人分九等,数有阶梯 - PostgreSQL 阶品(颗粒)分析函数width_bucket, kmean应用

9 minute read








第五等:仁人。善良、纯净,急民之所需,痛民之所痛。 愿意放弃优越生活,去支援贫苦百姓的人。
































PostgreSQL kmeans插件:

《K-Means 数据聚集算法》

一、分类利器1 width_bucket


淘宝店铺每天都有点击率,销量数据。对淘宝店铺在100 ~ 5000次浏览量均匀划分为10个等级,低于100为0等,高于5000为11等。


create table test(    
  sid int,   -- 店铺ID    
  cnt_date date,  -- 日期    
  cnt int,  -- 浏览量    
  primary key (sid,cnt_date)  -- 主键约束    


vi test.sql    
\set cnt random_gaussian(0,10000,4)    
\set sid random(1,10000000)    
insert into test values (:sid, '2017-07-15', :cnt) on conflict (sid,cnt_date) do nothing;    


pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 120    


在100 ~ 5000次浏览量均匀划分为10个等级,低于100为0等,高于5000为11等。

postgres=# select sid, cnt_date, cnt, width_bucket(cnt, 100, 5000, 10) as wb from test limit 10;    
   sid   |  cnt_date  | cnt  | wb     
 1799658 | 2017-07-15 | 5708 | 11    
 9549703 | 2017-07-15 | 5016 | 11    
 2122532 | 2017-07-15 | 4413 |  9    
 7663952 | 2017-07-15 | 6199 | 11    
 7047657 | 2017-07-15 | 5655 | 11    
 8485951 | 2017-07-15 | 6902 | 11    
 5135164 | 2017-07-15 | 5929 | 11    
 5592226 | 2017-07-15 | 4213 |  9    
 3389938 | 2017-07-15 | 4091 |  9    
 1372024 | 2017-07-15 | 5505 | 11    
(10 rows)    
postgres=# select width_bucket(cnt, 100, 5000, 10) as wb, count(*) from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15' group by 1 order by 1;    
 wb |  count      
  0 |     129    
  1 |    1635    
  2 |    6368    
  3 |   21686    
  4 |   62661    
  5 |  155530    
  6 |  332831    
  7 |  610253    
  8 |  961658    
  9 | 1303200    
 10 | 1517335    
 11 | 4975181    
(12 rows)    


select wb, cnt, round(100*(cnt/(sum(cnt) over ())), 2)||' %' as ratio from     
  (select width_bucket(cnt, 100, 5000, 10) as wb, count(*) cnt from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15' group by 1) t order by wb;    
 wb |   cnt   |  ratio      
  0 |     129 | 0.00 %    
  1 |    1635 | 0.02 %    
  2 |    6368 | 0.06 %    
  3 |   21686 | 0.22 %    
  4 |   62661 | 0.63 %    
  5 |  155530 | 1.56 %    
  6 |  332831 | 3.35 %    
  7 |  610253 | 6.13 %    
  8 |  961658 | 9.67 %    
  9 | 1303200 | 13.10 %    
 10 | 1517335 | 15.25 %    
 11 | 4975181 | 50.01 %    
(12 rows)    



[100, 500)    
postgres=# select width_bucket(cnt, array[100,500,1000,2000,5000,8000]) as wb, count(*) as cnt from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15' group by 1 order by 1;    
 wb |   cnt      
  0 |     129    
  1 |    1152    
  2 |    5245    
  3 |   74644    
  4 | 4892116    
  5 | 4893590    
  6 |   81591    
(7 rows)    
select wb, cnt, round(100*(cnt/(sum(cnt) over ())), 2)||' %' as ratio from     
  (select width_bucket(cnt, array[100,500,1000,2000,5000,8000]) as wb, count(*) as cnt from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15' group by 1) t order by wb;    
 wb |   cnt   |  ratio      
  0 |     129 | 0.00 %    
  1 |    1152 | 0.01 %    
  2 |    5245 | 0.05 %    
  3 |   74644 | 0.75 %    
  4 | 4892116 | 49.17 %    
  5 | 4893590 | 49.19 %    
  6 |   81591 | 0.82 %    
(7 rows)    

二、分类利器2 kmeans

请参考 《K-Means 数据聚集算法》 了解背景知识以及PostgreSQL kmeans插件。



postgres=# select sid,cnt_date,cnt,kmeans(array[cnt], 10) over (order by cnt) k from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15' limit 10;    
   sid   |  cnt_date  | cnt  | k     
 1799658 | 2017-07-15 | 5708 | 6    
 9549703 | 2017-07-15 | 5016 | 5    
 2122532 | 2017-07-15 | 4413 | 3    
 7663952 | 2017-07-15 | 6199 | 7    
 7047657 | 2017-07-15 | 5655 | 6    
 8485951 | 2017-07-15 | 6902 | 8    
 5135164 | 2017-07-15 | 5929 | 6    
 5592226 | 2017-07-15 | 4213 | 3    
 3389938 | 2017-07-15 | 4091 | 3    
 1372024 | 2017-07-15 | 5505 | 5    
(10 rows)    
postgres=# select k, count(*) as cnt from (select sid,cnt_date,cnt,kmeans(array[cnt], 10) over (order by cnt) k from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15') t group by 1 order by 1;    
 k |   cnt       
 0 |  244257    
 1 |  674861    
 2 | 1084717    
 3 | 1399515    
 4 | 1569936    
 5 | 1568358    
 6 | 1399082    
 7 | 1087206    
 8 |  675811    
 9 |  244724    
(10 rows)    


postgres=# select sid,cnt_date,cnt,kmeans(array[cnt], 6, array[100,500,1000,2000,5000,8000]) over (order by cnt) k from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15' limit 10;    
   sid   |  cnt_date  | cnt  | k     
 1799658 | 2017-07-15 | 5708 | 3    
 9549703 | 2017-07-15 | 5016 | 3    
 2122532 | 2017-07-15 | 4413 | 2    
 7663952 | 2017-07-15 | 6199 | 4    
 7047657 | 2017-07-15 | 5655 | 3    
 8485951 | 2017-07-15 | 6902 | 5    
 5135164 | 2017-07-15 | 5929 | 4    
 5592226 | 2017-07-15 | 4213 | 2    
 3389938 | 2017-07-15 | 4091 | 1    
 1372024 | 2017-07-15 | 5505 | 3    
(10 rows)    
postgres=# select k, count(*) as cnt from (select sid,cnt_date,cnt,kmeans(array[cnt], 6, array[100,500,1000,2000,5000,8000]) over (order by cnt) k from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15') t group by 1 order by 1;    
 k |   cnt       
 0 |  731010    
 1 | 1788146    
 2 | 2428678    
 3 | 2438930    
 4 | 1813311    
 5 |  748392    
(6 rows)    


select k, cnt, round(100*(cnt/(sum(cnt) over ())), 2)||' %' as ratio from     
  (select k, count(*) as cnt from (select sid,cnt_date,cnt,kmeans(array[cnt], 10) over (order by cnt) k from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15') t group by 1) t order by k;    
 k |   cnt   |  ratio      
 0 |  244257 | 2.46 %    
 1 |  674861 | 6.78 %    
 2 | 1084717 | 10.90 %    
 3 | 1399515 | 14.07 %    
 4 | 1569936 | 15.78 %    
 5 | 1568358 | 15.76 %    
 6 | 1399082 | 14.06 %    
 7 | 1087206 | 10.93 %    
 8 |  675811 | 6.79 %    
 9 |  244724 | 2.46 %    
(10 rows)    
select k, cnt, round(100*(cnt/(sum(cnt) over ())), 2)||' %' as ratio from     
  (select k, count(*) as cnt from (select sid,cnt_date,cnt,kmeans(array[cnt], 6, array[0,100,500,2000,5000,10000]) over (order by cnt) k from test where cnt_date='2017-07-15') t group by 1) t order by k;    
 k |   cnt   |  ratio      
 0 |  731010 | 7.35 %    
 1 | 1788146 | 17.97 %    
 2 | 2428678 | 24.41 %    
 3 | 2438930 | 24.52 %    
 4 | 1813311 | 18.23 %    
 5 |  748392 | 7.52 %    
(6 rows)    


PostgreSQL 2008年发布的8.4版本,添加了对窗口函数的支持。其中ntile用于求按指定列排序时当前记录在窗口中的阶级位置,row_number则用于求精确位置。还有求并列位置、带GAP的并列位置、相对位置的窗口函数。


Function Return Type Description
row_number() bigint number of the current row within its partition, counting from 1
rank() bigint rank of the current row with gaps; same as row_number of its first peer
dense_rank() bigint rank of the current row without gaps; this function counts peer groups
percent_rank() double precision relative rank of the current row: (rank - 1) / (total partition rows - 1)
cume_dist() double precision cumulative distribution: (number of partition rows preceding or peer with current row) / total partition rows
ntile(num_buckets integer) integer integer ranging from 1 to the argument value, dividing the partition as equally as possible
lag(value anyelement [, offset integer [, default anyelement ]]) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead return default (which must be of the same type as value). Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to null
lead(value anyelement [, offset integer [, default anyelement ]]) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows after the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead return default (which must be of the same type as value). Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to null
first_value(value any) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is the first row of the window frame
last_value(value any) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is the last row of the window frame
nth_value(value any, nth integer) same type as value returns value evaluated at the row that is the nth row of the window frame (counting from 1); null if no such row






When the desired output is categorical in nature, we use classification methods to build a model that predicts which of the various categories a new result would fall into. The goal of classification is to be able to correctly label incoming records with the correct class for the record.

Example: If we had data that described various demographic data and other features of individuals applying for loans, and we had historical data that included what past loans had defaulted, then we could build a model that described the likelihood that a new set of demographic data would result in a loan default. In this case, the categories are “will default” or “won’t default” which are two discrete classes of output.


When the desired output is continuous in nature, we use regression methods to build a model that predicts the output value.

Example: If we had data that described properties of real estate listings, then we could build a model to predict the sale value for homes based on the known characteristics of the houses. This is a regression problem because the output response is continuous in nature, rather than categorical.


Here we are trying to identify groups of data such that the items within one cluster are more similar to each other than they are to the items in any other cluster.

Example: In customer segmentation analysis, the goal is to identify specific groups of customers that behave in a similar fashion, so that various marketing campaigns can be designed to reach these markets. When the customer segments are known in advance this would be a supervised classification task. When we let the data itself identify the segments, this becomes a clustering task.

Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is similar to clustering in that it attempts to identify clusters of documents that are similar to each other, but it is more specific to the text domain where it is also trying to identify the main themes of those documents.

Association Rule Mining

Also called market basket analysis or frequent itemset mining, this is attempting to identify which items tend to occur together more frequently than random chance would indicate, suggesting an underlying relationship between the items.

Example: In an online web store, association rule mining can be used to identify what products tend to be purchased together. This can then be used as input into a product recommendation engine to suggest items that may be of interest to the customer and provide upsell opportunities.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics don’t provide a model and thus are not considered a learning method. However, they can be helpful in providing information to an analyst to understand the underlying data, and can provide valuable insights into the data that may influence choice of data model.

Example: Calculating the distribution of data within each variable of a dataset can help an analyst understand which variables should be treated as categorical variables, and which should be treated as continuous variables, including the sort of distribution the values fall in.


Using a model without understanding the accuracy of that model can lead to a poor outcome. For that reason, it is important to understand the error of a model and to evaluate the model for accuracy on test data. Frequently in data analysis, a separation is made between training data and test data solely for the purpose of providing statistically valid analysis of the validity of the model, and assessment that the model is not over-fitting the training data. N-fold cross validation is also frequently utilized.


1、Oracle width_bucket不支持数组,只支持均匀分布透视,不支持非均匀分布的数据透视。


而使用PostgreSQL width_bucket数组解决这个问题。例如 array[300, 400, 520, 580, 630, 690] 这样可以根据实际情况进行透视,出来的透视结果是比较有意义的。


3、PostgreSQL 支持生成正态分布,随机分布,泊松分布的测试数据,便于测试。











《K-Means 数据聚集算法》

《生成泊松、高斯、指数、随机分布数据 - PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature - pg_bench improve, gaussian (standard normal) & exponential distribution》

《PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature - width_bucket return the bucket number》

《PostgreSQL FDW mongo_fdw usage》

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