PostgreSQL timestamp parse in gram.y (‘ ‘ AT TIME ZONE ‘ ‘)

3 minute read




postgres=# show timezone;  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select extract(epoch from 'today'::timestamptz);  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select extract(epoch from 'today' at time zone '0');  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select extract(epoch from 'today' at time zone '8');  
(1 row)  




			| EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')'  
                                        $$ = (Node *) makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("date_part"), $3, @1);  
                        extract_arg FROM a_expr  
                                        $$ = list_make2(makeStringConst($1, @1), $3);  
                        | /*EMPTY*/                                                             { $$ = NIL; }  

而 AT TIME ZONE 的写法实际调用了函数timezone

                        | a_expr AT TIME ZONE a_expr                    %prec AT  
                                        $$ = (Node *) makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("timezone"),  
                                                                                           list_make2($5, $1),  


postgres=# \df+ date_part  
                                                                                                                       List of funct  
   Schema   |   Name    | Result data type |        Argument data types        |  Type  | Security | Volatility |  Owner   | Languag  
e |                               Source code                                |                 Description                   
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, abstime                     | normal | invoker  | stable     | postgres | sql      
  | select pg_catalog.date_part($1, cast($2 as timestamp with time zone))    | extract field from abstime  
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, date                        | normal | invoker  | immutable  | postgres | sql      
  | select pg_catalog.date_part($1, cast($2 as timestamp without time zone)) | extract field from date  
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, interval                    | normal | invoker  | immutable  | postgres | interna  
l | interval_part                                                            | extract field from interval  
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, reltime                     | normal | invoker  | stable     | postgres | sql      
  | select pg_catalog.date_part($1, cast($2 as pg_catalog.interval))         | extract field from reltime  
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, time with time zone         | normal | invoker  | immutable  | postgres | interna  
l | timetz_part                                                              | extract field from time with time zone  
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, time without time zone      | normal | invoker  | immutable  | postgres | interna  
l | time_part                                                                | extract field from time  
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, timestamp with time zone    | normal | invoker  | stable     | postgres | interna  
l | timestamptz_part                                                         | extract field from timestamp with time zone  
 pg_catalog | date_part | double precision | text, timestamp without time zone | normal | invoker  | immutable  | postgres | interna  
l | timestamp_part                                                           | extract field from timestamp  
(8 rows)  
postgres=# \df+ timezone  
                                                                                                List of functions  
   Schema   |   Name   |      Result data type       |          Argument data types          |  Type  | Security | Volatility |  Own  
er   | Language |    Source code    |              Description                 
 pg_catalog | timezone | time with time zone         | interval, time with time zone         | normal | invoker  | immutable  | post  
gres | internal | timetz_izone      | adjust time with time zone to new zone  
 pg_catalog | timezone | timestamp without time zone | interval, timestamp with time zone    | normal | invoker  | immutable  | post  
gres | internal | timestamptz_izone | adjust timestamp to new time zone  
 pg_catalog | timezone | timestamp with time zone    | interval, timestamp without time zone | normal | invoker  | immutable  | post  
gres | internal | timestamp_izone   | adjust timestamp to new time zone  
 pg_catalog | timezone | time with time zone         | text, time with time zone             | normal | invoker  | volatile   | post  
gres | internal | timetz_zone       | adjust time with time zone to new zone  
 pg_catalog | timezone | timestamp without time zone | text, timestamp with time zone        | normal | invoker  | immutable  | post  
gres | internal | timestamptz_zone  | adjust timestamp to new time zone  
 pg_catalog | timezone | timestamp with time zone    | text, timestamp without time zone     | normal | invoker  | immutable  | post  
gres | internal | timestamp_zone    | adjust timestamp to new time zone  
(6 rows)  


postgres=# select   
extract(epoch from 'today'::timestamptz),   
date_part('epoch', 'today'::timestamptz),  
 date_part  | date_part  |      timestamptz         
 1430323200 | 1430323200 | 2015-04-30 00:00:00+08  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select pg_typeof('today'::timestamptz);  
 timestamp with time zone  
(1 row)  


对于AT TIME ZONE的写法,因为对应的timezone函数可能输出带时区,或不带时区的值,所以我们需要区分一下,


postgres=# select   
extract(epoch from 'today' at time zone '0'),   
date_part('epoch', timezone('0', 'today'::timestamptz)),   
timezone('0', 'today'::timestamptz),  
timezone('0', 'today');  
 date_part  | date_part  |      timezone       |      timezone         
 1430323200 | 1430323200 | 2015-04-29 16:00:00 | 2015-04-29 16:00:00  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select pg_typeof(timezone('0', 'today'));  
 timestamp without time zone  
(1 row)  


结果一致的原因非常明显,因为我们用到的时间:2015-04-30 00:00:00+08 等于 2015-04-29 16:00:00。


timestamptz_part(text, timestamp with time zone)  
timestamp_part(text, timestamp without time zone)  

现在可以解释为什么extract(epoch from ‘today’ at time zone ‘8’)的结果有点问题了。

postgres=# select   
date_part('epoch', timezone('8', 'today')),   
timezone('8', 'today');  
 date_part  |      timezone         
 1430294400 | 2015-04-29 08:00:00  
(1 row)  


1. timestamptz_part,timestamp_part,timestamptz_zone


2. src/backend/parser/gram.y

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