PostgreSQL 11 preview - 多阶段并行聚合array_agg, string_agg

3 minute read



《PostgreSQL 10 自定义并行计算聚合函数的原理与实践 - (含array_agg合并多个数组为单个一元数组的例子)》



postgres=# explain select count(id) from generate_series(1,100) id;  
                                      QUERY PLAN                                         
 Gather  (cost=1012.50..1012.61 rows=1 width=8)  
   Workers Planned: 1  
   Single Copy: true  
   ->  Aggregate  (cost=12.50..12.51 rows=1 width=8)  
         ->  Function Scan on generate_series id  (cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=4)  
(5 rows)  


postgres=# explain select string_agg(id::text,',') from t_only;  
                                  QUERY PLAN                                    
 Gather  (cost=230056.09..230056.20 rows=1 width=32)  
   Workers Planned: 1  
   Single Copy: true  
   ->  Aggregate  (cost=229056.09..229056.10 rows=1 width=32)  
         ->  Seq Scan on t_only  (cost=0.00..154055.62 rows=10000062 width=4)  
(5 rows)  
postgres=# explain select array_agg(id) from t_only;  
                                  QUERY PLAN                                    
 Gather  (cost=180055.78..180055.89 rows=1 width=32)  
   Workers Planned: 1  
   Single Copy: true  
   ->  Aggregate  (cost=179055.78..179055.79 rows=1 width=32)  
         ->  Seq Scan on t_only  (cost=0.00..154055.62 rows=10000062 width=4)  
(5 rows)  



《HybridDB PostgreSQL “Sort、Group、distinct 聚合、JOIN” 不惧怕数据倾斜的黑科技和原理 - 多阶段聚合》

《Postgres-XC customized aggregate introduction》

《Greenplum 最佳实践 - 估值插件hll的使用(以及hll分式聚合函数优化)》


以下patch针对array_agg, string_agg实现了combinefunction,可以支持多阶段并行聚合。

While working on partial aggregation a few years ago, I didn't really  
think it was worthwhile allowing partial aggregation of string_agg and  
array_agg. I soon realised that I was wrong about that and allowing  
parallelisation of these aggregates still could be very useful when  
many rows are filtered out during the scan.  
Some benchmarks that I've done locally show that parallel string_agg  
and array_agg do actually perform better, despite the fact that the  
aggregate state grows linearly with each aggregated item. Obviously,  
the performance will get even better when workers are filtering out  
rows before aggregation takes place, so it seems worthwhile doing  
this. However, the main reason that I'm motivated to do this is that  
there are more uses for partial aggregation other than just parallel  
aggregation, and it seems a shame to disable all these features if a  
single aggregate does not support partial mode.  
I've attached a patch which implements all this. I've had most of it  
stashed away for a while now, but I managed to get some time this  
weekend to get it into a more completed state.  
Things are now looking pretty good for the number of aggregates that  
support partial mode.  
Just a handful of aggregates now don't support partial aggregation;  
postgres=# select aggfnoid from pg_aggregate where aggcombinefn=0 and  
(5 rows)  
... and a good number do support it;  
postgres=# select count(*) from pg_aggregate where aggcombinefn<>0 and  
(1 row)  
There's probably no reason why the last 5 of those couldn't be done  
either, it might just require shifting a bit more work into the final  
functions, although, I'm not planning on that for this patch.  
As for the patch; there's a bit of a quirk in the implementation of  
string_agg. We previously always threw away the delimiter that belongs  
to the first aggregated value, but we do now need to keep that around  
so we can put it in between two states in the combine function. I  
decided the path of least resistance to do this was just to borrow  
StringInfo's cursor variable to use as a pointer to the state of the  
first value and put the first delimiter before that. Both the  
string_agg(text) and string_agg(bytea) already have a final function,  
so we just need to skip over the bytes up until the cursor position to  
get rid of the first delimiter. I could go and invent some new state  
type to do the same, but I don't really see the trouble with what I've  
done with StringInfo, but I'll certainly listen if someone else thinks  
this is wrong.  
Another thing that I might review later about this is seeing about  
getting rid of some of the code duplication between  
array_agg_array_combine and accumArrayResultArr.  
I'm going to add this to PG11's final commitfest rather than the  
January 'fest as it seems more like a final commitfest type of patch.  
 David Rowley           
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services  


《PostgreSQL 10 自定义并行计算聚合函数的原理与实践 - (含array_agg合并多个数组为单个一元数组的例子)》

《HybridDB PostgreSQL “Sort、Group、distinct 聚合、JOIN” 不惧怕数据倾斜的黑科技和原理 - 多阶段聚合》

《Postgres-XC customized aggregate introduction》

《Greenplum 最佳实践 - 估值插件hll的使用(以及hll分式聚合函数优化)》

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