use systemtap statistics vs pgbench progress output

9 minute read


PostgreSQL 9.4的pgbench添加了progress输出. 有兴趣朋友可以参考如下 :

progress输出时输出的是整个pgbench的统计信息, 如果要输出每个连接的tps, 可以通过systemtap来实现.

首先来看一个pgbench输出的例子 :

测试表 :

digoal=# \d test  
                Table "public.test"  
  Column  |            Type             | Modifiers   
 id       | integer                     | not null  
 info     | text                        |   
 crt_time | timestamp without time zone |   
    "test_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)  

测试函数 :

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.f_id_add(i_id integer)  
 RETURNS void  
 LANGUAGE plpgsql  
AS $function$  
  update test set crt_time=clock_timestamp() where id=i_id;  
  if not found then  
    insert into test values (i_id,md5(random()::text),clock_timestamp());  
  end if;  
exception when others then  

pgbench测试脚本 :

pg94@db-172-16-3-39-> cat test.sql  
\setrandom id 1 5000000  
select * from f_id_add(:id);  

测试, 使用8个连接, 测试10秒, 每秒输出一次统计信息, 包含tps, 事务时长.

pg94@db-172-16-3-39-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -P 1 -c 8 -j 4 -T 10  
progress: 1.0 s, 30233.7 tps, 0.265 ms lat  
progress: 2.0 s, 34207.7 tps, 0.234 ms lat  
progress: 3.0 s, 35951.8 tps, 0.223 ms lat  
progress: 4.0 s, 37339.0 tps, 0.214 ms lat  
progress: 5.0 s, 38490.7 tps, 0.208 ms lat  
progress: 6.0 s, 39307.9 tps, 0.204 ms lat  
progress: 7.0 s, 39779.5 tps, 0.201 ms lat  
progress: 8.0 s, 40124.5 tps, 0.199 ms lat  
progress: 9.0 s, 40458.7 tps, 0.198 ms lat  
progress: 10.0 s, 40294.4 tps, 0.199 ms lat  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
duration: 10 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 376198  
tps = 37618.306553 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 37651.229364 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        0.002222        \setrandom id 1 5000000  
        0.208181        select * from f_id_add(:id);  

接下来使用systemtap来输出每个连接的统计信息, 因为systemtap不支持浮点输出, 所以使用us作为时间单位 :

[root@db-172-16-3-39 ~]# cat test.stp   
global v_starttime, v_time1, v_time2  
probe begin {  
  v_starttime = gettimeofday_us()  
probe process("/home/pg94/pgsql9.4devel/bin/postgres").mark("transaction__start") {  
  us = gettimeofday_us()  
  if (! v_time1[tid()])  
    v_time1[tid()] = us  
   v_time2[execname(),tid()] <<< (us-v_time1[tid()])  
   v_time1[tid()] = us  
probe timer.s(5) {  
  us = gettimeofday_us()  
  foreach ([e,i+] in v_time2) {  
    printf("process:%s, tid:%d, sec:%d, tps:%d, lat:%d\n", e, i, (us-v_starttime)/1000000, @count(v_time2[e,i])/5, @avg(v_time2[e,i]))  
  delete v_time1  
  delete v_time2  

使用pgbench执行压力测试, 将输出时间间隔改为5秒, 输出如下.

pg94@db-172-16-3-39-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -P 5 -c 8 -j 4 -T 60  
progress: 5.0 s, 33871.7 tps, 0.236 ms lat  
progress: 10.0 s, 38076.4 tps, 0.210 ms lat  
progress: 15.0 s, 38758.3 tps, 0.206 ms lat  
progress: 20.0 s, 39018.6 tps, 0.205 ms lat  
progress: 25.0 s, 38915.2 tps, 0.206 ms lat  
progress: 30.0 s, 32252.4 tps, 0.248 ms lat  
progress: 35.0 s, 32478.8 tps, 0.246 ms lat  
progress: 40.0 s, 37543.3 tps, 0.213 ms lat  
progress: 45.0 s, 40086.2 tps, 0.200 ms lat  
progress: 50.0 s, 37702.3 tps, 0.212 ms lat  
progress: 55.0 s, 37713.4 tps, 0.212 ms lat  
progress: 60.0 s, 37763.7 tps, 0.212 ms lat  
transaction type: Custom query  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 8  
number of threads: 4  
duration: 60 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 2220929  
tps = 37015.020029 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 37019.755876 (excluding connections establishing)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
        0.002056        \setrandom id 1 5000000  
        0.212123        select * from f_id_add(:id);  

systemtap输出, 去除开始5秒和末尾5秒, 因为stap启动时间和pgbench启动时间有一定差异 :

可以看到每个连接处理的tps, 以及事务时长. 注意事务时长pgbench时间单位为ms, systemtap这里用了us.


[root@db-172-16-3-39 ~]# stap test.stp   
process:postgres, tid:26808, sec:5, tps:0, lat:0  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:5, tps:3321, lat:220  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:5, tps:3292, lat:222  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:5, tps:3200, lat:228  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:5, tps:2778, lat:263  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:5, tps:2922, lat:249  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:5, tps:3097, lat:235  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:5, tps:2694, lat:270  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:5, tps:2743, lat:266  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:10, tps:5114, lat:195  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:10, tps:4923, lat:203  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:10, tps:4534, lat:220  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:10, tps:4608, lat:216  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:10, tps:4866, lat:205  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:10, tps:4656, lat:214  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:10, tps:4272, lat:234  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:10, tps:4505, lat:221  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:15, tps:5383, lat:185  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:15, tps:4985, lat:200  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:15, tps:4710, lat:212  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:15, tps:4695, lat:212  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:15, tps:4947, lat:202  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:15, tps:4798, lat:208  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:15, tps:4786, lat:208  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:15, tps:4391, lat:227  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:20, tps:5288, lat:189  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:20, tps:5046, lat:198  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:20, tps:4942, lat:202  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:20, tps:4735, lat:211  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:20, tps:4554, lat:219  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:20, tps:4688, lat:213  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:20, tps:4626, lat:216  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:20, tps:5141, lat:194  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:25, tps:5308, lat:188  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:25, tps:4841, lat:206  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:25, tps:4868, lat:205  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:25, tps:5103, lat:195  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:25, tps:4672, lat:213  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:25, tps:4861, lat:205  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:25, tps:4692, lat:213  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:25, tps:4730, lat:211  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:30, tps:4617, lat:216  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:30, tps:4237, lat:235  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:30, tps:4200, lat:238  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:30, tps:3744, lat:267  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:30, tps:3949, lat:253  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:30, tps:4318, lat:231  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:30, tps:4048, lat:246  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:30, tps:4105, lat:243  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:35, tps:4226, lat:236  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:35, tps:3916, lat:255  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:35, tps:3907, lat:255  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:35, tps:3703, lat:269  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:35, tps:3750, lat:266  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:35, tps:4178, lat:239  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:35, tps:3868, lat:258  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:35, tps:4185, lat:238  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:40, tps:4683, lat:213  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:40, tps:4759, lat:210  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:40, tps:4756, lat:210  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:40, tps:4661, lat:214  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:40, tps:4593, lat:217  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:40, tps:4719, lat:211  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:40, tps:4602, lat:217  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:40, tps:4728, lat:211  
process:postgres, tid:7324, sec:45, tps:0, lat:0  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:45, tps:4948, lat:202  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:45, tps:5003, lat:199  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:45, tps:5064, lat:197  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:45, tps:5113, lat:195  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:45, tps:5036, lat:198  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:45, tps:4978, lat:200  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:45, tps:4910, lat:203  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:45, tps:5043, lat:198  
process:postgres, tid:26834, sec:45, tps:0, lat:10867  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:50, tps:4712, lat:212  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:50, tps:4802, lat:208  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:50, tps:4761, lat:209  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:50, tps:4668, lat:214  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:50, tps:4768, lat:209  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:50, tps:4696, lat:212  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:50, tps:4739, lat:210  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:50, tps:4646, lat:215  
process:postgres, tid:26834, sec:50, tps:0, lat:0  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:55, tps:4630, lat:215  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:55, tps:4753, lat:210  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:55, tps:4908, lat:203  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:55, tps:4612, lat:216  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:55, tps:4585, lat:218  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:55, tps:4610, lat:216  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:55, tps:4866, lat:205  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:55, tps:4641, lat:215  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:60, tps:4647, lat:215  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:60, tps:4786, lat:208  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:60, tps:4756, lat:210  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:60, tps:4755, lat:210  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:60, tps:4704, lat:212  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:60, tps:4786, lat:208  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:60, tps:4622, lat:216  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:60, tps:4657, lat:214  
process:postgres, tid:26812, sec:65, tps:1309, lat:204  
process:postgres, tid:26813, sec:65, tps:1220, lat:219  
process:postgres, tid:26814, sec:65, tps:1280, lat:209  
process:postgres, tid:26815, sec:65, tps:1253, lat:214  
process:postgres, tid:26816, sec:65, tps:1299, lat:206  
process:postgres, tid:26817, sec:65, tps:1271, lat:211  
process:postgres, tid:26818, sec:65, tps:1283, lat:209  
process:postgres, tid:26819, sec:65, tps:1256, lat:213  

另外stap跟踪的是postgres进程, 所以checkpoint, vacuum等进程都会被跟踪到, 例如本例输出的

process:postgres, tid:26834, sec:50, tps:0, lat:0  

这个对应的就是auto vacuum 进程 :

2013-09-03 15:58:32.677 CST,,,26834,,522596a4.68d2,1,,2013-09-03 15:58:28 CST,10/3089,141847803,LOG,00000,"automatic analyze of table ""digoal.public.test"" system usage: CPU 0.13s/0.40u sec elapsed 3.97 sec",,,,,,,,"do_analyze_rel, analyze.c:655",""  

systemtap还可以做柱状图统计, 例如统计输出pgbench提交的事务耗时的分布图 :

输出时间范围0-1000us, 间隔50us的耗时柱状图.

[root@db-172-16-3-39 ~]# cat test.stp   
global v_starttime, v_time1, v_time2  
probe begin {  
  v_starttime = gettimeofday_us()  
probe process("/home/pg94/pgsql9.4devel/bin/postgres").mark("transaction__start") {  
  us = gettimeofday_us()  
  if (! v_time1[tid()])  
    v_time1[tid()] = us  
   v_time2[execname(),tid()] <<< (us-v_time1[tid()])  
   v_time1[tid()] = us  
probe timer.s($1) {  
  us = gettimeofday_us()  
  foreach ([e,i+] in v_time2) {  
    printf("process:%s, tid:%d, sec:%d, tps:%d, lat:%d\n", e, i, (us-v_starttime)/1000000, @count(v_time2[e,i])/$1, @avg(v_time2[e,i]))  
    print(@hist_linear(v_time2[e,i], 0, 1000, 50))  
  delete v_time1  
  delete v_time2  

开启pgbench, 进行压力测试.

pg94@db-172-16-3-39-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 4 -T 1000  



[root@db-172-16-3-39 ~]# stap test.stp 5  
process:postgres, tid:27912, sec:5, tps:4798, lat:208  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                       1  
   50 |                                                       0  
  100 |@@@@@@@@                                            2384  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  13313  
  200 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                               5746  
  250 |@@@@@                                               1342  
  300 |@                                                    522  
  350 |                                                     179  
  400 |                                                      82  
  450 |                                                      50  
  500 |                                                      33  
  550 |                                                      36  
  600 |                                                      17  
  650 |                                                      16  
  700 |                                                      22  
  750 |                                                      24  
  800 |                                                      27  
  850 |                                                      21  
  900 |                                                      18  
  950 |                                                      17  
 1000 |                                                      13  
>1000 |                                                     128  
process:postgres, tid:27913, sec:5, tps:5473, lat:182  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                       1  
   50 |                                                       0  
  100 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                 6281  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  16498  
  200 |@@@@@@@@@@                                          3387  
  250 |@                                                    552  
  300 |                                                     302  
  350 |                                                      69  
  400 |                                                      41  
  450 |                                                      25  
  500 |                                                      16  
  550 |                                                      16  
  600 |                                                      25  
  650 |                                                      11  
  700 |                                                      17  
  750 |                                                      12  
  800 |                                                      12  
  850 |                                                      10  
  900 |                                                      14  
  950 |                                                      13  
 1000 |                                                      14  
>1000 |                                                      53  
process:postgres, tid:27914, sec:5, tps:4626, lat:216  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                       1  
   50 |                                                       0  
  100 |@@@@@@                                              1594  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  12477  
  200 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                            6247  
  250 |@@@@@@                                              1683  
  300 |@@                                                   542  
  350 |                                                     164  
  400 |                                                      73  
  450 |                                                      32  
  500 |                                                      19  
  550 |                                                      15  
  600 |                                                      11  
  650 |                                                      16  
  700 |                                                      16  
  750 |                                                      10  
  800 |                                                      11  
  850 |                                                       9  
  900 |                                                      16  
  950 |                                                      17  
 1000 |                                                      13  
>1000 |                                                     168  
process:postgres, tid:27915, sec:5, tps:5442, lat:183  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                       1  
   50 |                                                       0  
  100 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                       4877  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  17806  
  200 |@@@@@@@@                                            3072  
  250 |@@                                                   759  
  300 |                                                     340  
  350 |                                                      90  
  400 |                                                      40  
  450 |                                                      20  
  500 |                                                      14  
  550 |                                                      15  
  600 |                                                      24  
  650 |                                                      14  
  700 |                                                      15  
  750 |                                                      12  
  800 |                                                      17  
  850 |                                                      14  
  900 |                                                      17  
  950 |                                                      11  
 1000 |                                                       9  
>1000 |                                                      45  
process:postgres, tid:27916, sec:5, tps:5435, lat:183  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                       1  
   50 |                                                       0  
  100 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                   5777  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  16422  
  200 |@@@@@@@@@@                                          3578  
  250 |@@                                                   687  
  300 |@                                                    348  
  350 |                                                     103  
  400 |                                                      50  
  450 |                                                      20  
  500 |                                                      15  
  550 |                                                      12  
  600 |                                                      16  
  650 |                                                      19  
  700 |                                                      10  
  750 |                                                      11  
  800 |                                                      11  
  850 |                                                      12  
  900 |                                                      13  
  950 |                                                      11  
 1000 |                                                       9  
>1000 |                                                      51  
process:postgres, tid:27917, sec:5, tps:4092, lat:244  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                      1  
   50 |                                                      0  
  100 |@@@@@@@                                            1193  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@        6921  
  200 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  7957  
  250 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                3088  
  300 |@@@                                                 493  
  350 |                                                    123  
  400 |                                                     57  
  450 |                                                     33  
  500 |                                                     29  
  550 |                                                     28  
  600 |                                                     15  
  650 |                                                     26  
  700 |                                                     30  
  750 |                                                     16  
  800 |                                                     40  
  850 |                                                     38  
  900 |                                                     13  
  950 |                                                     20  
 1000 |                                                     26  
>1000 |@                                                   313  
process:postgres, tid:27918, sec:5, tps:4475, lat:223  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                      1  
   50 |                                                      0  
  100 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                      2712  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  9720  
  200 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@              7403  
  250 |@@@@@@@                                            1434  
  300 |@@                                                  391  
  350 |                                                    106  
  400 |                                                     64  
  450 |                                                     30  
  500 |                                                     23  
  550 |                                                     23  
  600 |                                                     20  
  650 |                                                     46  
  700 |                                                     27  
  750 |                                                     18  
  800 |                                                     23  
  850 |                                                     27  
  900 |                                                     17  
  950 |                                                     21  
 1000 |                                                     20  
>1000 |@                                                   250  
process:postgres, tid:27919, sec:5, tps:5470, lat:182  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                       1  
   50 |                                                       0  
  100 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                       4936  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  18122  
  200 |@@@@@@@@                                            2939  
  250 |@                                                    682  
  300 |                                                     355  
  350 |                                                      91  
  400 |                                                      34  
  450 |                                                      19  
  500 |                                                      11  
  550 |                                                      17  
  600 |                                                      18  
  650 |                                                      14  
  700 |                                                      15  
  750 |                                                       7  
  800 |                                                      11  
  850 |                                                       6  
  900 |                                                      12  
  950 |                                                       8  
 1000 |                                                       8  
>1000 |                                                      48  
process:postgres, tid:27977, sec:5, tps:0, lat:0  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |@                                                  1  
   50 |                                                   0  
  100 |                                                   0  

查看总的柱状图, 不分连接.

[root@db-172-16-3-39 ~]# cat test.stp   
global v_starttime, v_time1, v_time2  
probe begin {  
  v_starttime = gettimeofday_us()  
probe process("/home/pg94/pgsql9.4devel/bin/postgres").mark("transaction__start") {  
  us = gettimeofday_us()  
  if (! v_time1[tid()])  
    v_time1[tid()] = us  
   v_time2 <<< (us-v_time1[tid()])  
   v_time1[tid()] = us  
probe timer.s($1) {  
  us = gettimeofday_us()  
    printf("sec:%d, tps:%d, lat:%d\n", (us-v_starttime)/1000000, @count(v_time2)/$1, @avg(v_time2))  
    print(@hist_linear(v_time2, 0, 1000, 50))  
  delete v_time1  
  delete v_time2  


[root@db-172-16-3-39 ~]# stap test.stp 5  
sec:5, tps:37929, lat:210  
value |-------------------------------------------------- count  
    0 |                                                        8  
   50 |                                                        0  
  100 |                                                     2172  
  150 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  112183  
  200 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                              49877  
  250 |@@@@                                                 9449  
  300 |@@@@                                                10530  
  350 |@                                                    3331  
  400 |                                                      584  
  450 |                                                      570  
  500 |                                                      264  
  550 |                                                       98  
  600 |                                                       89  
  650 |                                                      111  
  700 |                                                       50  
  750 |                                                       44  
  800 |                                                       43  
  850 |                                                       30  
  900 |                                                       29  
  950 |                                                       46  
 1000 |                                                       27  
>1000 |                                                      113  









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