奔跑吧,大屏 - 时间+空间 实时四维数据透视

9 minute read



随着物联网的发展,数据的产生越来越快。比如马路的汽车通过数据,用户的驻留数据,水纹传感器的数据,电商的FEED数据,网约车的轨迹数据 等等。



《流计算风云再起 - PostgreSQL携PipelineDB力挺IoT》

《时序数据库有哪些特点? TimescaleDB时序数据库介绍》

《ApsaraDB的左右互搏(PgSQL+HybridDB+OSS) - 解决OLTP+OLAP混合需求》


1. 展示最新的传感器TOP VALUE数据。

2. 选择时间轴,按区域,展示人流量。


1 输出所有传感器上报的最新值


《时序数据合并场景加速分析和实现 - 复合索引,窗口分组查询加速,变态递归加速》



create unlogged table sort_test(  
  id serial8 primary key,          -- 自增主键  
  s_id int,                        -- 传感器ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- 传感器值  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- 上报时间  


postgres=# insert into sort_test (s_id,val) select random()*10000, random()*100 from generate_series(1,10000000);  
INSERT 0 10000000  


postgres=# create index idx_test on sort_test using btree(s_id,id desc);  


create type r as (s_id int, val numeric(10,2));  -- 复合类型  
with recursive skip as (    
    select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test where s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
  union all    
    select (  
      select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test t where t.s_id>(s.r).s_id and t.s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.r).s_id is not null  
  )               -- 这里的where (s.r).s_id is not null 一定要加, 否则就死循环了.   
select (t.r).s_id, (t.r).val from skip t where t.* is not null;   



 s_id  |  val    
     0 | 83.55  
     1 | 91.62  
     2 | 72.70  
     3 | 45.46  
     4 | 99.97  
     5 | 17.04  
     6 |  8.96  
     7 | 25.83  
     8 | 28.10  
     9 | 26.19  
    10 | 83.03  
    11 |  1.30  
Time: 128.779 ms  


postgres=# begin;  
Time: 0.095 ms  
postgres=# declare cur cursor for with recursive skip as (    
    select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test where s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
  union all    
    select (  
      select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test t where t.s_id>(s.r).s_id and t.s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.r).s_id is not null  
  )               -- 这里的where (s.r).s_id is not null 一定要加, 否则就死循环了.   
select (t.r).s_id, (t.r).val from skip t where t.* is not null;  
Time: 0.841 ms  
postgres=# fetch 10 from cur;  
 s_id |  val    
    0 | 83.55  
    1 | 91.62  
    2 | 72.70  
    3 | 45.46  
    4 | 99.97  
    5 | 17.04  
    6 |  8.96  
    7 | 25.83  
    8 | 28.10  
    9 | 26.19  
(10 rows)  
Time: 0.364 ms  

2 输出某个城市的车流TOP 10路口





postgres=# with recursive skip as (    
    select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test where s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
  union all    
    select (  
      select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test t where t.s_id>(s.r).s_id and t.s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.r).s_id is not null  
  )               -- 这里的where (s.r).s_id is not null 一定要加, 否则就死循环了.   
select (t.r).s_id, (t.r).val from skip t where t.* is not null order by 2 desc limit 10;   
 s_id |  val    
  997 | 99.99  
 2233 | 99.97  
  610 | 99.97  
    4 | 99.97  
 6735 | 99.96  
  545 | 99.93  
 2992 | 99.91  
 4747 | 99.90  
  543 | 99.89  
 7229 | 99.88  
(10 rows)  
Time: 126.052 ms  

1000万条记录,筛选1万条最新记录,输出TOP 10,耗费时间:126毫秒。

3 某个区域,某个时间段,按钮人流量输出TOP 商铺







《从难缠的模糊查询聊开 - PostgreSQL独门绝招之一 GIN , GiST , SP-GiST , RUM 索引原理与技术背景》



仅仅当排序列前面的所有列都是等值查询时,才能使用隐式排序,并且索引的顺序要和排序的顺序一致。例如index(a,b,c)支持where a=? and b=? order by c,但是不支持where a> ? and b=? order by c等等。

重新规划测试数据,为了测试方便, 以point取代经纬度,真实业务可以使用geometry类型。

create table test (  
  id serial8 primary key,    -- 自增序列  
  gid int,                   -- 商铺ID  
  val int,                   -- 商铺人流  
  pos point,                 -- 商铺位置, 为了测试方便, 以point取代经纬度  
  crt_time timestamp         -- 上传时间  


postgres=# insert into test (gid,val,pos,crt_time) select random()*10000, random()*100000, point(random()*10000, random()*10000), clock_timestamp() from generate_series(1,10000000);  
postgres=# select min(crt_time),max(crt_time) from test;  
            min             |            max               
 2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268 | 2017-04-13 20:04:54.578339  
(1 row)  

时间+空间 的快速传感器最大值筛选怎么加速呢?


1. 总的传感器(店铺)不多(例如1万个店铺)

利用索引快速搜索每个GID的最大VAL,使用partial index,规避时间问题;使用CPU完成点面判断。


例如我们允许用户勾选的最小时间范围是2小时,可以每2小时建一个partial index。(使用这么多partial index很变态,也不优雅。建议10.0的分区表优化后,每2小时切一个分区。)

create index idx_test_1 on test (gid, val desc) where crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268';  

这个区间的总数据量, 约350万。

postgres=# select count(*) from test where crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268';  
(1 row)  

使用这个partial index,以及递归调用,取出该区间的所有店铺的最大值。然后根据点面判断,得到某个区域的数据,再排序输出TOP 10。

with recursive skip as (    
    select t0 from test t0 where id in   
      (select id from test where gid is not null and crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268' order by gid,val desc limit 1) -- 时间参数,取出最小GID的最大val。作为启动记录  
  union all    
    select (  
      select t1 from test t1 where id in (select id from test t where t.gid > (s.t0).gid and t.gid is not null   
      and crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268'   -- 时间参数  
      order by gid,val desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.t0).gid is not null  
  )               -- 这里的where (s.t0).gid is not null 一定要加, 否则就死循环了.   
select (t.t0).* from skip t where t.* is not null  
and circle '((5000,5000), 1000)' @> (t.t0).pos  -- 区域参数  
order by (t.t0).val desc limit 10;   -- 取出前十的店铺  


   id    | gid  |  val  |                 pos                 |          crt_time            
 1754353 | 4001 | 99997 | (4755.64117543399,5253.53815406561) | 2017-04-13 20:04:24.563999  
  600729 | 5874 | 99996 | (5507.96090625226,4394.04523000121) | 2017-04-13 20:04:20.851141  
 1137330 | 4248 | 99995 | (4332.14340358973,4383.84034205228) | 2017-04-13 20:04:22.575639  
 2609044 | 7209 | 99995 | (5809.22217573971,4967.18854177743) | 2017-04-13 20:04:27.328745  
 1330926 | 2834 | 99994 | (4153.9505450055,4986.64934188128)  | 2017-04-13 20:04:23.197925  
  208578 | 3439 | 99994 | (4186.14753056318,5103.39797474444) | 2017-04-13 20:04:19.598547  
  703010 | 5736 | 99993 | (4913.89285307378,4628.21466382593) | 2017-04-13 20:04:21.178653  
  298380 | 7680 | 99992 | (4539.91844784468,4454.29485291243) | 2017-04-13 20:04:19.884725  
  996318 | 7658 | 99992 | (4462.14715018868,5504.16304729879) | 2017-04-13 20:04:22.122626  
 3120169 | 3261 | 99991 | (4814.33014851063,4505.81138487905) | 2017-04-13 20:04:28.98197  
(10 rows)  
Time: 135.480 ms  


 Limit  (cost=937.82..937.83 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=147.241..147.243 rows=10 loops=1)  
   Output: ((t.t0).id), ((t.t0).gid), ((t.t0).val), ((t.t0).pos), ((t.t0).crt_time)  
   Buffers: shared hit=80066  
   CTE skip  
     ->  Recursive Union  (cost=1.00..935.54 rows=101 width=64) (actual time=0.037..141.284 rows=10002 loops=1)  
           Buffers: shared hit=80066  
           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.00..9.03 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=0.036..0.036 rows=1 loops=1)  
                 Output: t0.*  
                 Inner Unique: true  
                 Buffers: shared hit=8  
                 ->  HashAggregate  (cost=0.57..0.58 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.022..0.023 rows=1 loops=1)  
                       Output: test.id  
                       Group Key: test.id  
                       Buffers: shared hit=4  
                       ->  Limit  (cost=0.43..0.55 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.017..0.018 rows=1 loops=1)  
                             Output: test.id, test.gid, test.val  
                             Buffers: shared hit=4  
                             ->  Index Scan using idx_test_1 on public.test  (cost=0.43..431864.13 rows=3461209 width=16) (actual time=0.017..0.017 rows=1 loops=1)  
                                   Output: test.id, test.gid, test.val  
                                   Index Cond: (test.gid IS NOT NULL)  
                                   Buffers: shared hit=4  
                 ->  Index Scan using test_pkey on public.test t0  (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=72) (actual time=0.012..0.012 rows=1 loops=1)  
                       Output: t0.*, t0.id  
                       Index Cond: (t0.id = test.id)  
                       Buffers: shared hit=4  
           ->  WorkTable Scan on skip s  (cost=0.00..92.45 rows=10 width=32) (actual time=0.014..0.014 rows=1 loops=10002)  
                 Output: (SubPlan 1)  
                 Filter: ((s.t0).gid IS NOT NULL)  
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 0  
                 Buffers: shared hit=80058  
                 SubPlan 1  
                   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.20..9.22 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=0.013..0.013 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                         Output: t1.*  
                         Inner Unique: true  
                         Buffers: shared hit=80058  
                         ->  HashAggregate  (cost=0.76..0.77 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                               Output: t_1.id  
                               Group Key: t_1.id  
                               Buffers: shared hit=40033  
                               ->  Limit  (cost=0.43..0.75 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                                     Output: t_1.id, t_1.gid, t_1.val  
                                     Buffers: shared hit=40033  
                                     ->  Index Scan using idx_test_1 on public.test t_1  (cost=0.43..369056.35 rows=1153736 width=16) (actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                                           Output: t_1.id, t_1.gid, t_1.val  
                                           Index Cond: ((t_1.gid > (s.t0).gid) AND (t_1.gid IS NOT NULL))  
                                           Buffers: shared hit=40033  
                         ->  Index Scan using test_pkey on public.test t1  (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=72) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=10000)  
                               Output: t1.*, t1.id  
                               Index Cond: (t1.id = t_1.id)  
                               Buffers: shared hit=40025  
   ->  Sort  (cost=2.28..2.29 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=147.240..147.241 rows=10 loops=1)  
         Output: ((t.t0).id), ((t.t0).gid), ((t.t0).val), ((t.t0).pos), ((t.t0).crt_time)  
         Sort Key: ((t.t0).val) DESC  
         Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 26kB  
         Buffers: shared hit=80066  
         ->  CTE Scan on skip t  (cost=0.00..2.27 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=0.252..147.138 rows=317 loops=1)  
               Output: (t.t0).id, (t.t0).gid, (t.t0).val, (t.t0).pos, (t.t0).crt_time  
               Filter: ((t.* IS NOT NULL) AND ('<(5000,5000),1000>'::circle @> (t.t0).pos))  
               Rows Removed by Filter: 9685  
               Buffers: shared hit=80066  
 Planning time: 0.508 ms  
 Execution time: 147.505 ms  
(62 rows)  

2. 店铺很多,但是时间+空间收敛后,记录数不多(比如几百万)




2.1 将表按时间分区(例如每2小时一个分区,前面有介绍为什么这么做)


2.2 创建空间索引

postgres=# create index idx_test_gist on test using gist(pos);  

2.3 透视


使用窗口查询,得到TOP SQL

select * from  
  select row_number() over(partition by gid order by val desc) as rn, * from test   
  circle '((5000,5000), 1000)' @> pos  -- 区域参数  
) t  
where rn = 1   -- 取出该区间内每个店铺的最大值  
order by val desc limit 10;     -- 取出前十的店铺  


 rn |   id    | gid  |  val  |                 pos                 |          crt_time            
  1 | 7859807 | 2311 | 99999 | (4900.04640072584,4950.79724118114) | 2017-04-13 20:04:46.013424  
  1 | 4658616 | 3699 | 99999 | (5625.03716442734,5338.90711143613) | 2017-04-13 20:04:35.467025  
  1 | 1754353 | 4001 | 99997 | (4755.64117543399,5253.53815406561) | 2017-04-13 20:04:24.563999  
  1 | 6076598 | 4610 | 99997 | (5679.03681658208,4793.08029171079) | 2017-04-13 20:04:40.09587  
  1 | 6139261 | 4069 | 99997 | (5225.87833926082,4101.83480009437) | 2017-04-13 20:04:40.301817  
  1 |  600729 | 5874 | 99996 | (5507.96090625226,4394.04523000121) | 2017-04-13 20:04:20.851141  
  1 | 4281282 | 9720 | 99996 | (5036.95292398334,4731.64941649884) | 2017-04-13 20:04:34.237957  
  1 | 5579952 | 1503 | 99996 | (4271.09604235739,5250.28191972524) | 2017-04-13 20:04:38.469311  
  1 | 5310205 | 1317 | 99995 | (4439.0160869807,4796.70224711299)  | 2017-04-13 20:04:37.590451  
  1 | 1137330 | 4248 | 99995 | (4332.14340358973,4383.84034205228) | 2017-04-13 20:04:22.575639  
(10 rows)  
Time: 633.342 ms  


 Limit  (cost=39265.88..39265.91 rows=10 width=48) (actual time=730.704..730.706 rows=10 loops=1)  
   Output: t.rn, t.id, t.gid, t.val, t.pos, t.crt_time  
   Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
   ->  Sort  (cost=39265.88..39266.01 rows=50 width=48) (actual time=730.702..730.703 rows=10 loops=1)  
         Output: t.rn, t.id, t.gid, t.val, t.pos, t.crt_time  
         Sort Key: t.val DESC  
         Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 26kB  
         Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
         ->  Subquery Scan on t  (cost=38939.80..39264.80 rows=50 width=48) (actual time=520.846..728.927 rows=10001 loops=1)  
               Output: t.rn, t.id, t.gid, t.val, t.pos, t.crt_time  
               Filter: (t.rn = 1)  
               Rows Removed by Filter: 303477  
               Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
               ->  WindowAgg  (cost=38939.80..39139.80 rows=10000 width=48) (actual time=520.844..703.933 rows=313478 loops=1)  
                     Output: row_number() OVER (?), test.id, test.gid, test.val, test.pos, test.crt_time  
                     Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
                     ->  Sort  (cost=38939.80..38964.80 rows=10000 width=40) (actual time=520.837..594.505 rows=313478 loops=1)  
                           Output: test.gid, test.val, test.id, test.pos, test.crt_time  
                           Sort Key: test.gid, test.val DESC  
                           Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 15368kB  
                           Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
                           ->  Index Scan using idx_test_gist on public.test  (cost=0.42..38275.42 rows=10000 width=40) (actual time=0.240..336.235 rows=313478 loops=1)  
                                 Output: test.gid, test.val, test.id, test.pos, test.crt_time  
                                 Index Cond: ('<(5000,5000),1000>'::circle @> test.pos)  
                                 Buffers: shared hit=317037  
 Planning time: 0.140 ms  
 Execution time: 734.226 ms  
(27 rows)  




《蜂巢的艺术与技术价值 - PostgreSQL PostGIS’s hex-grid》


对于时间+空间维度的数据透视,可以创建空间grid分区 + 时间分区 二级分区。




1. 对于例子1和2,由于业务层面取的都是最近的数据,历史数据并不关心。除了使用递归优化,还有2种方法。


create unlogged table sort_test(  
  s_id int primary key,            -- 传感器ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- 传感器值  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- 上报时间  
insert into sort_test(s_id,val,crt_time) values (?,?,?) on conflict (s_id) do update set val=excluded.val,crt_time=excluded.crt_time;  






create unlogged table hist(  
  id serial8 primary key,          -- 自增主键  
  s_id int,                        -- 传感器ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- 传感器值  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- 上报时间  
create unlogged table hist_stat(  
  s_id int primary key,            -- 传感器ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- 传感器值  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- 上报时间  
create or replace function tg() returns trigger as $$  
  insert into hist_stat (s_id,val,crt_time) values (NEW.s_id,NEW.val,NEW.crt_time) on conflict (s_id) do update set val=excluded.val,crt_time=excluded.crt_time;  
  return null;  
$$ language plpgsql strict;  
create trigger tg after insert on hist for each row execute procedure tg();  


postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# select * from hist;  
 id | s_id | val  |          crt_time            
  3 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:25.165286  
  4 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:26.23929  
  5 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:26.646152  
  6 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:26.991189  
  7 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:27.376265  
(5 rows)  
postgres=# select * from hist_stat ;  
 s_id | val  |          crt_time            
    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:27.376265  
(1 row)  


postgres=# select * from hist_stat ;  
 s_id | val  |          crt_time            
    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:27.376265  
(1 row)  

2. 对于例子3,由于分析的是历史数据,而且分析维度是时间和空间两个维度。





《流计算风云再起 - PostgreSQL携PipelineDB力挺IoT》

《时序数据库有哪些特点? TimescaleDB时序数据库介绍》

《ApsaraDB的左右互搏(PgSQL+HybridDB+OSS) - 解决OLTP+OLAP混合需求》

《时序数据合并场景加速分析和实现 - 复合索引,窗口分组查询加速,变态递归加速》

《从难缠的模糊查询聊开 - PostgreSQL独门绝招之一 GIN , GiST , SP-GiST , RUM 索引原理与技术背景》

《蜂巢的艺术与技术价值 - PostgreSQL PostGIS’s hex-grid》

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