PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之 - rowid (CREATE TABLE WITH OIDS)

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PostgreSQL rowid - sequence 唯一标识

create table tbl (rowid serial8 not null, c1 int, c2 int);  
create unique index idx_tbl_1 on tbl(rowid);  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# select * from tbl;  
 rowid | c1 | c2   
     1 |  1 |  2  
     2 |  1 |  2  
     3 |  1 |  2  
(3 rows)  

PostgreSQL rowid - IDENTITY 唯一标识(适用于PostgreSQL 10+)

create table tbl (rowid int8 GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY not null, c1 int, c2 int);  
create unique index idx_tbl_1 on tbl(rowid);  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# select * from tbl;  
 rowid | c1 | c2   
     1 |  1 |  2  
     2 |  1 |  2  
     3 |  1 |  2  
(3 rows)  

PostgreSQL rowid - oids 唯一标识(oid只有32位,记录数超过40亿的单表,不适用)

postgres=# \dT oid  
                      List of data types  
   Schema   | Name |                Description                  
 pg_catalog | oid  | object identifier(oid), maximum 4 billion  
(1 row)  


postgres=# create table tbl (c1 int, c2 int) with oids;  
postgres=# create unique index idx_tbl_oid on tbl(oid);  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 16412 1  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 16413 1  
postgres=# insert into tbl (c1,c2) values (1,2);  
INSERT 16414 1  
postgres=# select oid,* from tbl;  
  oid  | c1 | c2   
 16412 |  1 |  2  
 16413 |  1 |  2  
 16414 |  1 |  2  
(3 rows)  


EDB的最大特点就是ORACLE兼容性, ROWID不在话下,使用的是OID来实现的ROWID。	default_with_rowids
Parameter Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Range: {true | false}
Minimum Scope of Effect: Per session
When Value Changes Take Effect: Immediate
Required Authorization to Activate: Session user
When set to on, CREATE TABLE includes a ROWID column in newly created tables, which can then be referenced in SQL commands.

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