PostgreSQL 读写操作系统文件函数(File I/O)

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PostgreSQL "basic" File I/O Functions  
Quick Start  
This extension for some basic file system functions.  
After checkout the code run that command:  
make install  
Please note: Do not forget edit Makefile for PG_CONFIG entry.  
And then go to psql console and install the extension for your db  
$ psql dbname  
dbname# CREATE EXTENSION fio;  
After creating extension, you can use functions with fio_ prefix.  
For example:  
dbname=# select fio_readdir('/usr/', '*');  
(17 rows)  
fio_chmod(pathname varchar, mode varchar);  
pathname: the path's name you want to change mode  
mode: string for mode (ex: '0777')  
fio_mkdir(pathname varchar, mode varchar, recursive boolean default false)  
pathname: the path's name you want to create  
mode: string for mode (ex: '0777')  
recursive: create directory recursion  
fio_readdir(pathname varchar, pattern varchar default '*')  
pathname: the path's name you want to list of files/directories  
pattern: shell like pattern you want to filter (ex: '*.jpg')  
fio_readfile(filename varchar)  
filename: The file's name you want to read. Return type is bytea.  
fio_writefile(filename varchar, content bytea, mkdir boolean default false)  
filename: The file's name you want to create/write.  
content: What content you want to write the file.  
mkdir: If true, it creates directory with given filename. Creates directory with recursion option.  

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