PostgreSQL xid(int4) to txid(int8)

6 minute read


这篇BLOG的起源还是MVCC,PostgreSQL很多东西都是围绕 MVCC展开的。所以建议可以阅读一下手册的相关部分,另外我之前也写过几篇和MVCC相关的BLOG,有兴趣的朋友可以浏览一下。



到数据库里面查询,果真如此 :

digoal=# select txid_current();  
(1 row)  


我们先来看看数据库里面xid类型的定义 :

digoal=# select * from pg_type where typname='xid';  
 typname | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | typcategory | typispreferred | typisdefined | typdelim | typrelid  
 | typelem | typarray | typinput | typoutput | typreceive | typsend | typmodin | typmodout | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | ty  
pnotnull | typbasetype | typtypmod | typndims | typdefaultbin | typdefault   
 xid     |           11 |       10 |      4 | t        | b       | U           | f              | t            | ,        |        0  
 |       0 |     1011 | xidin    | xidout    | xidrecv    | xidsend | -        | -         | -          | i        | p          | f   
         |           0 |        -1 |        0 |               |   
(1 row)  


然后来看看 txid_current()这个函数返回的结果是什么类型 :

digoal=# \df+ txid_current  
                                                                     List of functions  
   Schema   |     Name     | Result data type | Argument data types |  Type  | Volatility |  Owner   | Language | Source code  |      
 pg_catalog | txid_current | bigint           |                     | normal | stable     | postgres | internal | txid_current | get  
 current transaction ID  
(1 row)  



手册中有指出 :

The internal transaction ID type (xid) is 32 bits wide and wraps around every 4 billion transactions. However, these functions export a 64-bit format that is extended with an"epoch" counter so it will not wrap around during the life of an installation.  


Get txid from pg_controldata’s output


关于这个函数返回的值,源码文件txid.c有这样一段 :

 *      Export internal transaction IDs to user level.  
 * Note that only top-level transaction IDs are ever converted to TXID.  
 * This is important because TXIDs frequently persist beyond the global  
 * xmin horizon, or may even be shipped to other machines, so we cannot  
 * rely on being able to correlate subtransaction IDs with their parents  
 * via functions such as SubTransGetTopmostTransaction().  
/* txid will be signed int8 in database, so must limit to 63 bits */  
 * do a TransactionId -> txid conversion for an XID near the given epoch  
static txid  
convert_xid(TransactionId xid, const TxidEpoch *state)  
        uint64          epoch;  
        /* return special xid's as-is */  
        if (!TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))  
                return (txid) xid;  
        /* xid can be on either side when near wrap-around */  
        epoch = (uint64) state->epoch;  
        if (xid > state->last_xid &&  
                TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, state->last_xid))  
        else if (xid < state->last_xid &&  
                         TransactionIdFollows(xid, state->last_xid))  
        return (epoch << 32) | xid;  


digoal=# create table txid_test(id int);  
digoal=# insert into txid_test values (1);  
INSERT 0 1  
digoal=# insert into txid_test values (2);  
INSERT 0 1  
digoal=# insert into txid_test values (3);  
INSERT 0 1  
digoal=# select relfrozenxid,age(relfrozenxid) from pg_class where relname='txid_test';  
 relfrozenxid |  age     
   3070449946 | 361154  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select id,age(xmin),xmin,txid_current() from txid_test ;  
 id |  age  |    xmin    | txid_current   
  1 | 16578 | 3070798309 |  11660749479  
  2 | 14431 | 3070800456 |  11660749479  
  3 | 13595 | 3070801292 |  11660749479  
(3 rows)  
digoal=# vacuum full txid_test ;  
digoal=# select relfrozenxid,age(relfrozenxid) from pg_class where relname='txid_test';  
 relfrozenxid |  age     
   3070449946 | 386485  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select id,age(xmin),xmin,txid_current() from txid_test ;  
 id |  age  |    xmin    | txid_current   
  1 | 46133 | 3070798309 |  11660779034  
  2 | 43986 | 3070800456 |  11660779034  
  3 | 43150 | 3070801292 |  11660779034  
(3 rows)  

vacuum full并没有对xmin进行修改,原因是这个表的relfrozenxid 的年龄未达到触发freeze事件 (默认是5000W).


digoal=# vacuum full freeze txid_test ;   
digoal=# select relfrozenxid from pg_class where relname='txid_test';  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select id,age(xmin),xmin,txid_current() from txid_test ;  
 id |    age     | xmin | txid_current   
  1 | 2147483647 |    2 |  11660042643  
  2 | 2147483647 |    2 |  11660042643  
  3 | 2147483647 |    2 |  11660042643  
(3 rows)  


另外需要注意的是,freeze后的tuple, xmin 变成了一个FrozenXID,这个XID不参与比较,始终认为这个ID比其他的XID老,所以用 age 去计算始终显示 2147483647 。



这个示例和前面是一样的,只是凸显了set vacuum_freeze_min_age=0;的效果。

digoal=# delete from txid_test ;  
digoal=# alter table txid_test set (autovacuum_freeze_min_age=0);  
digoal=# insert into txid_test values (1);  
INSERT 0 1  
digoal=# insert into txid_test values (2);  
INSERT 0 1  
digoal=# insert into txid_test values (3);  
INSERT 0 1  
digoal=# select relfrozenxid,age(relfrozenxid) from pg_class where relname='txid_test';  
 relfrozenxid |  age     
   3070449946 | 852352  
(1 row)  
digoal=# vacuum full txid_test;  
digoal=# select relfrozenxid,age(relfrozenxid) from pg_class where relname='txid_test';  
 relfrozenxid |  age     
   3070449946 | 859567  
(1 row)  
digoal=# select id,age(xmin),xmin,txid_current() from txid_test ;  
 id |  age  |    xmin    | txid_current   
  1 | 19165 | 3071293757 |  11661247514  
  2 | 17484 | 3071295438 |  11661247514  
  3 | 16902 | 3071296020 |  11661247514  
(3 rows)  


digoal=# set vacuum_freeze_min_age=0;  
digoal=# vacuum full txid_test ;  
digoal=# select id,age(xmin),xmin,txid_current() from txid_test ;  
 id |    age     | xmin | txid_current   
  1 | 2147483647 |    2 |  11661255866  
  2 | 2147483647 |    2 |  11661255866  
  3 | 2147483647 |    2 |  11661255866  
(3 rows)  



参数 :

vacuum_freeze_min_age (integer)  

Specifies the cutoff age (in transactions) that VACUUM should use to decide whether to replace transaction IDs with FrozenXID while scanning a table. 
The default is 50 million transactions.   

vacuum 加上freeze参数解释 :

Selects aggressive "freezing" of tuples. Specifying FREEZE is equivalent to performing VACUUM with the vacuum_freeze_min_age parameter set to zero.  

系统表pg_class的relfrozenxid列的解释 :

All transaction IDs before this one have been replaced with a permanent ("frozen") transaction ID in this table.   
This is used to track whether the table needs to be vacuumed in order to prevent transaction ID wraparound or to allow pg_clog to be shrunk.   
Zero (InvalidTransactionId) if the relation is not a table.  

涉及到txid的系统函数 :

The functions shown in Table 9-52 provide server transaction information in an exportable form.

he main use of these functions is to determine which transactions were committed between two snapshots.

Table 9-52. Transaction IDs and Snapshots

Name Return Type Description
txid_current() bigint get current transaction ID
txid_current_snapshot() txid_snapshot get current snapshot
txid_snapshot_xip(txid_snapshot) setof bigint get in-progress transaction IDs in snapshot
txid_snapshot_xmax(txid_snapshot) bigint get xmax of snapshot
txid_snapshot_xmin(txid_snapshot) bigint get xmin of snapshot
txid_visible_in_snapshot(bigint, txid_snapshot) boolean is transaction ID visible in snapshot? (do not use with subtransaction ids)

The internal transaction ID type (xid) is 32 bits wide and wraps around every 4 billion transactions.

However, these functions export a 64-bit format that is extended with an”epoch” counter so it will not wrap around during the life of an installation.

The data type used by these functions, txid_snapshot, stores information about transaction ID visibility at a particular moment in time.

Its components are described in Table 9-53.

Table 9-53. Snapshot Components

Name Description
xmin Earliest transaction ID (txid) that is still active. All earlier transactions will either be committed and visible, or rolled back and dead.
xmax First as-yet-unassigned txid. All txids greater than or equal to this are not yet started as of the time of the snapshot, and thus invisible.
xip_list Active txids at the time of the snapshot. The list includes only those active txids between xmin and xmax; there might be active txids higher than xmax. A txid that isxmin <= txid < xmax and not in this list was already completed at the time of the snapshot, and thus either visible or dead according to its commit status. The list does not include txids of subtransactions.
txid_snapshot's textual representation is xmin:xmax:xip_list.   
For example 10:20:10,14,15 means xmin=10, xmax=20, xip_list=10, 14, 15.  

截取自pg_resetxlog man page :

           The transaction ID epoch is not actually stored anywhere in the database except in the field that is set by  
           pg_resetxlog, so any value will work so far as the database itself is concerned. You might need to adjust  
           this value to ensure that replication systems such as Slony-I work correctly — if so, an appropriate value  
           should be obtainable from the state of the downstream replicated database.  

那么如何得知数据库集群的epoch呢? 这个数据在控制文件中.

pg_controldata $PGDATA  
Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0/136923  




        printf(_("Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          %u/%u\n"),  


typedef struct CheckPoint  
        XLogRecPtr      redo;                   /* next RecPtr available when we began to  
                                                                 * create CheckPoint (i.e. REDO start point) */  
        TimeLineID      ThisTimeLineID; /* current TLI */  
        TimeLineID      PrevTimeLineID; /* previous TLI, if this record begins a new  
                                                                 * timeline (equals ThisTimeLineID otherwise) */  
        bool            fullPageWrites; /* current full_page_writes */  
        uint32          nextXidEpoch;   /* higher-order bits of nextXid */  



man pg_resetxlog

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