PostgreSQL Oracle兼容性之 时间相减得到NUMBER - timestamp-timestamp=numeric not interval

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Oracle 时间相减,得到的是一个浮点值N,代表N天。

PostgreSQL 时间相减,得到的是一个时间间隔类型,但是可以转换为一个浮点值。

Oracle 例子

SQL> select sysdate - to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;  

PostgreSQL 例子


postgres=# select now() - to_timestamp('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd');  
 501 days 19:01:15.950408  
(1 row)  


postgres=# select extract(epoch from now()-to_timestamp('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));  
(1 row)  


postgres=# select 43354846/86400;  
(1 row)  


 create or replace function ts_ts(timestamp, timestamp) returns float8 as $$  
   select extract(epoch from $1-$2)/86400;  
 $$ language sql strict immutable;  


postgres=# select ts_ts(now(),to_timestamp('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-hh'));  
(1 row)  

PG 内置的减号操作符


postgres=# \do -  
                                                                 List of operators  
   Schema   | Name |        Left arg type        |       Right arg type        |         Result type         |             Description               
 pg_catalog | -    | abstime                     | reltime                     | abstime                     | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | aclitem[]                   | aclitem                     | aclitem[]                   | remove ACL item  
 pg_catalog | -    | anyrange                    | anyrange                    | anyrange                    | range difference  
 pg_catalog | -    | bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint                      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | bigint                      | integer                     | bigint                      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | bigint                      | smallint                    | bigint                      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | box                         | point                       | box                         | subtract point from box (translate)  
 pg_catalog | -    | circle                      | point                       | circle                      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | date                        | date                        | integer                     | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | date                        | integer                     | date                        | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | date                        | interval                    | timestamp without time zone | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | double precision            | double precision            | double precision            | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | double precision            | real                        | double precision            | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | inet                        | bigint                      | inet                        | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | inet                        | inet                        | bigint                      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | integer                     | bigint                      | bigint                      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | integer                     | integer                     | integer                     | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | integer                     | smallint                    | integer                     | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | interval                    | interval                    | interval                    | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | jsonb                       | integer                     | jsonb                       | delete array element  
 pg_catalog | -    | jsonb                       | text                        | jsonb                       | delete object field  
 pg_catalog | -    | jsonb                       | text[]                      | jsonb                       | delete object fields  
 pg_catalog | -    | money                       | money                       | money                       | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | numeric                     | numeric                     | numeric                     | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | path                        | point                       | path                        | subtract (translate path)  
 pg_catalog | -    | pg_lsn                      | pg_lsn                      | numeric                     | minus  
 pg_catalog | -    | point                       | point                       | point                       | subtract points (translate)  
 pg_catalog | -    | real                        | double precision            | double precision            | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | real                        | real                        | real                        | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | smallint                    | bigint                      | bigint                      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | smallint                    | integer                     | integer                     | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint                    | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | timestamp without time zone | integer                     | timestamp without time zone | subtract integer from timestamp  
 pg_catalog | -    | timestamp without time zone | interval                    | timestamp without time zone | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | timestamp without time zone | numeric                     | timestamp without time zone | subtract numeric from timestamp  
 pg_catalog | -    | timestamp without time zone | timestamp without time zone | interval                    | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | timestamp with time zone    | interval                    | timestamp with time zone    | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | timestamp with time zone    | timestamp with time zone    | interval                    | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | time without time zone      | interval                    | time without time zone      | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | time without time zone      | time without time zone      | interval                    | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    | time with time zone         | interval                    | time with time zone         | subtract  
 pg_catalog | -    |                             | bigint                      | bigint                      | negate  
 pg_catalog | -    |                             | double precision            | double precision            | negate  
 pg_catalog | -    |                             | integer                     | integer                     | negate  
 pg_catalog | -    |                             | interval                    | interval                    | negate  
 pg_catalog | -    |                             | numeric                     | numeric                     | negate  
 pg_catalog | -    |                             | real                        | real                        | negate  
 pg_catalog | -    |                             | smallint                    | smallint                    | negate  


《PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之 - round interval》

《PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性 之 NUMTODSINTERVAL》

《PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之 - timestamp + numeric》

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