PostgreSQL csvlog 源码分析

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PostgreSQL csvlog日志格式记录了非常多的信息,通过CSV外部表,可以使用SQL对日志进行分析。


CREATE TABLE postgres_log  
  log_time timestamp(3) with time zone,  
  user_name text,  
  database_name text,  
  process_id integer,  
  connection_from text,  
  session_id text,  
  session_line_num bigint,  
  command_tag text,  
  session_start_time timestamp with time zone,  
  virtual_transaction_id text,  
  transaction_id bigint,  
  error_severity text,  
  sql_state_code text,  
  message text,  
  detail text,  
  hint text,  
  internal_query text,  
  internal_query_pos integer,  
  context text,  
  query text,  
  query_pos integer,  
  location text,  
  application_name text,  
  PRIMARY KEY (session_id, session_line_num)  
To import a log file into this table, use the COPY FROM command:  
COPY postgres_log FROM '/full/path/to/logfile.csv' WITH csv;  




 * ErrorData holds the data accumulated during any one ereport() cycle.  
 * Any non-NULL pointers must point to palloc'd data.  
 * (The const pointers are an exception; we assume they point at non-freeable  
 * constant strings.)  
typedef struct ErrorData  
    int         elevel;         /* error level */  
    bool        output_to_server;       /* will report to server log? */  
    bool        output_to_client;       /* will report to client? */  
    bool        show_funcname;  /* true to force funcname inclusion */  
    bool        hide_stmt;      /* true to prevent STATEMENT: inclusion */  
    const char *filename;       /* __FILE__ of ereport() call */  
    int         lineno;         /* __LINE__ of ereport() call */  
    const char *funcname;       /* __func__ of ereport() call */  
    const char *domain;         /* message domain */  
    const char *context_domain; /* message domain for context message */  
    int         sqlerrcode;     /* encoded ERRSTATE */  
    char       *message;        /* primary error message */  
    char       *detail;         /* detail error message */  
    char       *detail_log;     /* detail error message for server log only */  
    char       *hint;           /* hint message */  
    char       *context;        /* context message */  
    char       *schema_name;    /* name of schema */  
    char       *table_name;     /* name of table */  
    char       *column_name;    /* name of column */  
    char       *datatype_name;  /* name of datatype */  
    char       *constraint_name;    /* name of constraint */  
    int         cursorpos;      /* cursor index into query string */  
    int         internalpos;    /* cursor index into internalquery */  
    char       *internalquery;  /* text of internally-generated query */  
    int         saved_errno;    /* errno at entry */  
    /* context containing associated non-constant strings */  
    struct MemoryContextData *assoc_context;  
} ErrorData;  



 * Constructs the error message, depending on the Errordata it gets, in a CSV  
 * format which is described in doc/src/sgml/config.sgml.  
static void  
write_csvlog(ErrorData *edata)  
        StringInfoData buf;  
        bool            print_stmt = false;  
        /* static counter for line numbers */  
        static long log_line_number = 0;  
        /* has counter been reset in current process? */  
        static int      log_my_pid = 0;  
         * This is one of the few places where we'd rather not inherit a static  
         * variable's value from the postmaster.  But since we will, reset it when  
         * MyProcPid changes.  
        if (log_my_pid != MyProcPid)  
                log_line_number = 0;  
                log_my_pid = MyProcPid;  
                formatted_start_time[0] = '\0';  
       // 从这里开始,每个字段什么意思都可以看到,每个字段都用appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');隔开来了。    
         * timestamp with milliseconds  
         * Check if the timestamp is already calculated for the syslog message,  
         * and use it if so.  Otherwise, get the current timestamp.  This is done  
         * to put same timestamp in both syslog and csvlog messages.  
        if (formatted_log_time[0] == '\0')  
        appendStringInfoString(&buf, formatted_log_time);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* username */  
        if (MyProcPort)  
                appendCSVLiteral(&buf, MyProcPort->user_name);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* database name */  
        if (MyProcPort)  
                appendCSVLiteral(&buf, MyProcPort->database_name);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* Process id  */  
        if (MyProcPid != 0)  
                appendStringInfo(&buf, "%d", MyProcPid);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* Remote host and port */  
        if (MyProcPort && MyProcPort->remote_host)  
                appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '"');  
                appendStringInfoString(&buf, MyProcPort->remote_host);  
                if (MyProcPort->remote_port && MyProcPort->remote_port[0] != '\0')  
                        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ':');  
                        appendStringInfoString(&buf, MyProcPort->remote_port);  
                appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '"');  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* session id */  // session id 是两个字段组成的分别是后台进程的启动时间和PID,所以是唯一的  
        appendStringInfo(&buf, "%lx.%x", (long) MyStartTime, MyProcPid);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* Line number */  
        appendStringInfo(&buf, "%ld", log_line_number);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* PS display */  
        if (MyProcPort)  
                StringInfoData msgbuf;  
                const char *psdisp;  
                int                     displen;  
                psdisp = get_ps_display(&displen);  
                appendBinaryStringInfo(&msgbuf, psdisp, displen);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* session start timestamp */  
        if (formatted_start_time[0] == '\0')  
        appendStringInfoString(&buf, formatted_start_time);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* Virtual transaction id */  
        /* keep VXID format in sync with lockfuncs.c */  
        if (MyProc != NULL && MyProc->backendId != InvalidBackendId)  
                appendStringInfo(&buf, "%d/%u", MyProc->backendId, MyProc->lxid);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* Transaction id */  
        appendStringInfo(&buf, "%u", GetTopTransactionIdIfAny());  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* Error severity */  
        appendStringInfoString(&buf, error_severity(edata->elevel));  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* SQL state code */  
        appendStringInfoString(&buf, unpack_sql_state(edata->sqlerrcode));  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* errmessage */  
        appendCSVLiteral(&buf, edata->message);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* errdetail or errdetail_log */  // 是否输出代码位置  
        if (edata->detail_log)  
                appendCSVLiteral(&buf, edata->detail_log);  
                appendCSVLiteral(&buf, edata->detail);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* errhint */  
        appendCSVLiteral(&buf, edata->hint);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* internal query */  
        appendCSVLiteral(&buf, edata->internalquery);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* if printed internal query, print internal pos too */  
        if (edata->internalpos > 0 && edata->internalquery != NULL)  
                appendStringInfo(&buf, "%d", edata->internalpos);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* errcontext */  
        if (!edata->hide_ctx)  
                appendCSVLiteral(&buf, edata->context);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* user query --- only reported if not disabled by the caller */  
        if (is_log_level_output(edata->elevel, log_min_error_statement) &&  
                debug_query_string != NULL &&  
                print_stmt = true;  
        if (print_stmt)  
                appendCSVLiteral(&buf, debug_query_string);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        if (print_stmt && edata->cursorpos > 0)  
                appendStringInfo(&buf, "%d", edata->cursorpos);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* file error location */  
        if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_VERBOSE)  
                StringInfoData msgbuf;  
                if (edata->funcname && edata->filename)  
                        appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s, %s:%d",  
                                                         edata->funcname, edata->filename,  
                else if (edata->filename)  
                        appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s:%d",  
                                                         edata->filename, edata->lineno);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ',');  
        /* application name */  
        if (application_name)  
                appendCSVLiteral(&buf, application_name);  
        appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\n');  
        /* If in the syslogger process, try to write messages direct to file */  
        if (am_syslogger)  
                write_syslogger_file(, buf.len, LOG_DESTINATION_CSVLOG);  
                write_pipe_chunks(, buf.len, LOG_DESTINATION_CSVLOG);  



Flag Counter

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