SystemTap Flight Recorder Mode

3 minute read


SystemTap's flight recorder mode allows you to run a SystemTap   
script run for long periods and just focus on recent output.   
The flight recorder mode (the -F option) limits the amount of   
output generated.   
There are two variations of the flight recorder mode:   
in-memory and file mode. In both cases the SystemTap script runs as a background process.  
systemtap飞行模式适合后台执行systemtap 脚本, 同时只保留stap最近的输出到限定大小的文件或内存中.  
根据输出目标, 飞行模式分内存和文件模式.  
使用stap -F选项可以打开飞行模式.  
内存模式 :   
最近的输出写入内存, 默认的内存大小为1MB, 超出会覆盖旧的输出的数据, 修改内存大小可使用-s选项.  
man stap  
       -sNUM  Use  NUM megabyte buffers for kernel-to-user data transfer.  On a multiprocessor in bulk mode, this is a  
              per-processor amount.  
例如 :   
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# stap -F --vp 11111 -s10 -e '  
probe vfs.* {  
  printdln("**", pn(), cmdline_str(), pid())  
probe end {  
输出 :   
Pass 1: parsed user script and 96 library script(s) using 152024virt/25216res/2108shr/23932data kb, in 240usr/20sys/255real ms.  
Pass 2: analyzed script: 13 probe(s), 11 function(s), 6 embed(s), 0 global(s) using 385080virt/128228res/7468shr/119004data kb, in 2240usr/280sys/2599real ms.  
Pass 3: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/7f/stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_8423.c  
Pass 4: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/7f/stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_8423.ko  
Pass 5: starting run.  
Disconnecting from systemtap module.  
To reconnect, type "staprun -A stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303"  
Pass 5: run completed in 0usr/20sys/34real ms.  
命令行回到交互模式, 而非输出vfs.*的handler, 注意以上输出中的2行信息 :   
Disconnecting from systemtap module.  
To reconnect, type "staprun -A stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303"  
表示stap已经运行在飞行模式, 使用lsmod可以看到这个已加载的模块.  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# lsmod|grep stap  
stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303    83009  0   
要观察这个stap的输出, 可以使用命令 :   
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# staprun -A stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303|less**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -L -R stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303 -F3**1303  
vfs.do_sync_read**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -L -R stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303 -F3**1303**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -L -R stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303 -F3**1303  
vfs.do_sync_read**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -L -R stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303 -F3**1303  
vfs.write**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -L -R stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1303 -F3**1303  
... 略  
ERROR: Couldn't write to output 1 for cpu 0, exiting.: Success  
使用内存模式的话, 重连模块后, 断开模块请使用Ctrl+\  
^\ERROR: Couldn't write to output 1 for cpu 0, exiting.: Success  
Disconnecting from systemtap module.  
To reconnect, type "staprun -A stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1375"  
使用Ctrl + \断开模块后, 模块不会被卸载  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# lsmod|grep stap  
stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1375    83009  0  
使用staprun连接和断开模块的方法参考man staprun :   
       After the staprun program installs a Systemtap kernel module, users can detach from the kernel module and reat-  
       tach  to  it later.  The -L option loads the module and automatically detaches.  Users can also detach from the  
       kernel module interactively by sending the SIGQUIT signal from the keyboard (typically by typing Ctrl-\).  
       To reattach to a kernel module, the staprun -A option would be used.  
不再需要的模块可以使用staprun -d来卸载, 例如 :   
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# staprun -d stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1375  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# lsmod|grep stap  
参考 :   
man staprun  
       -d     Delete a module.  Only detached or unused modules the user has permission to access will be deleted. Use  
              "*" (quoted) to delete all unused modules.  
文件模式 :   
与内存模式类似, 只是保存在文件中, 而非内存. 使用-o 选项.  
例如 :   
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# stap -F --vp 11111 -S 10,2 -o /tmp/test.log -e '  
probe vfs.* {  
  printdln("**", pn(), cmdline_str(), pid())  
probe end {  
Pass 1: parsed user script and 96 library script(s) using 152036virt/25252res/2120shr/23944data kb, in 240usr/10sys/254real ms.  
Pass 2: analyzed script: 13 probe(s), 11 function(s), 6 embed(s), 0 global(s) using 385092virt/128252res/7480shr/119016data kb, in 2250usr/270sys/2593real ms.  
Pass 3: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/7f/stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_8423.c  
Pass 4: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/7f/stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_8423.ko  
Pass 5: starting run.  
Pass 5: run completed in 0usr/10sys/28real ms.  
输出单个文件最大10MB, 保留最近的2个文件(也就是说保留最近20MB的输出信息).  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# ll /tmp/test*  
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5190802 Nov  6 16:32 /tmp/test.log.0  
注意stap的输出如下, 1515指的是stap后台进程的pid. 可用于关闭这个后台跑着的stap.  
Pass 5: starting run.  
Pass 5: run completed in 0usr/10sys/28real ms.  
使用文件模式, 我们不需要使用staprun 连接到模块去获取输出, 直接查看文件即可.  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# less /tmp/test.log.0**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -o /tmp/test.log -D -R -S 10,2 stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1514 -F3**1515**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -o /tmp/test.log -D -R -S 10,2 stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1514 -F3**1515**postgres: wal writer process    "" "" ""**7014  
vfs.do_sync_read**postgres: wal writer process    "" "" ""**7014  
vfs.write**-bash**32376**-bash**32376**sshd: root@pts/2 ""**32374  
vfs.write**sshd: root@pts/2 ""**32374  
vfs.do_sync_write**sshd: root@pts/2 ""**32374**/opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -o /tmp/test.log -D -R -S 10,2 stap_7f1b46850d3110d61fa046ef63687b5b_1514 -F3**1515  
... 略  
关闭后台stap, 与内存模式不同的是, 我们可使用kill来关闭, 而内存模式直接卸载模块.  
kill -s SIGTERM 1515  



2. man staprun

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