ETL for Oracle to PostgreSQL 2 - Pentaho Data Integrator (PDI, kettle)

3 minute read



Migration (schema + data) from one database to another can easily be done with Pentaho ETL. It’s an opensource software and I personally recommend you to take a look at.

Steps for migration are very simple:

1) Create a New Job

2) Create Source Database Connection

3) Create Destination Database Connection

4) From Wizard menu, choose Copy Tables Wizard…

5) Choose Source and Destination

6) Run the task

Bulk Loader

除了使用普通的insert方法,Kettle可以借助PostgreSQL psql command实现COPY写入,速度提升明显


The PostgreSQL bulk loader is an experimental step in which we will to stream data from inside Kettle to the psql command using “COPY DATA FROM STDIN” into the database.
This way of loading data offers the best of both worlds : the performance of a bulk load and the flexibility of a Pentaho Data Integration transformation.

Make sure to check out the “#Set up authentication” section below!

Note: This step does not work with a JNDI defined connection, only JDBC is supported.
Note: This step does not support timestamps at the moment (5.3). Timestamps should be converted to Date before this step. Using timestamps results in null-values in the table.


Option | Description
Step name|Name of the step. Note: This name has to be unique in a single transformation.
Connection|Name of the database connection on which the target table resides. Note: The password of this database connection is not used, see below in the “#Set up authentication” section! Since PDI-1901 is fixed in 3.2.3, the username of the connection is used and added to the -U parameter, otherwise the logged in user acount would be taken.
Target schema|The name of the Schema for the table to write data to. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with dots ‘.’ in it.
Target table|Name of the target table.
psql path|Full path to the psql utility.
Load action|Insert, Truncate. Insert inserts, truncate first truncates the table. Note: Don’t use ‘Truncate’ when you are running the transformation clustered or multiple step copies! In this case, truncate the table before the transformation starts, for example in a job.
Fields to load | This table contains a list of fields to load data from, properties include: Table field: Table field to be loaded in the PostgreSQL table; Stream field: Field to be taken from the incoming rows; Date mask: Either “Pass through, “Date” or “DateTime”, determines how date/timestamps will be loaded in PostgreSQL.

Metadata Injection Support

All fields of this step support metadata injection. You can use this step with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your transformation at runtime.

Set Up Authentication

“psql” doesn’t allow you to specify the password. Here is a part of the connection options:

Connection options:
-h HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory (default: “/var/run/postgresql”)
-p PORT database server port (default: “5432”)
-U NAME database user name (default: “matt” - if you are not Matt:
Since PDI 3.2.3 the username of the connection is taken, see PDI-1901.)
-W prompt for password (should happen automatically)

As you can see there is no way to specify a password for the database. It will always prompt for a password on the console no matter what.

To overcome this you need to set up trusted authentication on the PostgreSQL server.

To make this happen, change the pg_hba.conf file (on my box this is /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf) and add a line like this:

host    all         all        trust  

This basically means that everyone from the network (mask can log into postgres on all databases with any username. If you are running Kettle on the same server, change it to localhost:

host    all         all        trust  

This is much safer of-course. Make sure you don’t invite any strangers onto your PostgreSQL database!

TIP! Make sure to restart your database server after you made this change




export PGPASSFILE="/home/digoal/.pgpass"  
vi /home/digoal/.pgpass  
chmod 400 /home/digoal/.pgpass  


export PGPORT=5432  
export PGDATABASE=digoal  
export PGUSER=digoal  
export PGPASSWORD=pwd  


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