改写 sysbench oltp.lua 支持PostgreSQL绑定变量

4 minute read





但是由于sysbench不能识别execute语句,所以都算成了other query, 实际上就是这些使用了服务端绑定变量的query。


   -- select c from tbl where id = $1;  
   -- select id,k,c,pad from tbl where id in ($1,...$n);  
   -- select c from tbl where id between $1 and $2;  
   -- select sum(k) from tbl where id between $1 and $2;  
   -- select c from tbl where id between $1 and $2 order by c;  
   -- select distinct c from tbl where id between $1 and $2 order by c;  
   -- update tbl set k=k+1 where id = $1;  
   -- update tbl set c=$2 where id = $1;  
   -- delete from tbl where id = $1;  
   -- insert into tbl(id, k, c, pad) values ($1,$2,$3,$4);  


-- use case  
--     ./sysbench_pg --test=lua/parallel_init_pg.lua \  
--       --db-driver=pgsql \  
--       --pgsql-host=$PGDATA \  
--       --pgsql-port=1921 \  
--       --pgsql-user=postgres \  
--       --pgsql-password=postgres \  
--       --pgsql-db=postgres \  
--       --oltp-tables-count=64 \  
--       --oltp-table-size=1000000 \  
--       --num-threads=64 \  
--       cleanup  
--     ./sysbench_pg --test=lua/parallel_init_pg.lua \  
--       --db-driver=pgsql \  
--       --pgsql-host=$PGDATA \  
--       --pgsql-port=1921 \  
--       --pgsql-user=postgres \  
--       --pgsql-password=postgres \  
--       --pgsql-db=postgres \  
--       --oltp-tables-count=64 \  
--       --oltp-table-size=1000000 \  
--       --num-threads=64 \  
--       run  
--    ./sysbench_pg   \  
--    --test=lua/oltp_pg.lua   \  
--    --db-driver=pgsql   \  
--    --pgsql-host=$PGDATA   \  
--    --pgsql-port=1921   \  
--    --pgsql-user=postgres   \  
--    --pgsql-password=postgres   \  
--    --pgsql-db=postgres   \  
--    --oltp-tables-count=64   \  
--    --oltp-table-size=1000000   \  
--    --num-threads=64  \  
--    --max-time=120  \  
--    --max-requests=0 \  
--    --report-interval=1 \  
--    run  
pathtest = string.match(test, "(.*/)") or ""  
dofile(pathtest .. "common.lua")  
function thread_init(thread_id)  
   oltp_point_selects = 10  -- query 10 times  
   random_points = 10       -- query id in (10 vars)  
   oltp_simple_ranges = 1   --  query 1 times  
   oltp_sum_ranges = 1      --  query 1 times  
   oltp_order_ranges = 1    --  query 1 times  
   oltp_distinct_ranges = 1   --  query 1 times  
   oltp_index_updates = 1     --  query 1 times  
   oltp_non_index_updates = 1   --  query 1 times  
   oltp_range_size = 100        --  query between $1 and $1+100-1  
   oltp_read_only = false       -- query delete,update,insert also  
   local table_name  
   local pars  
   local vars  
   local i  
   begin_query = "BEGIN"  
   commit_query = "COMMIT"  
   table_name = "sbtest" .. (thread_id+1)  
   -- select c from tbl where id = $1;  
   db_query("prepare p1(int) as select c from " .. table_name .. " WHERE id=$1")  
   -- select id,k,c,pad from tbl where id in ($1,...$n);  
   pars = ""  
   vars = ""  
   for i = 1,random_points do  
      pars = pars .. "int, "  
      vars = vars .. "$" .. i .. ", "  
   pars = string.sub(pars, 1, string.len(pars) - 2)  
   vars = string.sub(vars, 1, string.len(vars) - 2)  
   db_query("prepare p2(" .. pars .. ") as select id,k,c,pad from " .. table_name .. " WHERE id in (" .. vars .. ")")  
   -- select c from tbl where id between $1 and $2;  
   db_query("prepare p3(int,int) as SELECT c FROM " .. table_name .. " WHERE id BETWEEN $1 and $2")  
   -- select sum(k) from tbl where id between $1 and $2;  
   db_query("prepare p4(int,int) as SELECT sum(k) FROM " .. table_name .. " WHERE id BETWEEN $1 and $2")  
   -- select c from tbl where id between $1 and $2 order by c;  
   db_query("prepare p5(int,int) as SELECT c FROM " .. table_name .. " WHERE id BETWEEN $1 and $2 order by c")  
   -- select distinct c from tbl where id between $1 and $2 order by c;  
   db_query("prepare p6(int,int) as SELECT distinct c FROM " .. table_name .. " WHERE id BETWEEN $1 and $2 order by c")  
   -- update tbl set k=k+1 where id = $1;  
   db_query("prepare p7(int) as update " .. table_name .. " set k=k+1 where id = $1")  
   -- update tbl set c=$2 where id = $1;  
   db_query("prepare p8(int,text) as update " .. table_name .. " set c=$2 where id = $1")  
   -- delete from tbl where id = $1;  
   db_query("prepare p9(int) as delete from " .. table_name .. " where id = $1")  
   -- insert into tbl(id, k, c, pad) values ($1,$2,$3,$4);  
   db_query("prepare p10(int,int,text,text) as insert into " .. table_name .. "(id, k, c, pad) values ($1,$2,$3,$4)")  
function event(thread_id)  
   local i  
   local evars  
   local range_start  
   local c_val  
   local pad_val  
   for i=1, oltp_point_selects do  
     db_query("execute p1(" .. sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size) .. ")")  
   evars = ""  
   for i = 1,random_points do  
     evars = evars .. sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size) .. ", "  
   evars = string.sub(evars, 1, string.len(evars) - 2)  
   db_query("execute p2(" .. evars .. ")")  
   for i=1, oltp_simple_ranges do  
      range_start = sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size)  
      db_query("execute p3(" .. range_start .. "," .. (range_start + oltp_range_size - 1) .. ")")  
   for i=1, oltp_sum_ranges do  
      range_start = sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size)  
      db_query("execute p4(" .. range_start .. "," .. (range_start + oltp_range_size - 1) .. ")")  
   for i=1, oltp_order_ranges do  
      range_start = sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size)  
      db_query("execute p5(" .. range_start .. "," .. (range_start + oltp_range_size - 1) .. ")")  
   for i=1, oltp_distinct_ranges do  
      range_start = sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size)  
      db_query("execute p6(" .. range_start .. "," .. (range_start + oltp_range_size - 1) .. ")")  
   if not oltp_read_only then  
     for i=1, oltp_index_updates do  
        db_query("execute p7(" .. sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size) .. ")")  
     for i=1, oltp_non_index_updates do  
        c_val = sb_rand_str("###########-###########-###########-###########-###########-###########-###########-###########-###########-###########")  
        db_query("execute p8(" .. sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size) .. ", '" .. c_val .. "')")  
     -- delete then insert  
     i = sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size)  
     c_val = sb_rand_str([[  
     pad_val = sb_rand_str([[  
     db_query("execute p9(" .. i .. ")")  
     db_query("execute p10" .. string.format("(%d, %d, '%s', '%s')",i, sb_rand(1, oltp_table_size) , c_val, pad_val) )  
   end -- oltp_read_only  

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digoal’s 大量PostgreSQL文章入口