PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature - record transaction commit timestamp

2 minute read


PostgreSQL 9.5新增的一个功能, 允许用户开启过关闭记录事务提交时间.



 * commit_ts.c  
 *              PostgreSQL commit timestamp manager  
 * This module is a pg_clog-like system that stores the commit timestamp  
 * for each transaction.  
 * XLOG interactions: this module generates an XLOG record whenever a new  
 * CommitTs page is initialized to zeroes.  Also, one XLOG record is  
 * generated for setting of values when the caller requests it; this allows  
 * us to support values coming from places other than transaction commit.  
 * Other writes of CommitTS come from recording of transaction commit in  
 * xact.c, which generates its own XLOG records for these events and will  
 * re-perform the status update on redo; so we need make no additional XLOG  
 * entry here.  
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2015, PostgreSQL Global Development Group  
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California  
 * src/backend/access/transam/commit_ts.c  


 * Defines for CommitTs page sizes.  A page is the same BLCKSZ as is used  
 * everywhere else in Postgres.  
 * Note: because TransactionIds are 32 bits and wrap around at 0xFFFFFFFF,  
 * CommitTs page numbering also wraps around at  
 * 0xFFFFFFFF/COMMIT_TS_XACTS_PER_PAGE, and CommitTs segment numbering at  
 * explicit notice of that fact in this module, except when comparing segment  
 * and page numbers in TruncateCommitTs (see CommitTsPagePrecedes).  


 * We need 8+4 bytes per xact.  Note that enlarging this struct might mean  
 * the largest possible file name is more than 5 chars long; see  
 * SlruScanDirectory.  
typedef struct CommitTimestampEntry  
        TimestampTz             time;  
        CommitTsNodeId  nodeid;  
} CommitTimestampEntry;  
#define SizeOfCommitTimestampEntry (offsetof(CommitTimestampEntry, nodeid) + \  
        (BLCKSZ / SizeOfCommitTimestampEntry)  

这个模块和pg_clog类似, 也是记录在XLOG以外的位置, 如下, 我们可看到新增的目录pg_commit_ts :

pg95@db-172-16-3-150-> cd $PGDATA  
pg95@db-172-16-3-150-> ll  
drwx------ 2 pg95 pg95 4.0K Apr  9 09:04 pg_commit_ts  


pg95@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_controldata   
Current track_commit_timestamp setting: off  

如果要开启, 显然需要重启数据库.

vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf  
track_commit_timestamp = on   
pg_ctl restart -m fast  
pg95@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_controldata |grep track  
Current track_commit_timestamp setting: on  

如果你开启了跟踪事务时间, 那么在需要重置xlog时, 也多了需要指定的值.

[-c xid,xid]  
       ·   A safe value for the oldest transaction ID for which the commit time can be retrieved (first part of -c)  
           can be determined by looking for the numerically smallest file name in the directory pg_committs under the  
           data directory. Conversely, a safe value for the newest transaction ID for which the commit time can be  
           retrieved (second part of -c) can be determined by looking for the numerically greatest file name in the  
           same directory. As above, the file names are in hexadecimal.  



不过可以想象一下 垃圾回收(例如snapshot too old), 逻辑复制有一定关系.



1. src/backend/access/transam/commit_ts.c

2. src/backend/access/rmgrdesc/committsdesc.c

3. man pg_resetxlog

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