Systemtap(2.4) Example : array aggregate elements sorted by statistic operator (EXP. output TOPn IO processes)

5 minute read


在Systemtap 2.x版本的man stap中看到这样一则说明  
foreach (VAR in ARRAY [ limit EXP ]) STMT  
Loop over each element of the named global array, assigning current key to VAR. The array may not be modified within the statement. By adding a single + or - operator after the VAR or the ARRAY identifier, the iteration will proceed in a sorted order, by ascending or descending index or value. If the array contains statistics aggregates, adding the desired @operator between the ARRAY identifier and the + or - will specify the sorting aggregate function. See the STATISTICS section below for the ones available. Default is @count. Using the optional limit keyword limits the number of loop iterations to EXP times. EXP is evaluated once at the beginning of the loop.  
当数组中存储的元素为统计类型时, 使用foreach的sort功能, 可以选择按照统计类型的sum, avg, min, max, count进行排序.  
这样就大大提高了可观性, 如果不指定排序操作符, 默认排序为@count.  
例如, 我们每个几秒输出一次操作系统ioread的排名进程, 结束时输出中的ioread排名. 取前n名.  
以下每隔3秒输出一次前5的ioread进程信息, 以及IO的字节数. 结束时输出总io前5总的进程信息以及字节数.  
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# /opt/systemtap/bin/stap -e '  
global var1%[60000], var2%[60000]  
probe {  
  var1[pid(),execname(),cmdline_str()] <<< $count  
  var2[pid(),execname(),cmdline_str()] <<< $count  
probe timer.s($1) {  
  println("\npid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes\n----------------------")  
  foreach([x,y,z] in var1 @sum - limit $2)  
    printf("%d, %s, %s, %d\n", x,y,z,@sum(var1[x,y,z]))  
  delete var1  
probe end {  
  println("\nEND\npid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes\n----------------------")  
  foreach([x,y,z] in var2 @sum - limit $2)   
    printf("%d, %s, %s, %d\n", x,y,z,@sum(var2[x,y,z]))   
  delete var1  
  delete var2  
}' 3 5  
输出结果 :   
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 1982472  
1494, rsyslogd, /sbin/rsyslogd -i /var/run/ -c 5, 4095  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 32768  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
1523, irqbalance, irqbalance, 63488  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
22115, postgres, postgres: writer process    "" "" "" "" "" "" "", 32  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 1966080  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
22115, postgres, postgres: writer process    "" "" "" "" "" "" "", 32  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
1523, irqbalance, irqbalance, 63488  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
28823, pickup, pickup -l -t fifo -u, 1024  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
598, postgres, postgres: autovacuum worker process   , 148480  
598, postgres, postgres: autovacuum worker process   digoal, 28672  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22117, postgres, postgres: autovacuum launcher process   , 12368  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 49152  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
22115, postgres, postgres: writer process    "" "" "" "" "" "" "", 32  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
599, crond, crond, 138207  
1523, irqbalance, irqbalance, 63488  
600, sadc, /usr/lib64/sa/sadc -F -L -S DISK 1 1 -, 61716  
1978, crond, crond, 20480  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
1523, irqbalance, irqbalance, 63488  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
22115, postgres, postgres: writer process    "" "" "" "" "" "" "", 32  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
1834, automount, automount --pid-file /var/run/, 6144  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 32768  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
22115, postgres, postgres: writer process    "" "" "" "" "" "" "", 32  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
1523, irqbalance, irqbalance, 63488  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 16384  
22116, postgres, postgres: wal writer process    "" "" "", 192  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 2097152  
1523, irqbalance, irqbalance, 63488  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 32768  
1636, NetworkManager, NetworkManager --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/, 8192  
1834, automount, automount --pid-file /var/run/, 6144  
pid, execname, cmdline_str, io_bytes  
595, stapio, /opt/systemtap/libexec/systemtap/stapio -R stap_3cd961dcade6503fded62967da1685de__595 -F3, 42090504  
28931, sshd, sshd: root@pts/0 "", 425984  
1523, irqbalance, irqbalance, 380928  
598, postgres, postgres: autovacuum worker process   , 148480  
599, crond, crond, 138207  




foreach (VAR in ARRAY [ limit EXP ]) STMT  
Loop over each element of the named global array, 
assigning current key to VAR. The array may not be modified within the statement. 
By adding a single + or - operator after the VAR or the ARRAY identifier, 
the iteration will proceed in a sorted order, by ascending or descending 
index or value. If the array contains statistics aggregates, adding the 
desired @operator between the ARRAY identifier and the + or - will specify 
the sorting aggregate function. See the STATISTICS section below for the ones 
available. Default is @count. Using the optional limit keyword limits the number 
of loop iterations to EXP times. EXP is evaluated once at the beginning of the loop.  

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