Greenplum segment节点直接读写配置与性能
《Use pgbouncer connect to GreenPlum’s segment node》
实测短连接简单SQL qps 2W
#./pgsql9.5/bin/pgbench -M simple -C -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 22 -j 22 -U digoal digoal -T 10000 -h -p 5222
progress: 1.0 s, 20672.2 tps, lat 0.700 ms stddev 0.750
progress: 2.0 s, 20845.1 tps, lat 0.697 ms stddev 0.680
progress: 3.0 s, 21010.2 tps, lat 0.701 ms stddev 0.840
progress: 4.0 s, 20220.2 tps, lat 0.718 ms stddev 0.991
progress: 5.0 s, 20692.1 tps, lat 0.703 ms stddev 0.766
progress: 6.0 s, 20836.3 tps, lat 0.699 ms stddev 0.737
progress: 7.0 s, 20606.1 tps, lat 0.698 ms stddev 0.602
progress: 8.0 s, 20360.2 tps, lat 0.707 ms stddev 0.855
progress: 9.0 s, 20762.4 tps, lat 0.696 ms stddev 0.697
长连接简单SQL qps 9W
#./pgsql9.5/bin/pgbench -M simple -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 22 -j 22 -U digoal digoal -T 10000 -h -p 5222
progress: 1.0 s, 92493.6 tps, lat 0.471 ms stddev 0.310
progress: 2.0 s, 91775.2 tps, lat 0.477 ms stddev 0.301
progress: 3.0 s, 93823.5 tps, lat 0.467 ms stddev 0.271
progress: 4.0 s, 91906.8 tps, lat 0.477 ms stddev 0.337
progress: 5.0 s, 93752.2 tps, lat 0.467 ms stddev 0.271
短连接 9.5K QPS
#./pgsql9.5/bin/pgbench -M simple -C -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 22 -j 22 -U digoal postgres -T 10000 -h -p 5222
progress: 1.0 s, 9267.7 tps, lat 3.542 ms stddev 1.780
progress: 2.0 s, 9663.0 tps, lat 3.389 ms stddev 1.547
progress: 3.0 s, 9825.9 tps, lat 3.314 ms stddev 1.513
progress: 4.0 s, 9564.0 tps, lat 3.416 ms stddev 1.636
progress: 5.0 s, 9412.2 tps, lat 3.465 ms stddev 1.735
progress: 6.0 s, 9765.3 tps, lat 3.309 ms stddev 1.283
progress: 7.0 s, 9643.8 tps, lat 3.417 ms stddev 1.602
progress: 8.0 s, 9629.8 tps, lat 3.360 ms stddev 1.532
长连接 12.5K QPS
progress: 1.0 s, 12249.9 tps, lat 3.566 ms stddev 1.314
progress: 2.0 s, 12407.2 tps, lat 3.544 ms stddev 1.255
progress: 3.0 s, 12411.3 tps, lat 3.540 ms stddev 1.246
progress: 4.0 s, 12626.9 tps, lat 3.483 ms stddev 1.071
progress: 5.0 s, 12627.8 tps, lat 3.481 ms stddev 1.081
progress: 6.0 s, 12418.3 tps, lat 3.537 ms stddev 1.270
#./pgsql9.5/bin/pgbench -M simple -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 44 -j 44 -U digoal digoal -T 10000 -h -p 5222
progress: 1.0 s, 2156.9 tps, lat 20.072 ms stddev 7.201
progress: 2.0 s, 2172.0 tps, lat 20.181 ms stddev 7.270
progress: 3.0 s, 2084.0 tps, lat 21.021 ms stddev 8.628
progress: 4.0 s, 2138.0 tps, lat 20.657 ms stddev 7.694
progress: 5.0 s, 2010.0 tps, lat 21.846 ms stddev 8.481
progress: 6.0 s, 2124.0 tps, lat 20.680 ms stddev 8.843
progress: 7.0 s, 2152.0 tps, lat 20.503 ms stddev 7.473
progress: 8.0 s, 1937.0 tps, lat 22.737 ms stddev 13.009
progress: 9.0 s, 2031.0 tps, lat 21.637 ms stddev 11.519
#./pgsql9.5/bin/pgbench -M simple -C -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 44 -j 44 -U digoal digoal -T 10000 -h -p 5222
progress: 1.0 s, 1775.9 tps, lat 22.999 ms stddev 30.127
progress: 2.0 s, 2070.0 tps, lat 19.770 ms stddev 9.126
progress: 3.0 s, 1612.9 tps, lat 25.782 ms stddev 38.302
progress: 4.0 s, 2008.0 tps, lat 20.893 ms stddev 15.890
progress: 5.0 s, 1708.1 tps, lat 25.053 ms stddev 39.093
progress: 6.0 s, 1633.0 tps, lat 25.809 ms stddev 36.698
progress: 7.0 s, 1708.1 tps, lat 24.215 ms stddev 33.983
progress: 8.0 s, 1807.0 tps, lat 23.125 ms stddev 30.237
progress: 9.0 s, 2102.0 tps, lat 19.880 ms stddev 9.669
progress: 10.0 s, 1535.0 tps, lat 27.357 ms stddev 44.640
progress: 11.0 s, 1852.1 tps, lat 21.613 ms stddev 21.728
progress: 12.0 s, 1627.0 tps, lat 27.159 ms stddev 40.428
progress: 13.0 s, 1634.0 tps, lat 25.543 ms stddev 36.762
progress: 14.0 s, 1772.0 tps, lat 23.529 ms stddev 32.450
progress: 15.0 s, 1715.9 tps, lat 24.459 ms stddev 31.557
progress: 16.0 s, 2047.1 tps, lat 19.731 ms stddev 8.128
progress: 17.0 s, 1545.0 tps, lat 26.770 ms stddev 40.119
progress: 18.0 s, 1906.0 tps, lat 21.812 ms stddev 21.845
progress: 19.0 s, 1721.0 tps, lat 24.839 ms stddev 38.066
progress: 20.0 s, 1799.0 tps, lat 23.586 ms stddev 34.751
短连接无法实现roundrobin, 造成数据倾斜。
log local3 notice
ulimit-n 40960
maxconn 10240
user digoal
group users
nbproc 8
log global
mode tcp
option tcplog
listen mm
balance roundrobin
mode tcp
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
server t1
;; database name = connect string
;; connect string params:
;; dbname= host= port= user= password=
;; client_encoding= datestyle= timezone=
;; pool_size= connect_query=
; foodb over unix socket
digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40000 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40001 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40002 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40003 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40004 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40005 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40006 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40007 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40008 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40009 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40010 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40011 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40012 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40013 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40014 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40015 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40016 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40017 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40018 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40019 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40020 user=digoal weight=1
;digoal = dbname=digoal host=/tmp port=40021 user=digoal weight=1
; redirect bardb to bazdb on localhost
;bardb = host=localhost dbname=bazdb
; acceess to dest database will go with single user
;forcedb = host=/tmp port=300 user=baz password=foo client_encoding=UNICODE datestyle=ISO connect_query='SELECT 1'
; use custom pool sizes
;nondefaultdb = pool_size=50 reserve_pool_size=10
; fallback connect string
;* = host=testserver
;; Configuration section
;;; Administrative settings
;logfile = /home/digoal/pgbouncerx2/pgbouncer.log
logfile = /dev/null
pidfile = /home/digoal/pgbouncerx2/
;;; Where to wait for clients
; ip address or * which means all ip-s
listen_addr =
listen_port = 6400
; unix socket is also used for -R.
; On debian it should be /var/run/digoalql
unix_socket_dir = /tmp
unix_socket_mode = 0700
;unix_socket_group =
;;; Authentication settings
; any, trust, plain, crypt, md5
auth_type = md5
;auth_file = /8.0/main/global/pg_auth
auth_file = /home/digoal/pgbouncerx2/userlist.txt
;; Query to use to fetch password from database. Result
;; must have 2 columns - username and password hash.
;auth_query = SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename=$1
;;; Users allowed into database 'pgbouncer'
; comma-separated list of users, who are allowed to change settings
;admin_users = user2, someadmin, otheradmin
; comma-separated list of users who are just allowed to use SHOW command
;stats_users = stats, root
;;; Pooler personality questions
; When server connection is released back to pool:
; session - after client disconnects
; transaction - after transaction finishes
; statement - after statement finishes
pool_mode = transaction
; Query for cleaning connection immediately after releasing from client.
; No need to put ROLLBACK here, pgbouncer does not reuse connections
; where transaction is left open.
; Query for 8.3+:
; Older versions:
; Empty if transaction pooling is in use.
server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL
; Whether server_reset_query should run in all pooling modes.
; If it is off, server_reset_query is used only for session-pooling.
server_reset_query_always = 0
; Comma-separated list of parameters to ignore when given
; in startup packet. Newer JDBC versions require the
; extra_float_digits here.
;ignore_startup_parameters = extra_float_digits
; When taking idle server into use, this query is ran first.
;server_check_query = select 1
; If server was used more recently that this many seconds ago,
; skip the check query. Value 0 may or may not run in immediately.
;server_check_delay = 30
;; Use <appname - host> as application_name on server.
;application_name_add_host = 0
;;; Connection limits
; total number of clients that can connect
max_client_conn = 1000
; default pool size. 20 is good number when transaction pooling
; is in use, in session pooling it needs to be the number of
; max clients you want to handle at any moment
default_pool_size = 8
;; Minimum number of server connections to keep in pool.
min_pool_size = 2
; how many additional connection to allow in case of trouble
;reserve_pool_size = 5
; if a clients needs to wait more than this many seconds, use reserve pool
;reserve_pool_timeout = 3
; how many total connections to a single database to allow from all pools
max_db_connections = 8
;max_user_connections = 50
; If off, then server connections are reused in LIFO manner
server_round_robin = 0
;;; Logging
;; Syslog settings
;syslog = 0
;syslog_facility = daemon
;syslog_ident = pgbouncer
; log if client connects or server connection is made
;log_connections = 1
; log if and why connection was closed
;log_disconnections = 1
; log error messages pooler sends to clients
;log_pooler_errors = 1
;; Period for writing aggregated stats into log.
;stats_period = 60
;; Logging verbosity. Same as -v switch on command line.
;;; Timeouts
;; Close server connection if its been connected longer.
server_lifetime = 1200
;; Close server connection if its not been used in this time.
;; Allows to clean unnecessary connections from pool after peak.
server_idle_timeout = 60
;; Cancel connection attempt if server does not answer takes longer.
;server_connect_timeout = 15
;; If server login failed (server_connect_timeout or auth failure)
;; then wait this many second.
;server_login_retry = 15
;; Dangerous. Server connection is closed if query does not return
;; in this time. Should be used to survive network problems,
;; _not_ as statement_timeout. (default: 0)
;query_timeout = 0
;; Dangerous. Client connection is closed if the query is not assigned
;; to a server in this time. Should be used to limit the number of queued
;; queries in case of a database or network failure. (default: 120)
;query_wait_timeout = 120
;; Dangerous. Client connection is closed if no activity in this time.
;; Should be used to survive network problems. (default: 0)
;client_idle_timeout = 0
;; Disconnect clients who have not managed to log in after connecting
;; in this many seconds.
;client_login_timeout = 60
;; Clean automatically created database entries (via "*") if they
;; stay unused in this many seconds.
; autodb_idle_timeout = 3600
;; How long SUSPEND/-R waits for buffer flush before closing connection.
;suspend_timeout = 10
;; Close connections which are in "IDLE in transaction" state longer than
;; this many seconds.
;idle_transaction_timeout = 0
;;; Low-level tuning options
;; buffer for streaming packets
;pkt_buf = 2048
;; man 2 listen
;listen_backlog = 128
;; Max number pkt_buf to process in one event loop.
;sbuf_loopcnt = 5
;; Maximum Postgres protocol packet size.
;max_packet_size = 2147483647
;; networking options, for info: man 7 tcp
;; Linux: notify program about new connection only if there
;; is also data received. (Seconds to wait.)
;; On Linux the default is 45, on other OS'es 0.
;tcp_defer_accept = 0
;; In-kernel buffer size (Linux default: 4096)
;tcp_socket_buffer = 0
;; whether tcp keepalive should be turned on (0/1)
;tcp_keepalive = 1
;; following options are Linux-specific.
;; they also require tcp_keepalive=1
;; count of keepaliva packets
;tcp_keepcnt = 0
;; how long the connection can be idle,
;; before sending keepalive packets
;tcp_keepidle = 0
;; The time between individual keepalive probes.
;tcp_keepintvl = 0
;; DNS lookup caching time
;dns_max_ttl = 15
;; DNS zone SOA lookup period
;dns_zone_check_period = 0
;; DNS negative result caching time
;dns_nxdomain_ttl = 15
;;; Random stuff
;; Hackish security feature. Helps against SQL-injection - when PQexec is disabled,
;; multi-statement cannot be made.
;; Config file to use for next RELOAD/SIGHUP.
;; By default contains config file from command line.
;; Win32 service name to register as. job_name is alias for service_name,
;; used by some Skytools scripts.
;service_name = pgbouncer
;job_name = pgbouncer
;; Read additional config from the /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-other.ini file
;%include /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-other.ini