PostgreSQL 事件触发器应用 - DDL审计记录 + 异步通知(notify)

9 minute read




结合PostgreSQL的notify, listen的消息通道功能,在DDL执行后可以立即通知到监听对应CHANNEL的程序。



Description: define a new event trigger    
    ON event    
    [ WHEN filter_variable IN (filter_value [, ... ]) [ AND ... ] ]    
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE function_name()    



ddl_command_start, ddl_command_end, table_rewrite and sql_drop    


1.1 ddl_command_end


Name Type Description
classid Oid OID of catalog the object belongs in
objid Oid OID of the object in the catalog
objsubid integer Object sub-id (e.g. attribute number for columns)
command_tag text command tag
object_type text Type of the object
schema_name text Name of the schema the object belongs in, if any; otherwise NULL. No quoting is applied.
object_identity text Text rendering of the object identity, schema-qualified. Each and every identifier present in the identity is quoted if necessary.
in_extension bool whether the command is part of an extension script
command pg_ddl_command A complete representation of the command, in internal format. This cannot be output directly, but it can be passed to other functions to obtain different pieces of information about the command.

1.2 sql_drop


Name Type Description
classid Oid OID of catalog the object belonged in
objid Oid OID the object had within the catalog
objsubid int32 Object sub-id (e.g. attribute number for columns)
original bool Flag used to identify the root object(s) of the deletion
normal bool Flag indicating that there’s a normal dependency relationship in the dependency graph leading to this object
is_temporary bool Flag indicating that the object was a temporary object.
object_type text Type of the object
schema_name text Name of the schema the object belonged in, if any; otherwise NULL. No quoting is applied.
object_name text Name of the object, if the combination of schema and name can be used as a unique identifier for the object; otherwise NULL. No quoting is applied, and name is never schema-qualified.
object_identity text Text rendering of the object identity, schema-qualified. Each and every identifier present in the identity is quoted if necessary.
address_names text[] An array that, together with object_type and address_args, can be used by the pg_get_object_address() to recreate the object address in a remote server containing an identically named object of the same kind.
address_args text[] Complement for address_names above.

1.3 table_rewrite


Name Return Type Description
pg_event_trigger_table_rewrite_oid() Oid The OID of the table about to be rewritten.
pg_event_trigger_table_rewrite_reason() int The reason code(s) explaining the reason for rewriting. The exact meaning of the codes is release dependent.


create schema pgaudit;  
grant USAGE on schema pgaudit to public;  
create table pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end (    
  event text,    
  tag text,    
  username name default current_user,    
  datname name default current_database(),    
  client_addr inet default inet_client_addr(),    
  client_port int default inet_client_port(),    
  crt_time timestamp default now(),    
  classid oid,    
  objid oid,    
  objsubid int,    
  command_tag text,    
  object_type text,    
  schema_name text,    
  object_identity text,    
  is_extension bool,    
  xid bigint default txid_current()  
create table pgaudit.audit_sql_drop (    
  event text,    
  tag text,    
  username name default current_user,    
  datname name default current_database(),    
  client_addr inet default inet_client_addr(),    
  client_port int default inet_client_port(),    
  crt_time timestamp default now(),    
  classid oid,    
  objid oid,    
  objsubid int,    
  original bool,    
  normal bool,    
  is_temporary bool,    
  object_type text,    
  schema_name text,    
  object_name text,    
  object_identity text,    
  address_names text[],    
  address_args text[],    
  xid bigint default txid_current()   
create table pgaudit.audit_table_rewrite (    
  event text,    
  tag text,    
  username name default current_user,    
  datname name default current_database(),    
  client_addr inet default inet_client_addr(),    
  client_port int default inet_client_port(),    
  crt_time timestamp default now(),    
  table_rewrite_oid oid,    
  table_rewrite_reason int,    
  xid bigint default txid_current()  
grant select,update,delete,insert,truncate on pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end to public;    
grant select,update,delete,insert,truncate on pgaudit.audit_sql_drop to public;    
grant select,update,delete,insert,truncate on pgaudit.audit_table_rewrite to public;    


create or replace function pgaudit.et_ddl_command_end() returns event_trigger as $$    
  insert into pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end (event, tag, classid, objid, objsubid, command_tag, object_type, schema_name, object_identity, is_extension )    
    select TG_EVENT, TG_TAG,      
      classid, objid, objsubid, command_tag, object_type, schema_name, object_identity, in_extension from    
  exception when others then  --	ERROR:  22004: null values cannot be formatted as an SQL identifier  
$$ language plpgsql strict;    
create or replace function pgaudit.et_sql_drop() returns event_trigger as $$    
  insert into pgaudit.audit_sql_drop (event, tag, classid, objid, objsubid, original, normal, is_temporary, object_type, schema_name, object_name, object_identity, address_names, address_args)    
    select TG_EVENT, TG_TAG,  
      classid, objid, objsubid, original, normal, is_temporary, object_type, schema_name, object_name, object_identity, address_names, address_args from    
  exception when others then  --	ERROR:  22004: null values cannot be formatted as an SQL identifier  
$$ language plpgsql strict;    
create or replace function pgaudit.et_table_rewrite() returns event_trigger as $$    
  insert into pgaudit.audit_table_rewrite (event, tag, table_rewrite_oid, table_rewrite_reason)     
    select TG_EVENT, TG_TAG,      
  exception when others then  --	ERROR:  22004: null values cannot be formatted as an SQL identifier  
$$ language plpgsql strict;    


CREATE EVENT TRIGGER et_ddl_command_end on ddl_command_end EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgaudit.et_ddl_command_end();    
CREATE EVENT TRIGGER et_sql_drop on sql_drop EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgaudit.et_sql_drop();    
CREATE EVENT TRIGGER et_table_rewrite on table_rewrite EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgaudit.et_table_rewrite();    


5.1、 ddl_command_end

create or replace function pgaudit.tg1() returns trigger as $$  
  v_class_nsp name;  
  v_class_name name;  
  v_obj json;  
  select t2.nspname,t1.relname into v_class_nsp,v_class_name from pg_class t1,pg_namespace t2 where t1.oid=NEW.classid and t1.relnamespace=t2.oid;  
  execute format('select row_to_json(t) from %I.%I t where oid=%s', v_class_nsp, v_class_name, NEW.objid) into v_obj;  
  -- raise notice 'CLASS_NSP:%, CLASS_NAME:%, OBJ:%, CONTENT:%', v_class_nsp, v_class_name, v_obj, row_to_json(NEW);  
  perform pg_notify('ddl_event', format('CLASS_NSP:%s, CLASS_NAME:%s, OBJ:%s, CONTENT:%s', v_class_nsp, v_class_name, v_obj, row_to_json(NEW)));  
  return null;  
$$ language plpgsql strict;  
create trigger tg1 after insert on pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end for each row execute procedure pgaudit.tg1();  

5.2、 sql_drop

create or replace function pgaudit.tg2() returns trigger as $$  
  v_class_nsp name;  
  v_class_name name;  
  v_obj json;  
  select t2.nspname,t1.relname into v_class_nsp,v_class_name from pg_class t1,pg_namespace t2 where t1.oid=NEW.classid and t1.relnamespace=t2.oid;  
  execute format('select row_to_json(t) from %I.%I t where oid=%s', v_class_nsp, v_class_name, NEW.objid) into v_obj;  
  -- raise notice 'CLASS_NSP:%, CLASS_NAME:%, OBJ:%, CONTENT:%', v_class_nsp, v_class_name, v_obj, row_to_json(NEW);  
  perform pg_notify('ddl_event', format('CLASS_NSP:%s, CLASS_NAME:%s, OBJ:%s, CONTENT:%s', v_class_nsp, v_class_name, v_obj, row_to_json(NEW)));  
  return null;  
$$ language plpgsql strict;  
create trigger tg2 after insert on pgaudit.audit_sql_drop for each row execute procedure pgaudit.tg2();  

5.3、 table_rewrite

create or replace function pgaudit.tg3() returns trigger as $$  
  -- raise notice 'TABLE:%, CONTENT:%', (NEW.table_rewrite_oid)::regclass, row_to_json(NEW);  
  perform pg_notify('ddl_event', format('TABLE:%s, CONTENT:%s', (NEW.table_rewrite_oid)::regclass, row_to_json(NEW)));  
  return null;  
$$ language plpgsql strict;  
create trigger tg3 after insert on pgaudit.audit_table_rewrite for each row execute procedure pgaudit.tg3();  



\c template1 postgres    
-- 在模板库,执行第二到第四步。    


postgres=# create database db1 template template1;    



postgres=# \c db1 test    
You are now connected to database "db1" as user "test".    
db1=> create table tbl(id int);    


db1=> insert into tbl select generate_series(1,100);    
INSERT 0 100    


db1=> alter table tbl add column info text default 'abc';    


db1=> drop table tbl;    


db1=> select * from pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end ;    
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+---------------------------    
event           | ddl_command_end    
tag             | CREATE TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:05:39.459787    
classid         | 1259    
objid           | 33212    
objsubid        | 0    
command_tag     | CREATE TABLE    
object_type     | table    
schema_name     | public    
object_identity | public.tbl    
is_extension    | f    
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+---------------------------    
event           | ddl_command_end    
tag             | ALTER TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:05:59.781995    
classid         | 1259    
objid           | 33212    
objsubid        | 0    
command_tag     | ALTER TABLE    
object_type     | table    
schema_name     | public    
object_identity | public.tbl    
is_extension    | f    
db1=> select * from pgaudit.audit_sql_drop ;    
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+--------------------------------    
event           | sql_drop    
tag             | DROP TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:06:08.22198    
classid         | 1259    
objid           | 33212    
objsubid        | 0    
original        | t    
normal          | f    
is_temporary    | f    
object_type     | table    
schema_name     | public    
object_name     | tbl    
object_identity | public.tbl    
address_names   | {public,tbl}    
address_args    | {}    
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+--------------------------------    
event           | sql_drop    
tag             | DROP TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:06:08.22198    
classid         | 2604    
objid           | 33215    
objsubid        | 0    
original        | f    
normal          | f    
is_temporary    | f    
object_type     | default value    
schema_name     |     
object_name     |     
object_identity | for    
address_names   | {public,tbl,info}    
address_args    | {}    
-[ RECORD 3 ]---+--------------------------------    
event           | sql_drop    
tag             | DROP TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:06:08.22198    
classid         | 1247    
objid           | 33214    
objsubid        | 0    
original        | f    
normal          | f    
is_temporary    | f    
object_type     | type    
schema_name     | public    
object_name     | tbl    
object_identity | public.tbl    
address_names   | {public.tbl}    
address_args    | {}    
-[ RECORD 4 ]---+--------------------------------    
event           | sql_drop    
tag             | DROP TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:06:08.22198    
classid         | 1247    
objid           | 33213    
objsubid        | 0    
original        | f    
normal          | f    
is_temporary    | f    
object_type     | type    
schema_name     | public    
object_name     | _tbl    
object_identity | public.tbl[]    
address_names   | {public.tbl[]}    
address_args    | {}    
-[ RECORD 5 ]---+--------------------------------    
event           | sql_drop    
tag             | DROP TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:06:08.22198    
classid         | 1259    
objid           | 33222    
objsubid        | 0    
original        | f    
normal          | f    
is_temporary    | f    
object_type     | toast table    
schema_name     | pg_toast    
object_name     | pg_toast_33212    
object_identity | pg_toast.pg_toast_33212    
address_names   | {pg_toast,pg_toast_33212}    
address_args    | {}    
-[ RECORD 6 ]---+--------------------------------    
event           | sql_drop    
tag             | DROP TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:06:08.22198    
classid         | 1259    
objid           | 33224    
objsubid        | 0    
original        | f    
normal          | f    
is_temporary    | f    
object_type     | index    
schema_name     | pg_toast    
object_name     | pg_toast_33212_index    
object_identity | pg_toast.pg_toast_33212_index    
address_names   | {pg_toast,pg_toast_33212_index}    
address_args    | {}    
-[ RECORD 7 ]---+--------------------------------    
event           | sql_drop    
tag             | DROP TABLE    
username        | test    
datname         | db1    
client_addr     |     
client_port     |     
crt_time        | 2017-09-25 16:06:08.22198    
classid         | 1247    
objid           | 33223    
objsubid        | 0    
original        | f    
normal          | f    
is_temporary    | f    
object_type     | type    
schema_name     | pg_toast    
object_name     | pg_toast_33212    
object_identity | pg_toast.pg_toast_33212    
address_names   | {pg_toast.pg_toast_33212}    
address_args    | {}    
db1=> select * from pgaudit.audit_table_rewrite ;    
     event     |     tag     | username | datname | client_addr | client_port |          crt_time          | table_rewrite_oid | table_rewrite_reason     
 table_rewrite | ALTER TABLE | test     | db1     |             |             | 2017-09-25 16:05:59.781995 |             33212 |                    2    
(1 row)    

10、 使用listen监听异步消息

postgres=# listen ddl_event;  
Asynchronous notification "ddl_event" with payload "CLASS_NSP:pg_catalog, CLASS_NAME:pg_class, OBJ:, CONTENT:{"event":"sql_drop","tag":"DROP TABLE","username":"postgres","datname":"postgres","client_addr":null,"client_port":null,"crt_time":"2018-03-13T15:27:22.792129","classid":"1259","objid":"1596751","objsubid":0,"original":true,"normal":false,"is_temporary":false,"object_type":"table","schema_name":"public","object_name":"a","object_identity":"public.a","address_names":["public","a"],"address_args":[],"xid":372671943}" received from server process with PID 51884.  
Asynchronous notification "ddl_event" with payload "CLASS_NSP:pg_catalog, CLASS_NAME:pg_type, OBJ:, CONTENT:{"event":"sql_drop","tag":"DROP TABLE","username":"postgres","datname":"postgres","client_addr":null,"client_port":null,"crt_time":"2018-03-13T15:27:22.792129","classid":"1247","objid":"1596753","objsubid":0,"original":false,"normal":false,"is_temporary":false,"object_type":"type","schema_name":"public","object_name":"a","object_identity":"public.a","address_names":["public.a"],"address_args":[],"xid":372671943}" received from server process with PID 51884.  
Asynchronous notification "ddl_event" with payload "CLASS_NSP:pg_catalog, CLASS_NAME:pg_type, OBJ:, CONTENT:{"event":"sql_drop","tag":"DROP TABLE","username":"postgres","datname":"postgres","client_addr":null,"client_port":null,"crt_time":"2018-03-13T15:27:22.792129","classid":"1247","objid":"1596752","objsubid":0,"original":false,"normal":false,"is_temporary":false,"object_type":"type","schema_name":"public","object_name":"_a","object_identity":"public.a[]","address_names":["public.a[]"],"address_args":[],"xid":372671943}" received from server process with PID 51884.  
Asynchronous notification "ddl_event" with payload "CLASS_NSP:pg_catalog, CLASS_NAME:pg_class, OBJ:, CONTENT:{"event":"sql_drop","tag":"DROP TABLE","username":"postgres","datname":"postgres","client_addr":null,"client_port":null,"crt_time":"2018-03-13T15:27:22.792129","classid":"1259","objid":"1596754","objsubid":0,"original":false,"normal":false,"is_temporary":false,"object_type":"toast table","schema_name":"pg_toast","object_name":"pg_toast_1596751","object_identity":"pg_toast.pg_toast_1596751","address_names":["pg_toast","pg_toast_1596751"],"address_args":[],"xid":372671943}" received from server process with PID 51884.  
Asynchronous notification "ddl_event" with payload "CLASS_NSP:pg_catalog, CLASS_NAME:pg_class, OBJ:, CONTENT:{"event":"sql_drop","tag":"DROP TABLE","username":"postgres","datname":"postgres","client_addr":null,"client_port":null,"crt_time":"2018-03-13T15:27:22.792129","classid":"1259","objid":"1596756","objsubid":0,"original":false,"normal":false,"is_temporary":false,"object_type":"index","schema_name":"pg_toast","object_name":"pg_toast_1596751_index","object_identity":"pg_toast.pg_toast_1596751_index","address_names":["pg_toast","pg_toast_1596751_index"],"address_args":[],"xid":372671943}" received from server process with PID 51884.  
Asynchronous notification "ddl_event" with payload "CLASS_NSP:pg_catalog, CLASS_NAME:pg_type, OBJ:, CONTENT:{"event":"sql_drop","tag":"DROP TABLE","username":"postgres","datname":"postgres","client_addr":null,"client_port":null,"crt_time":"2018-03-13T15:27:22.792129","classid":"1247","objid":"1596755","objsubid":0,"original":false,"normal":false,"is_temporary":false,"object_type":"type","schema_name":"pg_toast","object_name":"pg_toast_1596751","object_identity":"pg_toast.pg_toast_1596751","address_names":["pg_toast.pg_toast_1596751"],"address_args":[],"xid":372671943}" received from server process with PID 51884.  

PG 9.4的例子

create schema pgaudit;  
grant USAGE on schema pgaudit to public;  
create extension hstore SCHEMA pgaudit;    
create table pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end (   
  event text,    
  tag text,    
  username name default current_user,    
  datname name default current_database(),    
  client_addr inet default inet_client_addr(),    
  client_port int default inet_client_port(),    
  crt_time timestamp default now(),    
  ctx pgaudit.hstore,   
  xid bigint default txid_current()   
create table pgaudit.audit_sql_drop (    
  event text,    
  tag text,    
  username name default current_user,    
  datname name default current_database(),    
  client_addr inet default inet_client_addr(),    
  client_port int default inet_client_port(),    
  crt_time timestamp default now(),    
  classid oid,    
  objid oid,    
  objsubid int,    
  object_type text,    
  schema_name text,    
  object_name text,    
  object_identity text,   
  xid bigint default txid_current()   
grant select,update,delete,insert,truncate on pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end to public;  
grant select,update,delete,insert,truncate on pgaudit.audit_sql_drop to public;  
create or replace function pgaudit.ef_ddl_command_end() returns event_trigger as $$    
  rec pgaudit.hstore;    
  select pgaudit.hstore(pg_stat_activity.*) into rec from pg_stat_activity where pid=pg_backend_pid();    
  insert into pgaudit.audit_ddl_command_end (event, tag, ctx) values (TG_EVENT, TG_TAG, rec);    
$$ language plpgsql strict;    
create or replace function pgaudit.ef_sql_drop() returns event_trigger as $$    
  insert into pgaudit.audit_sql_drop (event, tag, classid, objid, objsubid, object_type, schema_name, object_name, object_identity)    
    select TG_EVENT, TG_TAG, classid, objid, objsubid, object_type, schema_name, object_name, object_identity from     
   -- exception when others then    
   --   return;    
$$ language plpgsql strict;    
create event trigger ef_ddl_command_end on ddl_command_end execute procedure pgaudit.ef_ddl_command_end();    
create event trigger ef_sql_drop on sql_drop execute procedure pgaudit.ef_sql_drop();    


1、本文以PG 10为例,介绍了通过事件触发器,审计DDL的功能。(其他版本可能需要略微修改。)


《PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之 - 事件触发器实现类似Oracle的回收站功能》

《PostgreSQL 事件触发器 - DDL审计 , DDL逻辑复制 , 打造DDL统一管理入》

《PostgreSQL 事件触发器 - PostgreSQL 9.3 Event Trigger》


Flag Counter

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