finished OK (23 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:26 [1535966126] :     query 8 finished OK (5 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:39 [1535966139] :     query 9 finished OK (12 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:43 [1535966143] :     query 10 finished OK (4 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:44 [1535966144] :     query 11 finished OK (1 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:48 [1535966148] :     query 12 finished OK (3 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:53 [1535966153] :     query 13 finished OK (4 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:15:58 [1535966158] :     query 14 finished OK (5 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:16:05 [1535966165] :     query 15 finished OK (6 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:16:11 [1535966171] :     query 16 finished OK (6 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:16:32 [1535966192] :     query 17 finished OK (20 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:16:38 [1535966198] :     query 18 finished OK (5 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:16:41 [1535966201] :     query 19 finished OK (3 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:16:47 [1535966207] :     query 20 finished OK (5 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:16:57 [1535966217] :     query 21 finished OK (9 seconds)  
2018-09-03 17:17:01 [1535966221] :     query 22 finished OK (4 seconds)  

7 1亿 tpc-b

pgbench -i -s 1000 -h -p 15432  


pgbench -M prepared -v -r -P 1 -c 20 -j 20 -T 120 -h -p 15432 -S   
transaction type: <builtin: select only>  
scaling factor: 1000  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 20  
number of threads: 20  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 22557  
latency average = 106.488 ms  
latency stddev = 38.781 ms  
tps = 187.690045 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 187.708953 (excluding connections establishing)  
script statistics:  
 - statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.005  \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)  
       106.464  SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;  


pgbench -M prepared -v -r -P 1 -c 1 -j 1 -T 120 -h -p 15432  
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>  
scaling factor: 1000  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 1  
number of threads: 1  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 2160  
latency average = 55.561 ms  
latency stddev = 23.515 ms  
tps = 17.997435 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 17.998340 (excluding connections establishing)  
script statistics:  
 - statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.004  \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)  
         0.001  \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)  
         0.001  \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)  
         0.001  \set delta random(-5000, 5000)  
         2.238  BEGIN;  
         2.927  UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;  
         8.060  SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;  
         3.537  UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;  
         2.357  UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;  
         3.992  INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);  
        32.442  END;  


greenplum VS citus

《PostgreSQL sharding : citus 系列2 - TPC-H》

《PostgreSQL sharding : citus 系列1 - 多机部署(含OLTP(TPC-B)测试)》


1、citus 适合oltp多一点,AP偏少的系统(如果有复杂的OLAP需求,必须write in sql , thinking in mapreduce, 或者使用greenplum生成的执行计划,把broadcase, remotion的动作割开,使用临时表代替来实现。)。



《PostgreSQL sharding : citus 系列3 - 窗口函数调用限制 与 破解之法》

《PostgreSQL sharding : citus 系列2 - TPC-H》

《PostgreSQL sharding : citus 系列1 - 多机部署(含OLTP(TPC-B)测试)》

《[未完待续] PostgreSQL MPP EXTENSION citus(分布式 sharding) 简明手册》

《PostgreSQL citus, Greenplum 分布式执行计划 DEBUG》

《[转载] TPCH 22条SQL语句分析》

《(TPC-H测试 SF=10,SF=200) PostgreSQL 11 vs 10 vs Deepgreen》

《TPC-H测试 - PostgreSQL 10 vs Deepgreen(Greenplum)》

《PostgreSQL 并行计算tpc-h测试和优化分析》

《Greenplum,HAWQ interval parser带来的问题 - TPCH 测试注意啦》

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