PostgreSQL 同步流复制(高并发写入)锁瓶颈分析
对同步事务来说,用户发起结束事务的请求后,产生的RECORD LSN必须要小于或等于walsender接收到的walreceiver反馈的LSN位点。
为了跟踪完备的userspace call stack trace,使用-g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer。
cd postgresql-9.6.1
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-O3 -flto -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" ./configure --prefix=/home/digoal/pgsql9.6
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-O3 -flto -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make world -j 64
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-O3 -flto -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make install-world
1. postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = ''
max_connections = 300
unix_socket_directories = '.'
shared_buffers = 24GB
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix
vacuum_cost_delay = 0
bgwriter_delay = 10ms
bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 1000
bgwriter_lru_multiplier = 10.0
bgwriter_flush_after = 0
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0
old_snapshot_threshold = -1
backend_flush_after = 0
wal_level = replica
fsync = off
synchronous_commit = remote_write
full_page_writes = off
wal_buffers = 256MB
wal_writer_delay = 10ms
wal_writer_flush_after = 0
checkpoint_timeout = 45min
max_wal_size = 48GB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.05
checkpoint_flush_after = 0
max_wal_senders = 5
random_page_cost = 1.0
parallel_tuple_cost = 0
parallel_setup_cost = 0
effective_cache_size = 48GB
force_parallel_mode = off
log_destination = 'csvlog'
logging_collector = on
log_truncate_on_rotation = on
log_timezone = 'PRC'
update_process_title = off
autovacuum = on
log_autovacuum_min_duration = -1
autovacuum_max_workers = 16
autovacuum_naptime = 15s
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.02
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.01
vacuum_freeze_table_age = 1500000000
vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age = 1500000000
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
timezone = 'PRC'
lc_messages = 'C'
lc_monetary = 'C'
lc_numeric = 'C'
lc_time = 'C'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
2. 启动
pg_ctl -o "-p 1921 -c synchronous_standby_names='1(b,c)'" start -D /u01/digoal/pg_root1921
3. 2个备库
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'
primary_conninfo = 'user=postgres host= port= application_name=b'
4. 状态查看
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
pid | 42754
usesysid | 10
usename | postgres
application_name | b
client_addr |
client_hostname |
client_port | 52834
backend_start | 2016-11-07 16:07:26.353563+08
backend_xmin |
state | streaming
sent_location | 2/36798458
write_location | 2/36798458
flush_location | 2/36798458
replay_location | 2/36798458
sync_priority | 1
sync_state | sync
-[ RECORD 2 ]----+------------------------------
pid | 42755
usesysid | 10
usename | postgres
application_name | c
client_addr |
client_hostname |
client_port | 60064
backend_start | 2016-11-07 16:07:26.353765+08
backend_xmin |
state | streaming
sent_location | 2/36798458
write_location | 2/36798458
flush_location | 2/36798458
replay_location | 2/36798458
sync_priority | 2
sync_state | potential
psql -c "create table test(id serial primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);"
vi test3.sql
insert into test(info) values (null);
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test3.sql -h -p 1921 -U postgres -c 64 -j 64 -T 120
1. 测试过程中观察top输出,还很空闲
top - 16:09:47 up 37 days, 4:11, 1 user, load average: 3.30, 2.94, 2.59
Tasks: 1707 total, 14 running, 1693 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 8.9%us, 9.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 80.6%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 1.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 529321832k total, 213706132k used, 315615700k free, 524824k buffers
Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 186220740k cached
42754 digoal 20 0 24.9g 9384 1924 R 49.5 0.0 0:18.55 postgres: wal sender process postgres
42755 digoal 20 0 24.9g 9340 1880 D 33.4 0.0 0:14.00 postgres: wal sender process postgres
43187 digoal 20 0 24.9g 59m 52m S 19.3 0.0 0:01.22 postgres: postgres postgres
43222 digoal 20 0 24.9g 53m 46m S 19.3 0.0 0:01.21 postgres: postgres postgres
2. 测试过程中观察perf top输出,可以看到kernel的占比很高,都是LOCK相关。
PerfTop: 39521 irqs/sec kernel:73.0% exact: 0.0% [1000Hz cycles], (all, 64 CPUs)
samples pcnt function DSO
_______ _____ ___________________________ _____________________________________
59139.00 12.0% __mutex_lock_slowpath [kernel.kallsyms]
44628.00 9.0% _spin_lock [kernel.kallsyms]
37980.00 7.7% mutex_spin_on_owner [kernel.kallsyms]
9815.00 2.0% reverse_path_check_proc [kernel.kallsyms]
9105.00 1.8% find_busiest_group [kernel.kallsyms]
8001.00 1.6% schedule [kernel.kallsyms]
7028.00 1.4% reschedule_interrupt [kernel.kallsyms]
6673.00 1.4% hash_search_with_hash_value /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
6181.00 1.3% LWLockAttemptLock /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
5330.00 1.1% _spin_lock_irqsave [kernel.kallsyms]
4688.00 1.0% LWLockRelease /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
4544.00 0.9% GetSnapshotData /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres
3. 压测过程perf record采样30秒
#perf record -agv -- sleep 30
[ perf record: Woken up 655 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 170.267 MB (~7439070 samples) ]
4. 生成perf报告
#perf report -vn --showcpuutilization --tui
Events: 1M cycles
+8.29% 0.11% 0.00% 1591 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8105359f k [k] mutex_spin_on_owner
+6.48% 0.09% 0.00% 1532 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d566 k [k] __mutex_lock_slowpath
+3.54% 0.05% 0.00% 730 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e8c2 k [k] _spin_lock
+2.11% 0.02% 0.00% 341 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff811d02d8 k [k] reverse_path_check_proc
+1.90% 1.90% 0.00% 31124 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8103c94b k [k] native_safe_halt
+1.20% 0.00% 0.02% 291 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x24e219 d [.] AllocSetAlloc.lto_priv.1064
+1.08% 1.08% 0.00% 16874 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8100cd60 k [k] reschedule_interrupt
+0.87% 0.00% 0.01% 190 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x291386 d [.] GetSnapshotData
+0.86% 0.01% 0.00% 157 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e7b3 k [k] _spin_lock_irqsave
+0.82% 0.00% 0.01% 158 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x343d3e d [.] LWLockRelease
+0.75% 0.00% 0.01% 177 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x509555 d [.] LWLockAcquire.constprop.859
+0.74% 0.00% 0.01% 156 postgres /lib64/ 0x83ae2 d [.] __memset_sse2
+0.71% 0.01% 0.00% 121 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81278a8d k [k] copy_user_generic_string
+0.63% 0.63% 0.00% 9800 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150bef4 k [k] schedule
+0.62% 0.00% 0.01% 130 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/lib/ 0x8b3 d [.] sb_rand_str
+0.60% 0.00% 0.01% 127 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x32af62 d [.] SearchCatCache
+0.57% 0.00% 0.01% 122 postgres /lib64/ 0x366f0 d [.] __random_r
+0.57% 0.00% 0.01% 139 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x5098ce d [.] hash_search_with_hash_value.constprop.858
+0.54% 0.00% 0.01% 136 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x35691e d [.] PostgresMain
+0.54% 0.00% 0.01% 101 postgres /lib64/ 0x89779 d [.] memcpy
+0.54% 0.01% 0.00% 119 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150bc95 k [k] schedule
+0.53% 0.01% 0.00% 124 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d4c4 k [k] mutex_lock
+0.53% 0.01% 0.00% 116 postgres /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/igb/igb.ko 0x6219 d [k] igb_configure_rx_ring
+0.51% 0.00% 0.01% 120 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x24232e d [.] _bt_compare
+0.49% 0.00% 0.01% 114 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x1832e4 d [.] ExecInitExpr
+0.47% 0.47% 0.00% 7244 init /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/igb/igb.ko 0x4ab0 d [k] igb_configure_rx_ring
+0.44% 0.00% 0.01% 98 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x509213 d [.] LWLockAcquire.constprop.860
+0.42% 0.01% 0.00% 77 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81189ceb k [k] fget
+0.41% 0.00% 0.01% 94 postgres /lib64/ 0x79cee d [.] _int_malloc
+0.41% 0.00% 0.01% 89 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x201a3a d [.] expression_tree_walker
+0.41% 0.00% 0.01% 105 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3434d2 d [.] LWLockWaitListLock.lto_priv.1132
+0.40% 0.00% 0.00% 70 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d1f4 k [k] mutex_unlock
+0.40% 0.00% 0.01% 90 postgres /lib64/ 0x3632b d [.] __random
+0.40% 0.00% 0.00% 65 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8116faf2 k [k] kmem_cache_alloc
+0.39% 0.00% 0.01% 70 postgres /lib64/ 0x470a4 d [.] __GI_vfprintf
+0.39% 0.00% 0.00% 55 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff811d1630 k [k] sys_epoll_ctl
+0.37% 0.00% 0.01% 92 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x26c8cd d [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
+0.36% 0.00% 0.00% 65 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81057fd7 k [k] update_curr
+0.36% 0.00% 0.01% 78 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x253287 d [.] pg_mblen
+0.36% 0.00% 0.01% 94 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x26e534 d [.] fmgr_info_cxt_security.lto_priv.1139
+0.35% 0.00% 0.01% 74 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x288e67 d [.] LockReleaseAll
+0.35% 0.00% 0.01% 95 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x10c913 d [.] CommitTransaction
+0.34% 0.00% 0.00% 53 postgres /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack.ko 0x6090 d [k] generic_pkt_to_tuple
+0.34% 0.00% 0.01% 81 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x1d4574 d [.] hash_any
+0.33% 0.00% 0.00% 48 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e91d k [k] _spin_unlock_irqrestore
+0.33% 0.00% 0.01% 82 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2523a8 d [.] pg_mbcliplen
+0.33% 0.01% 0.00% 80 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8103c980 k [k] native_write_cr0
+0.33% 0.00% 0.00% 64 postgres /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko 0x31f2 d [k] ipt_do_table
+0.32% 0.32% 0.00% 5132 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8100c688 k [k] irq_entries_start
+0.32% 0.00% 0.00% 68 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e7e9 k [k] _spin_lock_irq
+0.32% 0.00% 0.00% 63 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8116fc4d k [k] kmem_cache_free
+0.30% 0.00% 0.00% 45 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81062e48 k [k] select_task_rq_fair
+0.30% 0.00% 0.00% 66 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8100a8c3 k [k] __switch_to
+0.29% 0.00% 0.00% 49 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8105360e k [k] resched_task
需要使用文本报告,可以看得比较详细,找到第一条mutex_spin_on_owner的LOCK实际上是来自PostgreSQL的 AddWaitEventToSet 调用,追踪到SyncRepWaitForLSN。
#perf report -vn --showcpuutilization --stdio
# Events: 1M cycles
# Overhead Samples sys us Command Shared Object
# ........ .......... ............... ...................................... .................................................
8.28% 0.11% 0.00% 1591 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8105359f k [k] mutex_spin_on_owner
--- mutex_spin_on_owner
|--99.60%-- __mutex_lock_slowpath
| mutex_lock
| |
| |--85.19%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | |--58.15%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | | |
| | | |--99.92%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | | |
| | | | |--90.27%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--9.67%-- exec_replication_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | --0.06%-- [...]
| | | --0.08%-- [...]
| | |
| | --41.85%-- AddWaitEventToSet.constprop.929
| | |
| | |--99.83%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | |
| | | |--79.61%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | |
| | | |--20.33%-- exec_replication_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.06%-- [...]
| | --0.17%-- [...]
| |
| |--14.77%-- ep_free
| | ep_eventpoll_release
| | __fput
| | fput
| | filp_close
| | sys_close
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __libc_close
| | |
| | |--73.14%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | CommitTransaction
| | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | PostgresMain
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | |
| | |--26.12%-- exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.74%-- [...]
| --0.05%-- [...]
--0.40%-- [...]
6.47% 0.09% 0.00% 1532 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d566 k [k] __mutex_lock_slowpath
--- __mutex_lock_slowpath
|--99.93%-- mutex_lock
| |
| |--85.93%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | |--71.69%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | | |
| | | |--99.90%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | | |
| | | | |--95.76%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--4.09%-- exec_replication_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | --0.15%-- [...]
| | | --0.10%-- [...]
| | |
| | --28.31%-- AddWaitEventToSet.constprop.929
| | |
| | |--99.51%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | |
| | | |--87.75%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | |
| | | |--11.91%-- exec_replication_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.34%-- [...]
| | --0.49%-- [...]
| |
| |--13.97%-- ep_free
| | ep_eventpoll_release
| | __fput
| | fput
| | filp_close
| | sys_close
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __libc_close
| | |
| | |--86.18%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | CommitTransaction
| | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | PostgresMain
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | |
| | |--12.47%-- exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | |
| | |--0.76%-- pgstat_start
| | | reaper
| | | __restore_rt
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.59%-- [...]
| --0.10%-- [...]
--0.07%-- [...]
3.54% 0.05% 0.00% 730 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e8c2 k [k] _spin_lock
--- _spin_lock
|--40.06%-- __mutex_lock_slowpath
| mutex_lock
| |
| |--87.50%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | |--74.21%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | | |
| | | |--99.97%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | | |
| | | | |--95.83%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--4.12%-- exec_replication_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | --0.06%-- [...]
| | | --0.03%-- [...]
| | |
| | --25.79%-- AddWaitEventToSet.constprop.929
| | |
| | |--99.96%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | |
| | | |--86.60%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | |
| | | |--13.36%-- exec_replication_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.04%-- [...]
| | --0.04%-- [...]
| |
| --12.50%-- ep_free
| ep_eventpoll_release
| __fput
| fput
| filp_close
| sys_close
| system_call_fastpath
| __libc_close
| |
| |--85.19%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | CommitTransaction
| | CommitTransactionCommand
| | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | PostgresMain
| | ServerLoop
| | PostmasterMain
| | main
| | __libc_start_main
| |
| |--14.15%-- exec_replication_command
| | PostgresMain
| | ServerLoop
| | PostmasterMain
| | main
| | __libc_start_main
| --0.66%-- [...]
|--14.55%-- __mutex_unlock_slowpath
| mutex_unlock
| |
| |--79.79%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | |--65.89%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | | |
| | | |--99.57%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | | |
| | | | |--93.02%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--6.08%-- exec_replication_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--0.89%-- BackgroundWriterMain
| | | | | AuxiliaryProcessMain
| | | | | 0x866e7a
| | | | | reaper
| | | | | __restore_rt
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | --0.00%-- [...]
| | | --0.43%-- [...]
| | |
| | --34.11%-- AddWaitEventToSet.constprop.929
| | |
| | |--98.18%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | |
| | | |--83.82%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command.part.4
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | |
| | | |--15.47%-- exec_replication_command
5. 生成perf火焰图
# git clone # or download it from github
# mv FlameGraph/
# cd FlameGraph
# perf script | ./ > out.perf-folded
# cat out.perf-folded | ./ > perf-kernel.svg
cd postgresql-9.6.1
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-Og -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" ./configure --prefix=/home/digoal/pgsql9.6
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-Og -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make world -j 64
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-Og -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make install-world
+ 7.68% 0.11% 0.00% 1029 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8105359b k [k] mutex_spin_on_owner
+ 5.88% 0.09% 0.00% 865 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d56f k [k] __mutex_lock_slowpath
+ 3.34% 0.05% 0.00% 471 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e8d1 k [k] _spin_lock
+ 2.01% 0.02% 0.00% 235 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff811d02e0 k [k] reverse_path_check_proc
+ 1.75% 1.75% 0.00% 16935 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8103c94b k [k] native_safe_halt
+ 1.42% 0.00% 0.02% 241 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3c0f3e d [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
+ 1.17% 0.00% 0.02% 159 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2b8de6 d [.] LWLockAttemptLock
+ 1.15% 0.00% 0.02% 159 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3d5bab d [.] AllocSetAlloc
+ 1.01% 1.01% 0.00% 9411 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8100cd60 k [k] reschedule_interrupt
+ 0.94% 0.00% 0.01% 126 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2aae05 d [.] GetSnapshotData
+ 0.83% 0.01% 0.00% 102 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e7b3 k [k] _spin_lock_irqsave
+ 0.72% 0.01% 0.00% 88 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81278a8d k [k] copy_user_generic_string
+ 0.66% 0.00% 0.01% 97 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2ba1b2 d [.] LWLockRelease
+ 0.61% 0.00% 0.01% 87 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/lib/ 0x8a9 d [.] sb_rand_str
+ 0.61% 0.61% 0.00% 5578 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150bef4 k [k] schedule
+ 0.58% 0.00% 0.01% 93 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3a2d45 d [.] SearchCatCache
+ 0.55% 0.01% 0.00% 67 postgres /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/igb/igb.ko 0x8b04 d [k] igb_configure_rx_ring
+ 0.52% 0.00% 0.01% 93 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x1c34a2 d [.] ExecInitExpr
+ 0.52% 0.00% 0.01% 75 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0xadc4c d [.] _bt_compare
+ 0.52% 0.00% 0.01% 74 postgres /lib64/ 0x3671b d [.] __random_r
+ 0.50% 0.01% 0.00% 76 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150bce2 k [k] schedule
+ 0.49% 0.01% 0.00% 71 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d4c4 k [k] mutex_lock
+ 0.49% 0.00% 0.01% 63 postgres /lib64/ 0x89734 d [.] memcpy
+ 0.45% 0.00% 0.01% 73 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2687b3 d [.] pgstat_report_activity
+ 0.45% 0.00% 0.01% 60 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x1f5c77 d [.] expression_tree_walker
+ 0.43% 0.43% 0.00% 3750 init /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/igb/igb.ko 0x6253 d [k] igb_configure_rx_ring
+ 0.41% 0.01% 0.00% 55 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81189ceb k [k] fget
+ 0.40% 0.01% 0.00% 49 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d1f4 k [k] mutex_unlock
+ 0.39% 0.00% 0.00% 46 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8116faea k [k] kmem_cache_alloc
+ 0.37% 0.00% 0.01% 50 postgres /lib64/ 0x79aa3 d [.] _int_malloc
+ 0.37% 0.00% 0.01% 63 postgres /lib64/ 0x36320 d [.] __random
+ 0.37% 0.00% 0.00% 33 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff811d14a6 k [k] sys_epoll_ctl
+ 0.35% 0.00% 0.00% 38 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x90c54 d [.] hash_any
+ 0.34% 0.00% 0.00% 30 postgres /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack.ko 0x6811 d [k] generic_pkt_to_tuple
+ 0.34% 0.01% 0.00% 48 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81057f8f k [k] update_curr
+ 0.33% 0.00% 0.00% 45 postgres /lib64/ 0x44ff8 d [.] __GI_vfprintf
+ 0.32% 0.00% 0.00% 42 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e917 k [k] _spin_unlock_irqrestore
+ 0.32% 0.00% 0.01% 54 postgres /lib64/ 0x83a14 d [.] __memset_sse2
+ 0.32% 0.00% 0.01% 57 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2b8e41 d [.] LWLockWaitListLock
+ 0.31% 0.00% 0.01% 69 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3c5b4e d [.] cliplen
+ 0.31% 0.00% 0.00% 40 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e7e9 k [k] _spin_lock_irq
+ 0.31% 0.00% 0.00% 44 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff81062b9d k [k] select_task_rq_fair
+ 0.31% 0.00% 0.00% 34 postgres /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.23.2.ali1195.el6.x86_64/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko 0x3003 d [k] ipt_do_table
+ 0.29% 0.00% 0.01% 51 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x2b5a57 d [.] LockReleaseAll
+ 0.29% 0.00% 0.00% 26 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8116fc40 k [k] kmem_cache_free
+ 0.29% 0.00% 0.00% 32 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3bb7ca d [.] fmgr_isbuiltin
+ 0.28% 0.28% 0.00% 2548 init [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8100c6d4 k [k] irq_entries_start
+ 0.28% 0.00% 0.00% 43 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3d6f49 d [.] pfree
+ 0.28% 0.00% 0.00% 36 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3d6080 d [.] AllocSetFree
+ 0.27% 0.00% 0.00% 33 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8126dd8e k [k] _atomic_dec_and_lock
+ 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 27 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8113598a k [k] get_page
+ 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 33 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3d67e6 d [.] MemoryContextCreate
+ 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 41 postgres /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres 0x3c64b5 d [.] pg_mblen
+ 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 26 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff810535d7 k [k] resched_task
# Events: 924K cycles
# Overhead Samples sys us Command Shared Object
# ........ .......... ............... ......................................... ...................................
7.67% 0.11% 0.00% 1029 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8105359b k [k] mutex_spin_on_owner
--- mutex_spin_on_owner
|--99.62%-- __mutex_lock_slowpath
| mutex_lock
| |
| |--84.90%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | --100.00%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--77.32%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--99.85%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.15%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--22.40%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.29%-- [...]
| |
| |--15.05%-- ep_free
| | ep_eventpoll_release
| | __fput
| | fput
| | filp_close
| | sys_close
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __libc_close
| | |
| | --100.00%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--74.47%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--99.28%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.72%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--25.33%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.20%-- [...]
| --0.05%-- [...]
--0.38%-- [...]
5.88% 0.09% 0.00% 865 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150d56f k [k] __mutex_lock_slowpath
--- __mutex_lock_slowpath
|--99.94%-- mutex_lock
| |
| |--85.40%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | --100.00%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--89.22%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--99.73%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.27%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--10.32%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.45%-- [...]
| |
| |--14.48%-- ep_free
| | ep_eventpoll_release
| | __fput
| | fput
| | filp_close
| | sys_close
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __libc_close
| | |
| | --100.00%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--88.29%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--99.39%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.61%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--11.22%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.49%-- [...]
| --0.11%-- [...]
--0.06%-- [...]
3.34% 0.05% 0.00% 471 postgres [kernel.kallsyms] 0xffffffff8150e8d1 k [k] _spin_lock
--- _spin_lock
|--39.85%-- __mutex_lock_slowpath
| mutex_lock
| |
| |--87.75%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | --100.00%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--89.83%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--99.89%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.11%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--10.02%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.16%-- [...]
| |
| --12.25%-- ep_free
| ep_eventpoll_release
| __fput
| fput
| filp_close
| sys_close
| system_call_fastpath
| __libc_close
| |
| --100.00%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| |
| |--86.39%-- WaitLatch
| | |
| | |--99.64%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | CommitTransaction
| | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | finish_xact_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.36%-- [...]
| |
| |--13.46%-- WalSndLoop
| | StartReplication
| | exec_replication_command
| | PostgresMain
| | BackendRun
| | BackendStartup
| | ServerLoop
| | PostmasterMain
| | main
| | __libc_start_main
| --0.15%-- [...]
|--14.68%-- __mutex_unlock_slowpath
| mutex_unlock
| |
| |--80.53%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | |
| | --100.00%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--82.74%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--99.33%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | |
| | | |--0.66%-- BackgroundWriterMain
| | | | AuxiliaryProcessMain
| | | | StartChildProcess
| | | | reaper
| | | | __restore_rt
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.01%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--15.40%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | |
| | --1.86%-- PgstatCollectorMain
| | pgstat_start
| | reaper
| | __restore_rt
| | PostmasterMain
| | main
| | __libc_start_main
| |
| |--19.28%-- ep_free
| | ep_eventpoll_release
| | __fput
| | fput
| | filp_close
| | sys_close
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __libc_close
| | |
| | --100.00%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--87.30%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--98.85%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | |
| | | |--0.67%-- BackgroundWriterMain
| | | | AuxiliaryProcessMain
| | | | StartChildProcess
| | | | reaper
| | | | __restore_rt
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.48%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--11.24%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | |
| | --1.46%-- PgstatCollectorMain
| | pgstat_start
| | reaper
| | __restore_rt
| | PostmasterMain
| | main
| | __libc_start_main
| --0.19%-- [...]
|--12.33%-- task_rq_lock
| try_to_wake_up
| |
| |--57.54%-- wake_up_process
| | __mutex_unlock_slowpath
| | mutex_unlock
| | |
| | |--76.37%-- sys_epoll_ctl
| | | system_call_fastpath
| | | __GI_epoll_ctl
| | | |
| | | --100.00%-- AddWaitEventToSet
| | | WaitLatchOrSocket
| | | |
| | | |--74.22%-- WaitLatch
| | | | |
| | | | |--99.63%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | --0.37%-- [...]
| | | |
| | | |--25.22%-- WalSndLoop
| | | | StartReplication
| | | | exec_replication_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | |
| | | --0.55%-- PgstatCollectorMain
| | | pgstat_start
| | | reaper
| | | __restore_rt
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | |
| | --23.63%-- ep_free
| | ep_eventpoll_release
| | __fput
| | fput
| | filp_close
| | sys_close
| | system_call_fastpath
| | __libc_close
| | |
| | --100.00%-- WaitLatchOrSocket
| | |
| | |--81.81%-- WaitLatch
| | | |
| | | |--99.35%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | PostgresMain
| | | | BackendRun
| | | | BackendStartup
| | | | ServerLoop
| | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | main
| | | | __libc_start_main
| | | --0.65%-- [...]
| | |
| | |--17.69%-- WalSndLoop
| | | StartReplication
| | | exec_replication_command
| | | PostgresMain
| | | BackendRun
| | | BackendStartup
| | | ServerLoop
| | | PostmasterMain
| | | main
| | | __libc_start_main
| | --0.49%-- [...]
| |
| |--37.66%-- wake_up_state
| | |
| | |--54.12%-- wake_futex
| | | futex_wake
| | | do_futex
| | | sys_futex
| | | system_call_fastpath
| | | sem_post
| | | |
| | | |--98.31%-- LWLockWakeup
| | | | LWLockRelease
| | | | |
| | | | |--85.77%-- XLogFlush
| | | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--6.58%-- SyncRepWaitForLSN
| | | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--2.04%-- TransactionIdSetPageStatus
| | | | | TransactionIdSetTreeStatus
| | | | | TransactionIdCommitTree
| | | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--1.74%-- LWLockReleaseClearVar
| | | | | WALInsertLockRelease
| | | | | XLogInsertRecord
| | | | | XLogInsert
| | | | | |
| | | | | |--51.16%-- heap_insert
| | | | | | ExecInsert
| | | | | | ExecModifyTable
| | | | | | ExecProcNode
| | | | | | ExecutePlan
| | | | | | standard_ExecutorRun
| | | | | | ExecutorRun
| | | | | | ProcessQuery
| | | | | | PortalRunMulti
| | | | | | PortalRun
| | | | | | exec_execute_message
| | | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | | main
| | | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | | |
| | | | | |--37.08%-- XactLogCommitRecord
| | | | | | RecordTransactionCommit
| | | | | | CommitTransaction
| | | | | | CommitTransactionCommand
| | | | | | finish_xact_command
| | | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | | main
| | | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | | |
| | | | | --11.76%-- _bt_insertonpg
| | | | | _bt_doinsert
| | | | | btinsert
| | | | | index_insert
| | | | | ExecInsertIndexTuples
| | | | | ExecInsert
| | | | | ExecModifyTable
| | | | | ExecProcNode
| | | | | ExecutePlan
| | | | | standard_ExecutorRun
| | | | | ExecutorRun
| | | | | ProcessQuery
| | | | | PortalRunMulti
| | | | | PortalRun
| | | | | exec_execute_message
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--1.26%-- LockBuffer
| | | | | |
| | | | | |--83.03%-- UnlockReleaseBuffer
| | | | | | _bt_relbuf
| | | | | | _bt_insertonpg
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |--53.84%-- _bt_insert_parent
| | | | | | | _bt_insertonpg
| | | | | | | _bt_doinsert
| | | | | | | btinsert
| | | | | | | index_insert
| | | | | | | ExecInsertIndexTuples
| | | | | | | ExecInsert
| | | | | | | ExecModifyTable
| | | | | | | ExecProcNode
| | | | | | | ExecutePlan
| | | | | | | standard_ExecutorRun
| | | | | | | ExecutorRun
| | | | | | | ProcessQuery
| | | | | | | PortalRunMulti
| | | | | | | PortalRun
| | | | | | | exec_execute_message
| | | | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | | | main
| | | | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | --46.16%-- _bt_doinsert
| | | | | | btinsert
| | | | | | index_insert
| | | | | | ExecInsertIndexTuples
| | | | | | ExecInsert
| | | | | | ExecModifyTable
| | | | | | ExecProcNode
| | | | | | ExecutePlan
| | | | | | standard_ExecutorRun
| | | | | | ExecutorRun
| | | | | | ProcessQuery
| | | | | | PortalRunMulti
| | | | | | PortalRun
| | | | | | exec_execute_message
| | | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | | main
| | | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | | |
| | | | | --16.97%-- _bt_relandgetbuf
| | | | | _bt_moveright
| | | | | _bt_search
| | | | | _bt_doinsert
| | | | | btinsert
| | | | | index_insert
| | | | | ExecInsertIndexTuples
| | | | | ExecInsert
| | | | | ExecModifyTable
| | | | | ExecProcNode
| | | | | ExecutePlan
| | | | | standard_ExecutorRun
| | | | | ExecutorRun
| | | | | ProcessQuery
| | | | | PortalRunMulti
| | | | | PortalRun
| | | | | exec_execute_message
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--0.89%-- GetSnapshotData
| | | | | GetTransactionSnapshot
| | | | | exec_bind_message
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
| | | | | main
| | | | | __libc_start_main
| | | | |
| | | | |--0.62%-- SyncRepReleaseWaiters
| | | | | ProcessStandbyReplyMessage
| | | | | ProcessStandbyMessage
| | | | | ProcessRepliesIfAny
| | | | | WalSndLoop
| | | | | StartReplication
| | | | | exec_replication_command
| | | | | PostgresMain
| | | | | BackendRun
| | | | | BackendStartup
| | | | | ServerLoop
| | | | | PostmasterMain
6. 还可以使用gmon分析,编译时需要–enable-profiling 开关。
cd postgresql-9.6.1
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-Og -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" ./configure --enable-profiling --prefix=/home/digoal/pgsql9.6
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-Og -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make world -j 64
LIBS=-lpthread CC="/home/digoal/gcc6.2.0/bin/gcc" CFLAGS="-Og -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make install-world
由于gprof要进程结束才输出,所以压测时记录一下PID,压测结束后,关闭数据库,进入walsender PID对应的目录,可以查看gmon的结果。
digoal 49230 1 14 16:13 pts/1 00:00:01 /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres -D /u01/digoal/pg_root1921 -p 1921 -c synchronous_standby_names=b,c
digoal 49232 49230 0 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: logger process
digoal 49234 49230 0 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer process
digoal 49235 49230 1 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: writer process
digoal 49236 49230 1 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: wal writer process
digoal 49237 49230 0 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
digoal 49238 49230 0 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process
digoal 49239 49230 45 16:13 ? 00:00:02 postgres: wal sender process postgres
digoal 49240 49230 32 16:13 ? 00:00:01 postgres: wal sender process postgres
digoal 49242 49230 24 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49243 49230 24 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49244 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49245 49230 24 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49246 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49247 49230 24 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49248 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49249 49230 24 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49250 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49251 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49252 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49253 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49254 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49255 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49256 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49257 49230 21 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49258 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49259 49230 24 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49260 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49261 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49262 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49263 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49264 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49265 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49266 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49267 49230 21 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49268 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49269 49230 21 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49270 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49271 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49272 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49273 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49274 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49275 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49276 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49277 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49278 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49279 49230 21 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49280 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49281 49230 21 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49282 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49283 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49284 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49285 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49286 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49287 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49288 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49289 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49290 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49291 49230 21 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49292 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49293 49230 21 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49294 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49295 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49296 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49297 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49298 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49299 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49300 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49301 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49302 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49303 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49304 49230 22 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
digoal 49305 49230 23 16:13 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres postgres
pg_ctl stop -m fast
进入同步流复制的wal sender进程目录
cd $PGDATA/gprof/49239
gprof -b /home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin/postgres ./gmon.out |less
Flat profile:
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls s/call s/call name
71.65 7.96 7.96 WalSndLastCycleHandler
4.14 8.42 0.46 8551565 0.00 0.00 SetLatch
1.35 8.57 0.15 1469690 0.00 0.00 SyncRepWakeQueue
1.08 8.69 0.12 947868 0.00 0.00 SyncRepReleaseWaiters
0.99 8.80 0.11 3165081 0.00 0.00 AddWaitEventToSet
0.90 8.90 0.10 1 0.10 2.66 WalSndLoop
0.72 8.98 0.08 7468536 0.00 0.00 appendBinaryStringInfo
0.63 9.05 0.07 8551570 0.00 0.00 SHMQueueDelete
0.63 9.12 0.07 1055029 0.00 0.00 WaitEventSetWait
0.63 9.19 0.07 palloc_extended
0.63 9.26 0.07 947870 0.00 0.00 pq_getmessage
0.63 9.33 0.07 933557 0.00 0.00 XLogRead
0.54 9.39 0.06 1895626 0.00 0.00 elog_start
0.54 9.45 0.06 1055155 0.00 0.00 ResetLatch
0.54 9.51 0.06 1055154 0.00 0.00 ProcessRepliesIfAny
0.54 9.57 0.06 1055026 0.00 0.00 WaitLatchOrSocket
0.54 9.63 0.06 1054913 0.00 0.00 GetFlushRecPtr
0.54 9.69 0.06 396610 0.00 0.00 LWLockWakeup
0.45 9.74 0.05 7582944 0.00 0.00 pq_copymsgbytes
0.45 9.79 0.05 1055034 0.00 0.00 MemoryContextAllocZero
0.45 9.84 0.05 1055026 0.00 0.00 FreeWaitEventSet
0.45 9.89 0.05 1054911 0.00 0.00 XLogSendPhysical
0.45 9.94 0.05 1008169 0.00 0.00 LWLockAttemptLock
0.45 9.99 0.05 ProcessInterrupts
Call graph
granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) for 0.09% of 11.11 seconds
index % time self children called name
[1] 71.6 7.96 0.00 WalSndLastCycleHandler [1]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 SetLatch [16]
[2] 24.6 0.00 2.74 main [2]
0.00 2.74 1/1 PostmasterMain [3]
0.00 0.00 1/1 MemoryContextInit [363]
0.00 0.00 6/6 init_locale [539]
0.00 0.00 1/1 get_progname [964]
0.00 0.00 1/1 save_ps_display_args [1001]
0.00 0.00 1/1 startup_hacks [1012]
0.00 0.00 1/1 set_pglocale_pgservice [1003]
0.00 0.00 1/1 check_strxfrm_bug [955]
0.00 0.00 1/1 check_root [953]
0.12 0.98 947868/947868 ProcessStandbyReplyMessage [13]
[14] 9.9 0.12 0.98 947868 SyncRepReleaseWaiters [14]
0.15 0.53 1469690/1469690 SyncRepWakeQueue [15]
0.02 0.09 947744/947817 LWLockRelease [22]
0.02 0.06 947744/947817 LWLockAcquire [27]
0.01 0.03 947744/947744 SyncRepGetOldestSyncRecPtr [47]
0.01 0.02 947744/1895626 elog_finish [32]
0.03 0.00 947744/1895626 elog_start [34]
0.00 0.01 1/4 errfinish [56]
0.00 0.00 1/4 errmsg [131]
0.00 0.00 1/1895685 errstart [46]
0.15 0.53 1469690/1469690 SyncRepReleaseWaiters [14]
[15] 6.1 0.15 0.53 1469690 SyncRepWakeQueue [15]
0.46 0.00 8551561/8551565 SetLatch [16]
0.07 0.00 8551561/8551570 SHMQueueDelete [29]
0.00 0.00 10021251/10021300 SHMQueueNext [405]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 WalSndLastCycleHandler [1]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 SwitchToSharedLatch [309]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 SwitchBackToLocalLatch [308]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 handle_sig_alarm [319]
0.46 0.00 8551561/8551565 SyncRepWakeQueue [15]
[16] 4.1 0.46 0.00 8551565 SetLatch [16]
0.00 0.00 1/284359 sendSelfPipeByte [415]
0.00 0.00 1/1054911 WalSndKeepaliveIfNecessary [224]
0.05 0.37 1054910/1054911 WalSndLoop [10]
[17] 3.8 0.05 0.37 1054911 XLogSendPhysical [17]
0.02 0.11 3734228/3734228 pq_sendint64 [20]
0.07 0.02 933557/933557 XLogRead [25]
0.06 0.00 1054911/1054913 GetFlushRecPtr [36]
0.03 0.03 933557/933557 socket_putmessage_noblock [37]
0.02 0.00 1867114/3762896 resetStringInfo [51]
0.01 0.00 933557/933560 pq_sendbyte [100]
0.00 0.00 933557/9349963 enlargeStringInfo [48]
0.00 0.00 933557/2320270 GetCurrentTimestamp [408]
0.00 0.00 641/18658 s_lock [423]
0.00 0.00 1/1 ProcKill [64]
[308] 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 SwitchBackToLocalLatch [308]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 SetLatch [16]
0.00 0.00 1/5 ModifyWaitEvent [347]
0.00 0.00 1/1 InitProcess [94]
[309] 0.0 0.00 0.00 1 SwitchToSharedLatch [309]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 SetLatch [16]
0.00 0.00 1/5 ModifyWaitEvent [347]
[319] 0.0 0.00 0.00 handle_sig_alarm [319]
0.00 0.00 1/8551565 SetLatch [16]
release waiting session锁相关代码
1. SetLatch
* latch.c
* Routines for inter-process latches
* The Unix implementation uses the so-called self-pipe trick to overcome
* the race condition involved with select() and setting a global flag
* in the signal handler. When a latch is set and the current process
* is waiting for it, the signal handler wakes up the select() in
* WaitLatch by writing a byte to a pipe. A signal by itself doesn't
* interrupt select() on all platforms, and even on platforms where it
* does, a signal that arrives just before the select() call does not
* prevent the select() from entering sleep. An incoming byte on a pipe
* however reliably interrupts the sleep, and causes select() to return
* immediately even if the signal arrives before select() begins.
* (Actually, we prefer epoll_wait() over poll() over select() where
* available, but the same comments apply.)
* When SetLatch is called from the same process that owns the latch,
* SetLatch writes the byte directly to the pipe. If it's owned by another
* process, SIGUSR1 is sent and the signal handler in the waiting process
* writes the byte to the pipe on behalf of the signaling process.
* The Windows implementation uses Windows events that are inherited by
* all postmaster child processes.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/storage/ipc/latch.c
* Sets a latch and wakes up anyone waiting on it.
* This is cheap if the latch is already set, otherwise not so much.
* NB: when calling this in a signal handler, be sure to save and restore
* errno around it. (That's standard practice in most signal handlers, of
* course, but we used to omit it in handlers that only set a flag.)
* NB: this function is called from critical sections and signal handlers so
* throwing an error is not a good idea.
SetLatch(volatile Latch *latch)
#ifndef WIN32
pid_t owner_pid;
HANDLE handle;
* The memory barrier has to be placed here to ensure that any flag
* variables possibly changed by this process have been flushed to main
* memory, before we check/set is_set.
/* Quick exit if already set */
if (latch->is_set)
latch->is_set = true;
#ifndef WIN32
* See if anyone's waiting for the latch. It can be the current process if
* we're in a signal handler. We use the self-pipe to wake up the select()
* in that case. If it's another process, send a signal.
* Fetch owner_pid only once, in case the latch is concurrently getting
* owned or disowned. XXX: This assumes that pid_t is atomic, which isn't
* guaranteed to be true! In practice, the effective range of pid_t fits
* in a 32 bit integer, and so should be atomic. In the worst case, we
* might end up signaling the wrong process. Even then, you're very
* unlucky if a process with that bogus pid exists and belongs to
* Postgres; and PG database processes should handle excess SIGUSR1
* interrupts without a problem anyhow.
* Another sort of race condition that's possible here is for a new
* process to own the latch immediately after we look, so we don't signal
* it. This is okay so long as all callers of ResetLatch/WaitLatch follow
* the standard coding convention of waiting at the bottom of their loops,
* not the top, so that they'll correctly process latch-setting events
* that happen before they enter the loop.
owner_pid = latch->owner_pid;
if (owner_pid == 0)
else if (owner_pid == MyProcPid)
if (waiting)
kill(owner_pid, SIGUSR1);
* See if anyone's waiting for the latch. It can be the current process if
* we're in a signal handler.
* Use a local variable here just in case somebody changes the event field
* concurrently (which really should not happen).
handle = latch->event;
if (handle)
* Note that we silently ignore any errors. We might be in a signal
* handler or other critical path where it's not safe to call elog().
2. SyncRepWakeQueue
* Walk the specified queue from head. Set the state of any backends that
* need to be woken, remove them from the queue, and then wake them.
* Pass all = true to wake whole queue; otherwise, just wake up to
* the walsender's LSN.
* Must hold SyncRepLock.
static int
SyncRepWakeQueue(bool all, int mode)
volatile WalSndCtlData *walsndctl = WalSndCtl;
PGPROC *proc = NULL;
PGPROC *thisproc = NULL;
int numprocs = 0;
Assert(mode >= 0 && mode < NUM_SYNC_REP_WAIT_MODE);
proc = (PGPROC *) SHMQueueNext(&(WalSndCtl->SyncRepQueue[mode]),
offsetof(PGPROC, syncRepLinks));
while (proc)
* Assume the queue is ordered by LSN
if (!all && walsndctl->lsn[mode] < proc->waitLSN)
return numprocs;
* Move to next proc, so we can delete thisproc from the queue.
* thisproc is valid, proc may be NULL after this.
thisproc = proc;
proc = (PGPROC *) SHMQueueNext(&(WalSndCtl->SyncRepQueue[mode]),
offsetof(PGPROC, syncRepLinks));
* Set state to complete; see SyncRepWaitForLSN() for discussion of
* the various states.
thisproc->syncRepState = SYNC_REP_WAIT_COMPLETE;
* Remove thisproc from queue.
* Wake only when we have set state and removed from queue.
return numprocs;
3. SyncRepReleaseWaiters
* Update the LSNs on each queue based upon our latest state. This
* implements a simple policy of first-valid-sync-standby-releases-waiter.
* Other policies are possible, which would change what we do here and
* perhaps also which information we store as well.
volatile WalSndCtlData *walsndctl = WalSndCtl;
XLogRecPtr writePtr;
XLogRecPtr flushPtr;
XLogRecPtr applyPtr;
bool got_oldest;
bool am_sync;
int numwrite = 0;
int numflush = 0;
int numapply = 0;
* If this WALSender is serving a standby that is not on the list of
* potential sync standbys then we have nothing to do. If we are still
* starting up, still running base backup or the current flush position is
* still invalid, then leave quickly also.
if (MyWalSnd->sync_standby_priority == 0 ||
announce_next_takeover = true;
* We're a potential sync standby. Release waiters if there are enough
* sync standbys and we are considered as sync.
LWLockAcquire(SyncRepLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
* Check whether we are a sync standby or not, and calculate the oldest
* positions among all sync standbys.
got_oldest = SyncRepGetOldestSyncRecPtr(&writePtr, &flushPtr,
&applyPtr, &am_sync);
* If we are managing a sync standby, though we weren't prior to this,
* then announce we are now a sync standby.
if (announce_next_takeover && am_sync)
announce_next_takeover = false;
(errmsg("standby \"%s\" is now a synchronous standby with priority %u",
application_name, MyWalSnd->sync_standby_priority)));
* If the number of sync standbys is less than requested or we aren't
* managing a sync standby then just leave.
if (!got_oldest || !am_sync)
announce_next_takeover = !am_sync;
* Set the lsn first so that when we wake backends they will release up to
* this location.
if (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE] < writePtr)
walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE] = writePtr;
numwrite = SyncRepWakeQueue(false, SYNC_REP_WAIT_WRITE);
if (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH] < flushPtr)
walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH] = flushPtr;
numflush = SyncRepWakeQueue(false, SYNC_REP_WAIT_FLUSH);
if (walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_APPLY] < applyPtr)
walsndctl->lsn[SYNC_REP_WAIT_APPLY] = applyPtr;
numapply = SyncRepWakeQueue(false, SYNC_REP_WAIT_APPLY);
elog(DEBUG3, "released %d procs up to write %X/%X, %d procs up to flush %X/%X, %d procs up to apply %X/%X",
numwrite, (uint32) (writePtr >> 32), (uint32) writePtr,
numflush, (uint32) (flushPtr >> 32), (uint32) flushPtr,
numapply, (uint32) (applyPtr >> 32), (uint32) applyPtr);
4. epoll_ctl瓶颈
#if defined(WAIT_USE_EPOLL)
* action can be one of EPOLL_CTL_ADD | EPOLL_CTL_MOD | EPOLL_CTL_DEL
static void
WaitEventAdjustEpoll(WaitEventSet *set, WaitEvent *event, int action)
struct epoll_event epoll_ev;
int rc;
/* pointer to our event, returned by epoll_wait */ = event;
/* always wait for errors */ = EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP;
/* prepare pollfd entry once */
if (event->events == WL_LATCH_SET)
Assert(set->latch != NULL); |= EPOLLIN;
else if (event->events == WL_POSTMASTER_DEATH)
Assert(event->fd != PGINVALID_SOCKET);
if (event->events & WL_SOCKET_READABLE) |= EPOLLIN;
if (event->events & WL_SOCKET_WRITEABLE) |= EPOLLOUT;
* Even though unused, we also pass epoll_ev as the data argument if
* EPOLL_CTL_DEL is passed as action. There used to be an epoll bug
* requiring that, and actually it makes the code simpler...
rc = epoll_ctl(set->epoll_fd, action, event->fd, &epoll_ev);
if (rc < 0)
errmsg("epoll_ctl() failed: %m")));
This system call performs control operations on the epoll instance referred to by the file descriptor epfd. It requests that the operation op be performed for the target file descriptor, fd.
Valid values for the op argument are :
Register the target file descriptor fd on the epoll instance referred to by the file descriptor epfd and associate the event event with the internal file linked to fd.
Change the event event associated with the target file descriptor fd.
Remove (deregister) the target file descriptor fd from the epoll instance referred to by epfd. The event is ignored and can be NULL (but see BUGS below).
The event argument describes the object linked to the file descriptor fd. The struct epoll_event is defined as :
typedef union epoll_data {
void *ptr;
int fd;
__uint32_t u32;
__uint64_t u64;
} epoll_data_t;
struct epoll_event {
__uint32_t events; /* Epoll events */
epoll_data_t data; /* User data variable */
使用cgroup cpuset子系统,将CPU核数限定到15个左右,性能从7.6万提升到了10万tps
numa_hit 4372456435
numa_miss 0
numa_foreign 0
interleave_hit 216742
local_node 4372456435
other_node 0
yum install -y libcgroup
mkdir -p /cgroup/cpuset
mount -t cgroup -o cpuset cpuset /cgroup/cpuset
cd /cgroup/cpuset
echo 0 > cpuset.mems
# 因为numastat只输出一个node0
mkdir r1
cd r1
echo "1-15" > cpuset.cpus
echo 0 > cpuset.mems
echo 1 > cpuset.cpu_exclusive
echo 1 > cpuset.memory_migrate
ps -ewf|grep postgres实例1主进程PID|grep -v grep|awk '{print "echo "$2" > tasks"}'
cd /cgroup/cpuset
mkdir r2
cd r2
echo "16-30" > cpuset.cpus
echo 0 > cpuset.mems
echo 1 > cpuset.cpu_exclusive
echo 1 > cpuset.memory_migrate
ps -ewf|grep postgres实例2主进程PID|grep -v grep|awk '{print "echo "$2" > tasks"}'
或者这样,使用共享CPU的多实例,参与LOCK的CPU总数保持在15个,同样也只能达到10万左右的inesrt only tps。
cd /cgroup/cpuset
mkdir r1
cd r1
echo "1-15" > cpuset.cpus
echo 0 > cpuset.mems
echo 0 > cpuset.cpu_exclusive
echo 1 > cpuset.memory_migrate
cd /cgroup/cpuset
mkdir r2
cd r2
echo "1-15" > cpuset.cpus
echo 0 > cpuset.mems
echo 0 > cpuset.cpu_exclusive
echo 1 > cpuset.memory_migrate
多线程unblock thread( pthread_cond_broadcast )可能更加高效。
test case
sysbench , insert only
1. 单机单实例,副本在异机
测试4组 sync=off,local,remote_write,on
remote_write,on时, 约7万QPS。
使用CGROUP 将CPU限制在10个核时,另外将sync standby节点对应的WAL SENDER进程放到1核的cpuset,可以提升到10万 QPS。
off, local 时,约30万,22万。
2. 单机单实例,使用批量事务,排除网络问题,突出COMMIT等待的问题。
放开CGROUP限制,塞10条insert在事务中, 可以达到2.2万tps, 约22W QPS (insert)。
也就是说commit 时,backend process会进入sleep状态,等待wal sender来释放它,COMMIT越多,睡眠次数就越多,可能造成本文前面提到的瓶颈。
3. 单机多实例,副本在异机
同时测试4个master的insert case, 总qps ~= 7W/s。
4. 单机多实例,副本在本地。使用UNIX SOCKET连接。
把一主两备全部放到一台主机,确保网络没有瓶颈,replication使用unix socket连接,pgbench也使用unix socket连接。
由于本地的CPU,IO都不是瓶颈,所以考虑把同步的 standby放到本机,另外一个potention的standby放到异机。
测试结果依旧总qps ~= 7W/s。
5. 单机,创建多个虚拟机隔离系统级别同步互斥锁的问题。副本在异机。
在master的主机上,安装8个KVM虚拟机,每个虚拟机安装一个postgresql master实例。
压测有了性能提升,合并后的QPS 19万。
7. 单机测试,无副本
sync=off, on